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GeneralAdding MDAC and .net framework redistribution to an application. Pin
Anonymous28-Feb-03 9:58
Anonymous28-Feb-03 9:58 
GeneralRe: Adding MDAC and .net framework redistribution to an application. Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.28-Feb-03 20:15
Stephane Rodriguez.28-Feb-03 20:15 
GeneralOwnerDraw TreeView: OnPaint(...) Pin
STW28-Feb-03 4:49
STW28-Feb-03 4:49 
GeneralRe: OwnerDraw TreeView: OnPaint(...) Pin
Carlos H. Perez28-Feb-03 8:59
Carlos H. Perez28-Feb-03 8:59 
GeneralRe: OwnerDraw TreeView: OnPaint(...) Pin
STW28-Feb-03 23:55
STW28-Feb-03 23:55 
GeneralRe: OwnerDraw TreeView: OnPaint(...) Pin
Anonymous5-Mar-03 8:39
Anonymous5-Mar-03 8:39 
GeneralRe: OwnerDraw TreeView: OnPaint(...) Pin
Anonymous8-Mar-03 1:22
Anonymous8-Mar-03 1:22 
GeneralRe: OwnerDraw TreeView: OnPaint(...) Pin
STW8-Mar-03 5:56
STW8-Mar-03 5:56 
Little problem: I copied your code and made my own TreeNodePainting. When I startup my application I want to select the first node; the first node is selected but not painted in the Focused Colors. When I click into the TreeView (where no nodes are) then the first node is selected. Can you help me what that could be and how to resolve this problem?

GeneralReally annyone event fire order... Pin
Anonymous28-Feb-03 4:14
Anonymous28-Feb-03 4:14 
GeneralRe: Really annyone event fire order... Pin
Paul Riley28-Feb-03 4:22
Paul Riley28-Feb-03 4:22 
GeneralRe: Really annyone event fire order... Pin
James T. Johnson28-Feb-03 4:49
James T. Johnson28-Feb-03 4:49 
GeneralI'm look for a Treeview flicker free and owner draw Pin
STW28-Feb-03 4:12
STW28-Feb-03 4:12 
Questionis this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv1828-Feb-03 2:07
jtmtv1828-Feb-03 2:07 
AnswerRe: is this one possible ? Pin
leppie1-Mar-03 0:00
leppie1-Mar-03 0:00 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv181-Mar-03 10:58
jtmtv181-Mar-03 10:58 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
leppie1-Mar-03 11:23
leppie1-Mar-03 11:23 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv181-Mar-03 11:46
jtmtv181-Mar-03 11:46 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
leppie1-Mar-03 21:36
leppie1-Mar-03 21:36 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv181-Mar-03 22:50
jtmtv181-Mar-03 22:50 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
leppie1-Mar-03 23:16
leppie1-Mar-03 23:16 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv181-Mar-03 23:26
jtmtv181-Mar-03 23:26 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
leppie1-Mar-03 23:30
leppie1-Mar-03 23:30 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv181-Mar-03 23:42
jtmtv181-Mar-03 23:42 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
leppie2-Mar-03 2:43
leppie2-Mar-03 2:43 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv182-Mar-03 11:56
jtmtv182-Mar-03 11:56 

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