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GeneralRe: Regular Expression question Pin
Daniel Turini2-Mar-03 2:47
Daniel Turini2-Mar-03 2:47 
GeneralSaving Treeview/Listview selections Pin
vlusardi28-Feb-03 10:06
vlusardi28-Feb-03 10:06 
GeneralRe: Saving Treeview/Listview selections Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.28-Feb-03 20:22
Stephane Rodriguez.28-Feb-03 20:22 
GeneralAdding MDAC and .net framework redistribution to an application. Pin
Anonymous28-Feb-03 9:58
Anonymous28-Feb-03 9:58 
GeneralRe: Adding MDAC and .net framework redistribution to an application. Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.28-Feb-03 20:15
Stephane Rodriguez.28-Feb-03 20:15 
GeneralOwnerDraw TreeView: OnPaint(...) Pin
STW28-Feb-03 4:49
STW28-Feb-03 4:49 
GeneralRe: OwnerDraw TreeView: OnPaint(...) Pin
Carlos H. Perez28-Feb-03 8:59
Carlos H. Perez28-Feb-03 8:59 
GeneralRe: OwnerDraw TreeView: OnPaint(...) Pin
STW28-Feb-03 23:55
STW28-Feb-03 23:55 
Thank you very much for answer!
I found now a Sample Solution which seams to be good.
So I will try it with CustomDraw with WndProc(..). But I fear that it will flicker.
It's really a problem that .NET not supplies OnDrawItem and OnMeasureItem for TreeView; that's why I have problems to solve it. I cannot understand this. OwnerDraw is - as I mean - often used; so why these Microsoft Programmers didn't implement it for us?
One question: to do TreeView OwnerDraw with OnPaint(...); how could I do this?
It would be very usefull because I can set the DoubleBuffer Flag and paintings are without flicker. I've tried but there were unlogical things happening; just the first item was painted. The rest of the items were only drawn when I moved the mouse over the other items? Strange.
Can you help me?



GeneralRe: OwnerDraw TreeView: OnPaint(...) Pin
Anonymous5-Mar-03 8:39
Anonymous5-Mar-03 8:39 
GeneralRe: OwnerDraw TreeView: OnPaint(...) Pin
Anonymous8-Mar-03 1:22
Anonymous8-Mar-03 1:22 
GeneralRe: OwnerDraw TreeView: OnPaint(...) Pin
STW8-Mar-03 5:56
STW8-Mar-03 5:56 
GeneralReally annyone event fire order... Pin
Anonymous28-Feb-03 4:14
Anonymous28-Feb-03 4:14 
GeneralRe: Really annyone event fire order... Pin
Paul Riley28-Feb-03 4:22
Paul Riley28-Feb-03 4:22 
GeneralRe: Really annyone event fire order... Pin
James T. Johnson28-Feb-03 4:49
James T. Johnson28-Feb-03 4:49 
GeneralI'm look for a Treeview flicker free and owner draw Pin
STW28-Feb-03 4:12
STW28-Feb-03 4:12 
Questionis this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv1828-Feb-03 2:07
jtmtv1828-Feb-03 2:07 
AnswerRe: is this one possible ? Pin
leppie1-Mar-03 0:00
leppie1-Mar-03 0:00 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv181-Mar-03 10:58
jtmtv181-Mar-03 10:58 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
leppie1-Mar-03 11:23
leppie1-Mar-03 11:23 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv181-Mar-03 11:46
jtmtv181-Mar-03 11:46 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
leppie1-Mar-03 21:36
leppie1-Mar-03 21:36 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv181-Mar-03 22:50
jtmtv181-Mar-03 22:50 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
leppie1-Mar-03 23:16
leppie1-Mar-03 23:16 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv181-Mar-03 23:26
jtmtv181-Mar-03 23:26 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
leppie1-Mar-03 23:30
leppie1-Mar-03 23:30 

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