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GeneralRe: OwnerDraw TreeView: OnPaint(...) Pin
Carlos H. Perez28-Feb-03 8:59
Carlos H. Perez28-Feb-03 8:59 
GeneralRe: OwnerDraw TreeView: OnPaint(...) Pin
STW28-Feb-03 23:55
STW28-Feb-03 23:55 
GeneralRe: OwnerDraw TreeView: OnPaint(...) Pin
Anonymous5-Mar-03 8:39
Anonymous5-Mar-03 8:39 
GeneralRe: OwnerDraw TreeView: OnPaint(...) Pin
Anonymous8-Mar-03 1:22
Anonymous8-Mar-03 1:22 
GeneralRe: OwnerDraw TreeView: OnPaint(...) Pin
STW8-Mar-03 5:56
STW8-Mar-03 5:56 
GeneralReally annyone event fire order... Pin
Anonymous28-Feb-03 4:14
Anonymous28-Feb-03 4:14 
GeneralRe: Really annyone event fire order... Pin
Paul Riley28-Feb-03 4:22
Paul Riley28-Feb-03 4:22 
GeneralRe: Really annyone event fire order... Pin
James T. Johnson28-Feb-03 4:49
James T. Johnson28-Feb-03 4:49 
Anonymous wrote:
The problem is when I right click on an item in the tree view I want my Selection change event of the tree view to fire before the context menu is fired. What is happening is the user is right clicking on a tree node, it is highlighting what they select BUT, the treeview.selectednode was the preivous node they selected!

This is the expected behavior: try it out in Explorer, if you right click a node it does not select it (it will appear selected, but once the context menu disappears the original node will remain selected).

Rather than relying on the selected node property, you can use the treeview.GetNodeAt method to get the node that was right-clicked on. You can get the current position of the mouse from the MouseEventArgs passed into the MouseDown event handler.


"It is self repeating, of unknown pattern"
Data - Star Trek: The Next Generation

GeneralI'm look for a Treeview flicker free and owner draw Pin
STW28-Feb-03 4:12
STW28-Feb-03 4:12 
Questionis this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv1828-Feb-03 2:07
jtmtv1828-Feb-03 2:07 
AnswerRe: is this one possible ? Pin
leppie1-Mar-03 0:00
leppie1-Mar-03 0:00 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv181-Mar-03 10:58
jtmtv181-Mar-03 10:58 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
leppie1-Mar-03 11:23
leppie1-Mar-03 11:23 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv181-Mar-03 11:46
jtmtv181-Mar-03 11:46 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
leppie1-Mar-03 21:36
leppie1-Mar-03 21:36 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv181-Mar-03 22:50
jtmtv181-Mar-03 22:50 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
leppie1-Mar-03 23:16
leppie1-Mar-03 23:16 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv181-Mar-03 23:26
jtmtv181-Mar-03 23:26 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
leppie1-Mar-03 23:30
leppie1-Mar-03 23:30 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv181-Mar-03 23:42
jtmtv181-Mar-03 23:42 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
leppie2-Mar-03 2:43
leppie2-Mar-03 2:43 
GeneralRe: is this one possible ? Pin
jtmtv182-Mar-03 11:56
jtmtv182-Mar-03 11:56 
QuestionHow to get AppInfo/Documentation from an XML Schema via XmlDocument (DOM) in C#? Pin
Mirco J. Nimmrichter27-Feb-03 23:12
Mirco J. Nimmrichter27-Feb-03 23:12 
GeneralFind Printer List available... Pin
bania27-Feb-03 20:16
bania27-Feb-03 20:16 
GeneralRe: Find Printer List available... Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.28-Feb-03 20:39
Stephane Rodriguez.28-Feb-03 20:39 

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