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AnswerRe: Help File Authoring Pin
Bernhard Hiller10-Sep-12 22:07
Bernhard Hiller10-Sep-12 22:07 
AnswerRe: Help File Authoring Pin
BobJanova11-Sep-12 0:26
BobJanova11-Sep-12 0:26 
QuestionSystem.AccessViolationException openfiledialog win7 Pin
Rahul Sabharwal10-Sep-12 1:29
Rahul Sabharwal10-Sep-12 1:29 
AnswerRe: System.AccessViolationException openfiledialog win7 Pin
Eddy Vluggen10-Sep-12 1:40
professionalEddy Vluggen10-Sep-12 1:40 
GeneralRe: System.AccessViolationException openfiledialog win7 Pin
Rahul Sabharwal10-Sep-12 1:47
Rahul Sabharwal10-Sep-12 1:47 
GeneralRe: System.AccessViolationException openfiledialog win7 Pin
Eddy Vluggen10-Sep-12 2:31
professionalEddy Vluggen10-Sep-12 2:31 
QuestionNamedPipeServerStream.GetAccessControl Pin
True_Posi10-Sep-12 0:10
True_Posi10-Sep-12 0:10 
AnswerRe: NamedPipeServerStream.GetAccessControl Pin
Eddy Vluggen10-Sep-12 1:43
professionalEddy Vluggen10-Sep-12 1:43 
True_Posi wrote:
Is it possible to establish connection between without beeing Administrator?

It is according to the docs[^]; take a look at the end of the page, the section called "community content".
Bastard Programmer from Hell Suspicious | :suss:
if you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]

GeneralRe: NamedPipeServerStream.GetAccessControl Pin
True_Posi10-Sep-12 2:25
True_Posi10-Sep-12 2:25 
GeneralRe: NamedPipeServerStream.GetAccessControl Pin
Eddy Vluggen10-Sep-12 2:42
professionalEddy Vluggen10-Sep-12 2:42 
GeneralRe: NamedPipeServerStream.GetAccessControl Pin
True_Posi10-Sep-12 3:11
True_Posi10-Sep-12 3:11 
QuestionWhere clause in subcollection Pin
Mark Vloerjans9-Sep-12 21:18
Mark Vloerjans9-Sep-12 21:18 
QuestionRe: Where clause in subcollection Pin
Wayne Gaylard10-Sep-12 1:12
professionalWayne Gaylard10-Sep-12 1:12 
AnswerRe: Where clause in subcollection Pin
Pete O'Hanlon10-Sep-12 1:51
mvePete O'Hanlon10-Sep-12 1:51 
AnswerRe: Where clause in subcollection Pin
BobJanova11-Sep-12 0:31
BobJanova11-Sep-12 0:31 
QuestionHow to convert HTML file to Excel in C# Pin
atma0019-Sep-12 20:29
atma0019-Sep-12 20:29 
AnswerRe: How to convert HTML file to Excel in C# Pin
Eddy Vluggen9-Sep-12 22:14
professionalEddy Vluggen9-Sep-12 22:14 
GeneralRe: How to convert HTML file to Excel in C# Pin
atma00110-Sep-12 6:32
atma00110-Sep-12 6:32 
GeneralRe: How to convert HTML file to Excel in C# Pin
Eddy Vluggen11-Sep-12 1:42
professionalEddy Vluggen11-Sep-12 1:42 
Questionhow can i create an interface for crystal report at user end Pin
rajeeshsays9-Sep-12 13:26
rajeeshsays9-Sep-12 13:26 
AnswerCross post Pin
Wes Aday9-Sep-12 13:59
professionalWes Aday9-Sep-12 13:59 
AnswerRe: how can i create an interface for crystal report at user end Pin
PIEBALDconsult9-Sep-12 19:42
mvePIEBALDconsult9-Sep-12 19:42 
QuestionWindows 7 and task bar - left side in C# Pin
fakir4459-Sep-12 12:25
fakir4459-Sep-12 12:25 
AnswerRe: Windows 7 and task bar - left side in C# Pin
Mycroft Holmes9-Sep-12 14:31
professionalMycroft Holmes9-Sep-12 14:31 
AnswerRe: Windows 7 and task bar - left side in C# Pin
DaveyM6910-Sep-12 2:09
professionalDaveyM6910-Sep-12 2:09 

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