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GeneralRe: From WinForms to WPF and XAML problem with properties (not Dependency)... Pin
User 224816825-Oct-12 22:03
User 224816825-Oct-12 22:03 
GeneralRe: From WinForms to WPF and XAML problem with properties (not Dependency)... Pin
Pete O'Hanlon25-Oct-12 22:09
mvePete O'Hanlon25-Oct-12 22:09 
GeneralRe: From WinForms to WPF and XAML problem with properties (not Dependency)... Pin
User 224816825-Oct-12 22:35
User 224816825-Oct-12 22:35 
AnswerRe: From WinForms to WPF and XAML problem with properties (not Dependency)... Pin
User 224816825-Oct-12 4:00
User 224816825-Oct-12 4:00 
AnswerRe: From WinForms to WPF and XAML problem with properties (not Dependency)... Pin
User 224816829-Oct-12 22:59
User 224816829-Oct-12 22:59 
QuestionCollectionViewSource filteration Pin
Member 787462222-Oct-12 22:57
Member 787462222-Oct-12 22:57 
AnswerRe: CollectionViewSource filteration Pin
Mycroft Holmes23-Oct-12 0:38
professionalMycroft Holmes23-Oct-12 0:38 
QuestionTrouble decoding an image Pin
MitchG92_2422-Oct-12 22:56
MitchG92_2422-Oct-12 22:56 
Hi all,

I have a WPF application that needs to be universal across XP, Vista, Win 7 and Win 8. I have it working on all apart from XP, the reason it doesn't work is I get an error message

The image decoder cannot decode the image. The image might be corrupted

The error is being caused by the image I have the MainWindows Icon property. The image is a .ico file which resides in my resources.

I would suspect that the image is corrupted except when I run it on all other OS's I have no problems. Has anyone ever come across any problems with XP struggling to accept a .ico image? and if so how do you suggest I go about this?

AnswerRe: Trouble decoding an image Pin
Bernhard Hiller26-Oct-12 2:33
Bernhard Hiller26-Oct-12 2:33 
GeneralRe: Trouble decoding an image Pin
MitchG92_2429-Oct-12 4:11
MitchG92_2429-Oct-12 4:11 
QuestionHow does Wcf Ria Services connect Access? Pin
Apocalypse Now21-Oct-12 22:42
Apocalypse Now21-Oct-12 22:42 
QuestionMVVM & Collections of Collections Pin
cjb11021-Oct-12 22:13
cjb11021-Oct-12 22:13 
AnswerRe: MVVM & Collections of Collections Pin
SledgeHammer0122-Oct-12 9:44
SledgeHammer0122-Oct-12 9:44 
GeneralRe: MVVM & Collections of Collections Pin
cjb11022-Oct-12 22:01
cjb11022-Oct-12 22:01 
GeneralRe: MVVM & Collections of Collections Pin
SledgeHammer0123-Oct-12 6:34
SledgeHammer0123-Oct-12 6:34 
QuestionSilverlight on Linux(Ubuntu) Pin
anil03318-Oct-12 4:39
anil03318-Oct-12 4:39 
AnswerRe: Silverlight on Linux(Ubuntu) Pin
Mycroft Holmes18-Oct-12 17:18
professionalMycroft Holmes18-Oct-12 17:18 
GeneralRe: Silverlight on Linux(Ubuntu) Pin
ThatsAlok19-Oct-12 2:07
ThatsAlok19-Oct-12 2:07 
GeneralRe: Silverlight on Linux(Ubuntu) Pin
Mycroft Holmes19-Oct-12 13:31
professionalMycroft Holmes19-Oct-12 13:31 
AnswerRe: Silverlight on Linux(Ubuntu) Pin
ThatsAlok21-Oct-12 1:52
ThatsAlok21-Oct-12 1:52 
GeneralRe: Silverlight on Linux(Ubuntu) Pin
trønderen12-Dec-12 11:50
trønderen12-Dec-12 11:50 
GeneralRe: Silverlight on Linux(Ubuntu) Pin
Mycroft Holmes12-Dec-12 13:19
professionalMycroft Holmes12-Dec-12 13:19 
QuestionForm_Load equivalent from C#.Silverlight Pin
wizshrutz15-Oct-12 17:54
wizshrutz15-Oct-12 17:54 
AnswerRe: Form_Load equivalent from C#.Silverlight Pin
Abhinav S15-Oct-12 18:09
Abhinav S15-Oct-12 18:09 
AnswerRe: Form_Load equivalent from C#.Silverlight Pin
dbaseman23-Oct-12 17:01
dbaseman23-Oct-12 17:01 

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