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QuestionHow do I expose the LoadCompleted method in the WebBrowser class in WPF C#? Pin
Xarzu27-Oct-12 19:00
Xarzu27-Oct-12 19:00 
AnswerRe: How do I expose the LoadCompleted method in the WebBrowser class in WPF C#? Pin
OriginalGriff27-Oct-12 22:14
mveOriginalGriff27-Oct-12 22:14 
AnswerRe: How do I expose the LoadCompleted method in the WebBrowser class in WPF C#? Pin
Richard MacCutchan28-Oct-12 0:21
mveRichard MacCutchan28-Oct-12 0:21 
QuestionHow to convert a string to an unique numeric value? Pin
gibsray27-Oct-12 1:09
gibsray27-Oct-12 1:09 
AnswerRe: How to convert a string to an unique numeric value? Pin
Alan N27-Oct-12 2:12
Alan N27-Oct-12 2:12 
AnswerRe: How to convert a string to an unique numeric value? Pin
Clifford Nelson29-Oct-12 9:56
Clifford Nelson29-Oct-12 9:56 
AnswerRe: How to convert a string to an unique numeric value? Pin
BobJanova29-Oct-12 23:39
BobJanova29-Oct-12 23:39 
QuestionWould you use a custom enumerator? Pin
DaveyM6926-Oct-12 21:40
professionalDaveyM6926-Oct-12 21:40 
I have a bunch of different structs that implement IMyType. I also have some more advanced structs that are essentially containers for x number of IMyType instances (they are not lists). They need to be iterated so I am implementing IEnumerable<IMyType>. At the moment I have made a custom enumerator that has a params IMyType[] myTypes parameter in the contructor and using this type of code in the IEnumerable structs:
public IEnumerator<IMyType> GetEnumerator()
    return new MyTypeEnumerator(
        new IMyType[] { 
            new MyType(...), 
            new MyTypeOther(...) });

This works fine but I've been considering getting rid of the MyTypeEnumerator and using this instead:
public IEnumerator<IMyType> GetEnumerator()
    IEnumerable<IMyType> collection = new IMyType[] { 
        new MyType(...), 
        new MyTypeOther(...) };
    return collection.GetEnumerator();

Obviously both work just fine and are pretty much identical. Which would you prefer?

Edit: Alternatively, I could just use return new MyTypeEnumerator(this); and let the MyTypeEnumerator take care of it. I don't like that idea - ignore

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BTW, in software, hope and pray is not a viable strategy. (Luc Pattyn)

modified 27-Oct-12 10:19am.

AnswerRe: Would you use a custom enumerator? Pin
BobJanova29-Oct-12 0:32
BobJanova29-Oct-12 0:32 
GeneralRe: Would you use a custom enumerator? Pin
DaveyM6929-Oct-12 1:57
professionalDaveyM6929-Oct-12 1:57 
GeneralRe: Would you use a custom enumerator? Pin
BobJanova29-Oct-12 3:41
BobJanova29-Oct-12 3:41 
GeneralRe: Would you use a custom enumerator? Pin
DaveyM6929-Oct-12 11:00
professionalDaveyM6929-Oct-12 11:00 
AnswerRe: Would you use a custom enumerator? Pin
Richard Deeming29-Oct-12 2:17
mveRichard Deeming29-Oct-12 2:17 
GeneralRe: Would you use a custom enumerator? Pin
DaveyM6929-Oct-12 5:19
professionalDaveyM6929-Oct-12 5:19 
AnswerRe: Would you use a custom enumerator? Pin
Clifford Nelson29-Oct-12 8:52
Clifford Nelson29-Oct-12 8:52 
GeneralRe: Would you use a custom enumerator? Pin
DaveyM6929-Oct-12 10:45
professionalDaveyM6929-Oct-12 10:45 
Questionhow can we add a reference in project programmatically?? Pin
prani_partner26-Oct-12 19:45
prani_partner26-Oct-12 19:45 
AnswerRe: how can we add a reference in project programmatically?? Pin
Dave Kreskowiak27-Oct-12 3:37
mveDave Kreskowiak27-Oct-12 3:37 
AnswerRe: how can we add a reference in project programmatically?? Pin
Eddy Vluggen27-Oct-12 4:24
professionalEddy Vluggen27-Oct-12 4:24 
AnswerRe: how can we add a reference in project programmatically?? Pin
Clifford Nelson29-Oct-12 13:54
Clifford Nelson29-Oct-12 13:54 
QuestionApp Without Installation Pin
C-P-User-326-Oct-12 10:33
C-P-User-326-Oct-12 10:33 
AnswerRe: App Without Installation Pin
Ravi Bhavnani26-Oct-12 10:41
professionalRavi Bhavnani26-Oct-12 10:41 
AnswerRe: App Without Installation Pin
Clifford Nelson26-Oct-12 12:11
Clifford Nelson26-Oct-12 12:11 
AnswerRe: App Without Installation Pin
Eddy Vluggen27-Oct-12 4:28
professionalEddy Vluggen27-Oct-12 4:28 
QuestionBest way for 'OK' and 'Cancel' button implementation in a modal dialog Pin
Praveen Raghuvanshi26-Oct-12 9:40
professionalPraveen Raghuvanshi26-Oct-12 9:40 

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