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GeneralRe: Cannot change text of button on a control. Pin
Ammar_Ahmad24-Jun-12 4:00
Ammar_Ahmad24-Jun-12 4:00 
SuggestionRe: Cannot change text of button on a control. Pin
Ally523-Jun-12 16:15
Ally523-Jun-12 16:15 
GeneralRe: Cannot change text of button on a control. Pin
Ammar_Ahmad24-Jun-12 4:01
Ammar_Ahmad24-Jun-12 4:01 
SuggestionRe: Cannot change text of button on a control. Pin
Nick Otten24-Jun-12 23:07
Nick Otten24-Jun-12 23:07 
GeneralRe: Cannot change text of button on a control. Pin
Ammar_Ahmad25-Jun-12 1:13
Ammar_Ahmad25-Jun-12 1:13 
QuestionFlowLayoutPanel1 and controls Pin
Ammar_Ahmad21-Jun-12 23:59
Ammar_Ahmad21-Jun-12 23:59 
AnswerRe: FlowLayoutPanel1 and controls Pin
Nick Otten22-Jun-12 0:21
Nick Otten22-Jun-12 0:21 
QuestionRe: FlowLayoutPanel1 and controls Pin
Ammar_Ahmad22-Jun-12 0:48
Ammar_Ahmad22-Jun-12 0:48 
Not quiet sure how that is done as I am new to controls and flowlayoutpanel.

Here is the code that adds the tweets(items) into the control that I have made:
Private Sub AddTestTweet(ByVal tweet As TwitterStatus)
     If (Me.FlowLayoutPanel1.InvokeRequired) Then
         Me.FlowLayoutPanel1.Invoke(New AddTestTweetDelegate(AddressOf AddTestTweet), tweet)
         Console.WriteLine(String.Format("New tweet: @{0}: {1}", tweet.User.ScreenName, tweet.Text))
         Me.FlowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(New TweetTimelineControl(tweet))

     End If
 End Sub

Private Sub NewTweet(ByVal tweet As TwitterStatus)
       On Error Resume Next
End Sub

And here is the control:

Public Class TweetTimelineControl
    Public Sub New(ByVal status As TwitterStatus)

        Me.UserNameLabel.Text = status.User.ScreenName
        Me.Label2.Text = status.CreatedDate.ToShortDateString()
        Me.DateLabel.Text = status.CreatedDate.ToShortTimeString()
        Me.TextLabel.Text = status.Text
        Me.Label1.Text = "Number Of Retweets: " & status.RetweetCountString
    End Sub
End Class

Can you please tell me how to do this on the code given above?
AnswerRe: FlowLayoutPanel1 and controls Pin
Nick Otten22-Jun-12 1:48
Nick Otten22-Jun-12 1:48 
QuestionRe: FlowLayoutPanel1 and controls Pin
Ammar_Ahmad22-Jun-12 2:46
Ammar_Ahmad22-Jun-12 2:46 
AnswerRe: FlowLayoutPanel1 and controls Pin
Nick Otten22-Jun-12 2:53
Nick Otten22-Jun-12 2:53 
GeneralRe: FlowLayoutPanel1 and controls Pin
Ammar_Ahmad22-Jun-12 2:59
Ammar_Ahmad22-Jun-12 2:59 
GeneralRe: FlowLayoutPanel1 and controls Pin
Nick Otten22-Jun-12 3:28
Nick Otten22-Jun-12 3:28 
GeneralRe: FlowLayoutPanel1 and controls Pin
Ammar_Ahmad22-Jun-12 3:36
Ammar_Ahmad22-Jun-12 3:36 
GeneralRe: FlowLayoutPanel1 and controls Pin
Nick Otten22-Jun-12 3:42
Nick Otten22-Jun-12 3:42 
GeneralRe: FlowLayoutPanel1 and controls Pin
Ammar_Ahmad22-Jun-12 13:16
Ammar_Ahmad22-Jun-12 13:16 
QuestionCommandBuilder Problem Pin
Pasan14821-Jun-12 5:13
Pasan14821-Jun-12 5:13 
AnswerRe: CommandBuilder Problem Pin
David Mujica21-Jun-12 5:25
David Mujica21-Jun-12 5:25 
GeneralRe: CommandBuilder Problem Pin
Pasan14821-Jun-12 6:30
Pasan14821-Jun-12 6:30 
GeneralCommandBuilder is not preferred method Pin
David Mujica21-Jun-12 10:29
David Mujica21-Jun-12 10:29 
QuestionTrying to merge exel print jobs Pin
Nick Otten21-Jun-12 3:00
Nick Otten21-Jun-12 3:00 
AnswerBuild your own queue Pin
David Mujica21-Jun-12 3:31
David Mujica21-Jun-12 3:31 
GeneralRe: Build your own queue Pin
Nick Otten21-Jun-12 3:50
Nick Otten21-Jun-12 3:50 
AnswerRe: Trying to merge exel print jobs Pin
Dave Kreskowiak21-Jun-12 3:35
mveDave Kreskowiak21-Jun-12 3:35 
GeneralRe: Trying to merge exel print jobs Pin
Nick Otten21-Jun-12 3:44
Nick Otten21-Jun-12 3:44 

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