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GeneralRe: Why not display the image in the PICTUREBOX Pin
yu-jian6-Sep-12 15:18
yu-jian6-Sep-12 15:18 
AnswerRe: Why not display the image in the PICTUREBOX Pin
Alan Balkany6-Sep-12 5:04
Alan Balkany6-Sep-12 5:04 
GeneralRe: Why not display the image in the PICTUREBOX Pin
yu-jian6-Sep-12 5:22
yu-jian6-Sep-12 5:22 
QuestionDisable smooth scrolling for CRichEditCtrl Pin
Gernot Frisch4-Sep-12 22:41
Gernot Frisch4-Sep-12 22:41 
QuestionRe: Disable smooth scrolling for CRichEditCtrl Pin
Richard MacCutchan4-Sep-12 23:53
mveRichard MacCutchan4-Sep-12 23:53 
AnswerRe: Disable smooth scrolling for CRichEditCtrl Pin
Gernot Frisch5-Sep-12 0:25
Gernot Frisch5-Sep-12 0:25 
GeneralRe: Disable smooth scrolling for CRichEditCtrl Pin
Richard MacCutchan5-Sep-12 2:29
mveRichard MacCutchan5-Sep-12 2:29 
Questionhow to identify the drive type? Pin
VCProgrammer4-Sep-12 19:21
VCProgrammer4-Sep-12 19:21 
hi all,

i am getting all drives list connected in my system.

as list of logical drive and physical drive.

for logical drives i m using GetLogicalDrives()

and for physical drives using com with this query "Win32_DiskDrive".

but how can i indetify which drive is external drive in out of all drive for both logical and physical.

please help me for this.

thank in advance.
AnswerRe: how to identify the drive type? Pin
Richard MacCutchan4-Sep-12 22:08
mveRichard MacCutchan4-Sep-12 22:08 
GeneralRe: how to identify the drive type? Pin
VCProgrammer4-Sep-12 22:15
VCProgrammer4-Sep-12 22:15 
GeneralRe: how to identify the drive type? Pin
Richard MacCutchan4-Sep-12 23:00
mveRichard MacCutchan4-Sep-12 23:00 
GeneralRe: how to identify the drive type? Pin
VCProgrammer5-Sep-12 2:54
VCProgrammer5-Sep-12 2:54 
GeneralRe: how to identify the drive type? Pin
Richard MacCutchan5-Sep-12 3:06
mveRichard MacCutchan5-Sep-12 3:06 
GeneralRe: how to identify the drive type? Pin
VCProgrammer5-Sep-12 21:36
VCProgrammer5-Sep-12 21:36 
GeneralRe: how to identify the drive type? Pin
Richard MacCutchan5-Sep-12 23:12
mveRichard MacCutchan5-Sep-12 23:12 
GeneralRe: how to identify the drive type? Pin
VCProgrammer12-Sep-12 23:16
VCProgrammer12-Sep-12 23:16 
QuestionHelp with threads Pin
AndrewG12314-Sep-12 9:31
AndrewG12314-Sep-12 9:31 
AnswerRe: Help with threads Pin
pasztorpisti4-Sep-12 10:01
pasztorpisti4-Sep-12 10:01 
SuggestionRe: Help with threads Pin
David Crow4-Sep-12 10:09
David Crow4-Sep-12 10:09 
GeneralRe: Help with threads Pin
AndrewG12314-Sep-12 10:17
AndrewG12314-Sep-12 10:17 
SuggestionRe: Help with threads Pin
pasztorpisti4-Sep-12 12:09
pasztorpisti4-Sep-12 12:09 
QuestionRe: Help with threads Pin
AndrewG12314-Sep-12 13:37
AndrewG12314-Sep-12 13:37 
AnswerRe: Help with threads Pin
pasztorpisti4-Sep-12 14:18
pasztorpisti4-Sep-12 14:18 
GeneralRe: Help with threads Pin
Joe Woodbury4-Sep-12 17:16
professionalJoe Woodbury4-Sep-12 17:16 
GeneralRe: Help with threads Pin
pasztorpisti4-Sep-12 22:33
pasztorpisti4-Sep-12 22:33 

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