how to edit a simple games using visual basic?
What do you mean by "edit"?
And don't post the same question twice.
like opening plants vs zombies solution in visual basic?
Unless you have the source code you cannot edit it.
You cannot do this without the source code. It does not matter how simple the game is, if you only have the executable then you need to decompile it and rebuild from the decompiled source.
but i think decompile and edit an exe is not that easy, it's already an assembly code, am i wrong?
You are correct, it is extremely difficult, and probably not worth the effort. The chances of you being able to hack the game are quite low.
so every game hacker are editing assembly code?
mother of code
by the way, thank you for the information.
Midnight Ahri wrote: so every game hacker are editing assembly code?
Some are probably editing direct machine code; but there are better ways to use your talents in this world.
I made a control which has a button on it.
But I need to change the text of it when it is clicked.
this is what I have tried but it didn't work:
If Button1.Text = "1" then
Button1.Text = "0"
Elseif Button1.Text = "0" then
Button1.Text = "1"
End if
Where did you put this code?? What EXACTLY do you want this to happen??
I put that code on a button_click event in a UserControl that I made.
It is supposed to work as a boolean. eg if the value is 1 then it should change it to 0
else if the value is 0 it should change it to 1.
The click event is not going to work for this. Click is fired after the button is pushed AND released.
Similar code has to be called by the MouseDown, MouseUp, KeyDown and KeyUp handlers. The xDown events fire when the button is pushed down and the mouse or key is still being held down. The xUp events fire when the mouse or key is released.
before selecting another event to let your code,
make a breakpoint after bottun_click() line,run your control in dubug mode check if
break point stop your program,therefore event has no problem,then check your condition state.
I think you meant to reply to the OP.
I added breakpoint on button1_click
That event does get fired! And the other code that is in that event gets fired up correctly.
The problem it that, that it doesn't change the text of button1.
Here I have attached the source code as well:
If you mean the Button1 handler should modify the Button1 text, then I see no problem, that works just fine. Mind you, you will see the results only after the Click handler has finished (unless you add a call to Refresh). So changing the text initially, performing a long operation, then changing the text back to its original, all in the one Click handler, will not show any change at all. But then, you shouldn't be doing long operations inside a handler on the GUI thread to begin with... Threads (and BackgroundWorkers) were invented to decouple long operations from the GUI thread.
I did add refresh() at the end... but that didn't work
Then you are doing something wrong. Maybe you have more than one Button1 in your project, and you're talking to the wrong one (it helps to use meaningful names). Maybe its initial text isn't neither "0" nor "1". Maybe ...
You will need to provide a more comprehensive description of what you have if you want to get more effective help around here.
Sorry, I am not going to download, unpack, and investigate a bunch of code, and neither would anyone else around here. If you want effective help, put some effort in describing the problem properly and provide the relevant pieces of code (inside your message, and using PRE tags), not just all of it.
Alright. So here is the exact issue with all the pictures and everything.
I have a Form which has a FlowLayoutPanel, which has a UserControl on it. That Usercontrol has a Button on it.
The initial text of that Button is "0"
But I want to change that to "1" if it is a "0" and change it back to "0" if it is a "1"
So this is the code I used on the UserControl which has the Button on it:
Public Class UserControl1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Button1.Text = "0" Then
Button1.Text = "1"
ElseIf Button1.Text = "1" Then
Button1.Text = "0"
End If
End Sub
End Class
But when I click on Button1, the event does get fired but the text of the Button1, that is on the UserControl which is drawn on FlowLayoutPanel doesn't get changed.
First, you don't need ElseIf in this case. It should just be:
If Button1.Text = "0" Then
Button1.Text = "1"
Button1.Text = "0"
End If
Second, Button1 is a horrible name for a button. Change it to something meaningful, like "OkButton", so you know without thinking which button it's referring to on your form.