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AnswerRe: Finding value in a list PinPopular
Ed Hill _5_1-Aug-12 23:44
Ed Hill _5_1-Aug-12 23:44 
AnswerRe: Finding value in a list Pin
AmitGajjar2-Aug-12 2:42
professionalAmitGajjar2-Aug-12 2:42 
GeneralRe: Finding value in a list Pin
Ed Hill _5_2-Aug-12 3:26
Ed Hill _5_2-Aug-12 3:26 
GeneralRe: Finding value in a list Pin
BobJanova2-Aug-12 4:29
BobJanova2-Aug-12 4:29 
AnswerRe: Finding value in a list Pin
Ramesh Muthiah3-Aug-12 0:47
Ramesh Muthiah3-Aug-12 0:47 
GeneralRe: Finding value in a list Pin
Ed Hill _5_3-Aug-12 0:59
Ed Hill _5_3-Aug-12 0:59 
AnswerRe: Finding value in a list Pin
Christian Amado6-Aug-12 10:39
professionalChristian Amado6-Aug-12 10:39 
Questionsetting the source of a bitmap image in C# Pin
Xarzu1-Aug-12 18:39
Xarzu1-Aug-12 18:39 
In a silverlight app, I have a BitmapImage defined as System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage and it as a method called "SetSource" where I can set the source like this:

BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage();
System.IO.Stream stream = _scene.GetStream();
if (stream == null) return;

In a WPF application I have also have a
Bitmap image defined as System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage buty there is no SetSource method. How do I set the source in a WPF app like I do in a Silverlight app?
AnswerRe: setting the source of a bitmap image in C# Pin
Eddy Vluggen1-Aug-12 22:10
professionalEddy Vluggen1-Aug-12 22:10 
GeneralRe: setting the source of a bitmap image in C# Pin
Xarzu6-Aug-12 6:40
Xarzu6-Aug-12 6:40 
Generalhi Chris Maunder Pin
mohammad-mirshahi1-Aug-12 9:43
mohammad-mirshahi1-Aug-12 9:43 
GeneralRe: hi Chris Maunder Pin
Pete O'Hanlon1-Aug-12 9:46
mvePete O'Hanlon1-Aug-12 9:46 
QuestionSetDate of system from inside of our program Pin
Fred 341-Aug-12 4:15
Fred 341-Aug-12 4:15 
AnswerRe: SetDate of system from inside of our program Pin
Pete O'Hanlon1-Aug-12 4:22
mvePete O'Hanlon1-Aug-12 4:22 
AnswerRe: SetDate of system from inside of our program Pin
Dave Kreskowiak1-Aug-12 4:47
mveDave Kreskowiak1-Aug-12 4:47 
QuestionHow to refuse changes of controls in a form ? Pin
taibc1-Aug-12 0:36
taibc1-Aug-12 0:36 
AnswerRe: How to refuse changes of controls in a form ? Pin
Pete O'Hanlon1-Aug-12 0:39
mvePete O'Hanlon1-Aug-12 0:39 
GeneralRe: How to refuse changes of controls in a form ? Pin
taibc1-Aug-12 0:42
taibc1-Aug-12 0:42 
AnswerRe: How to refuse changes of controls in a form ? Pin
Ed Hill _5_1-Aug-12 0:47
Ed Hill _5_1-Aug-12 0:47 
GeneralRe: How to refuse changes of controls in a form ? Pin
taibc1-Aug-12 0:50
taibc1-Aug-12 0:50 
GeneralRe: How to refuse changes of controls in a form ? Pin
Pete O'Hanlon1-Aug-12 0:54
mvePete O'Hanlon1-Aug-12 0:54 
AnswerRe: How to refuse changes of controls in a form ? Pin
Fred 341-Aug-12 4:28
Fred 341-Aug-12 4:28 
QuestionHow can convert a lit<> to a DataTable? Pin
devenv.exe31-Jul-12 22:49
professionaldevenv.exe31-Jul-12 22:49 
AnswerRe: How can convert a lit to a DataTable? Pin
Wayne Gaylard31-Jul-12 23:11
professionalWayne Gaylard31-Jul-12 23:11 
AnswerRe: How can convert a lit to a DataTable? Pin
Richard MacCutchan31-Jul-12 23:59
mveRichard MacCutchan31-Jul-12 23:59 

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