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Question32 bit to 64 bit Pin
shoniya6-Jul-12 2:13
shoniya6-Jul-12 2:13 
AnswerRe: 32 bit to 64 bit Pin
Wayne Gaylard6-Jul-12 2:56
professionalWayne Gaylard6-Jul-12 2:56 
QuestionHELP Pin
corperate4-Jul-12 9:34
corperate4-Jul-12 9:34 
AnswerRe: HELP Pin
Paul Conrad4-Jul-12 11:48
professionalPaul Conrad4-Jul-12 11:48 
AnswerRe: HELP Pin
Midnight Ahri4-Jul-12 15:09
Midnight Ahri4-Jul-12 15:09 
QuestionCreating or changing tables in an access database Pin
No-e3-Jul-12 8:33
No-e3-Jul-12 8:33 
AnswerRe: Creating or changing tables in an access database Pin
ChandraRam4-Jul-12 4:03
ChandraRam4-Jul-12 4:03 
GeneralIShellFolder - GetThumbnails [edit title] Pin
jkirkerx2-Jul-12 11:40
professionaljkirkerx2-Jul-12 11:40 
Well the idea sounds good, but is difficult to accomplish.

I'm having trouble with someFolder, filePidl and extract.

I understand that someFolder is a IntPtr, that is passed in as null, and passed out as IntPtr, to use in the next line to reference as a ptr address in the buffer. But I don't understand how making my Interface does anything. I don't see a type in my interface or reference to type.

Then on filePidl, it's a IntPtr going in, but returns as a array of pointers.

extract is suppose to be a IntPtr, and come back pointing to an object.

Anyways, I can't figure out why I can't make the variables work, and the compiler complains about them. I don't know if it's my interface, or the code below.

Value of type IShellFolder cannot be converted to IntPtr.

Dim desktopFolder As IShellFolder = Nothing
Dim someFolder As IShellFolder = Nothing
Dim extract As IExtractImage = Nothing

'Get the parent folder IShellFolder
desktopFolder.ParseDisplayName(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, folderName, 0, pidl, 0)
desktopFolder.BindToObject(pidl, IntPtr.Zero, IID_IShellFolder, someFolder)

'Get the file's IExtractImage
someFolder.ParseDisplayName(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, shortFileName, 0, filePidl, 0)
someFolder.GetUIObjectOf(IntPtr.Zero, 1, filePidl, IID_IExtractImage, 0, extract)

modified 2-Jul-12 17:48pm.

AnswerRe: IShellFolder - GetThumbnails [edit title] Pin
Eddy Vluggen3-Jul-12 0:58
professionalEddy Vluggen3-Jul-12 0:58 
GeneralRe: IShellFolder - GetThumbnails [edit title] Pin
jkirkerx3-Jul-12 7:04
professionaljkirkerx3-Jul-12 7:04 
AnswerRe: IShellFolder - GetThumbnails [edit title] Pin
Eddy Vluggen3-Jul-12 7:33
professionalEddy Vluggen3-Jul-12 7:33 
GeneralRe: IShellFolder - GetThumbnails [edit title] Pin
jkirkerx3-Jul-12 7:43
professionaljkirkerx3-Jul-12 7:43 
GeneralRe: IShellFolder - GetThumbnails [edit title] Pin
Eddy Vluggen3-Jul-12 9:28
professionalEddy Vluggen3-Jul-12 9:28 
AnswerRe: IShellFolder - GetThumbnails Pin
Luc Pattyn3-Jul-12 1:21
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn3-Jul-12 1:21 
GeneralRe: IShellFolder - GetThumbnails Pin
jkirkerx3-Jul-12 7:06
professionaljkirkerx3-Jul-12 7:06 
QuestionVB6 Won't Install On Windows 7 Pro x64 Pin
CodeZombie6230-Jun-12 19:33
CodeZombie6230-Jun-12 19:33 
AnswerRe: VB6 Won't Install On Windows 7 Pro x64 Pin
Dave Kreskowiak1-Jul-12 3:54
mveDave Kreskowiak1-Jul-12 3:54 
GeneralRe: VB6 Won't Install On Windows 7 Pro x64 Pin
CodeZombie621-Jul-12 13:56
CodeZombie621-Jul-12 13:56 
GeneralRe: VB6 Won't Install On Windows 7 Pro x64 Pin
Dave Kreskowiak1-Jul-12 14:38
mveDave Kreskowiak1-Jul-12 14:38 
GeneralRe: VB6 Won't Install On Windows 7 Pro x64 Pin
CodeZombie621-Jul-12 15:08
CodeZombie621-Jul-12 15:08 
AnswerRe: VB6 Won't Install On Windows 7 Pro x64 Pin
MikeD 22-Jul-12 0:17
MikeD 22-Jul-12 0:17 
QuestionGeo fix latitude longitude with VB6? for Googlemaps Pin
khardani30-Jun-12 14:11
khardani30-Jun-12 14:11 
AnswerRe: Geo fix latitude longitude with VB6? for Googlemaps Pin
Richard MacCutchan30-Jun-12 21:30
mveRichard MacCutchan30-Jun-12 21:30 
Generalchar detection, for char replacement or formatting Pin
jkirkerx30-Jun-12 8:27
professionaljkirkerx30-Jun-12 8:27 
GeneralRe: char detection, for char replacement or formatting Pin
Luc Pattyn30-Jun-12 9:12
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn30-Jun-12 9:12 

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