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Design and Architecture

GeneralRe: Thin Client Compiler ? Pin
W Balboos, GHB20-Jun-12 1:41
W Balboos, GHB20-Jun-12 1:41 
GeneralRe: Thin Client Compiler ? Pin
Eddy Vluggen20-Jun-12 1:54
professionalEddy Vluggen20-Jun-12 1:54 
GeneralRe: Thin Client Compiler ? Pin
W Balboos, GHB20-Jun-12 2:11
W Balboos, GHB20-Jun-12 2:11 
GeneralRe: Thin Client Compiler ? Pin
Eddy Vluggen20-Jun-12 2:30
professionalEddy Vluggen20-Jun-12 2:30 
AnswerRe: Thin Client Compiler ? Pin
jschell19-Jun-12 13:21
jschell19-Jun-12 13:21 
GeneralRe: Thin Client Compiler ? Pin
W Balboos, GHB20-Jun-12 1:46
W Balboos, GHB20-Jun-12 1:46 
AnswerRe: Thin Client Compiler ? Pin
Bernhard Hiller19-Jun-12 20:41
Bernhard Hiller19-Jun-12 20:41 
GeneralRe: Thin Client Compiler ? Pin
W Balboos, GHB20-Jun-12 1:58
W Balboos, GHB20-Jun-12 1:58 
Pretty much, your description of what I should do is what I want to be doing: I long ago understood the "it works on my machine' experience.

My broken items were broken not via hard-coded paths, but rather, adding references to Windows objects via Visual Studio. That object has either moved, had its name changed, or moved with the new version of MS Office (in this case, the spell-checker was broken). This is the precise imperative why I'm insisting on a development environment in the same VM's as the users. Local printers, reinstalled at the same workstation, failed to operate: apparently it needs to be installed on the VM client that is connected physically to the (Okidata) printer. The Server folks don't want to do this - so the printer only prints Ascii streams: all but useless.

A shame, too, as you noted that our XP ThinClients allow this. That, of course, is a second side of the problem with the administrator(s) of our server farm. Eventually, he'll give in (at least for a usable environment) - but only after he's extracted a pound of flesh wherever he can.

"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." - Albert Einstein
"As far as we know, our computer has never had an undetected error." - Weisert
"If you are searching for perfection in others, then you seek disappointment. If you are seek perfection in yourself, then you will find failure." - Balboos HaGadol Mar 2010

Questionprobleme schema object rational rose Pin
ahmadiss16-Jun-12 5:53
ahmadiss16-Jun-12 5:53 
QuestionWhat's The Right Way To Do This? Pin
Kevin Marois15-Jun-12 7:26
professionalKevin Marois15-Jun-12 7:26 
AnswerRe: What's The Right Way To Do This? Pin
Pete O'Hanlon15-Jun-12 7:58
mvePete O'Hanlon15-Jun-12 7:58 
GeneralRe: What's The Right Way To Do This? Pin
Kevin Marois15-Jun-12 8:00
professionalKevin Marois15-Jun-12 8:00 
GeneralRe: What's The Right Way To Do This? Pin
Eddy Vluggen17-Jun-12 8:36
professionalEddy Vluggen17-Jun-12 8:36 
GeneralRe: What's The Right Way To Do This? Pin
jschell17-Jun-12 13:08
jschell17-Jun-12 13:08 
AnswerRe: What's The Right Way To Do This? Pin
Eddy Vluggen17-Jun-12 8:34
professionalEddy Vluggen17-Jun-12 8:34 
AnswerRe: What's The Right Way To Do This? Pin
Luc Pattyn17-Jun-12 9:21
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn17-Jun-12 9:21 
AnswerRe: What's The Right Way To Do This? Pin
Mycroft Holmes17-Jun-12 14:41
professionalMycroft Holmes17-Jun-12 14:41 
GeneralRe: What's The Right Way To Do This? Pin
Kevin Marois22-Jun-12 10:56
professionalKevin Marois22-Jun-12 10:56 
GeneralRe: What's The Right Way To Do This? Pin
Mycroft Holmes22-Jun-12 13:10
professionalMycroft Holmes22-Jun-12 13:10 
GeneralRe: What's The Right Way To Do This? Pin
Kevin Marois22-Jun-12 14:01
professionalKevin Marois22-Jun-12 14:01 
Questioncolor mixing riddle Pin
Kobi_Z13-Jun-12 21:52
Kobi_Z13-Jun-12 21:52 
AnswerRe: color mixing riddle Pin
Bernhard Hiller13-Jun-12 22:18
Bernhard Hiller13-Jun-12 22:18 
GeneralRe: color mixing riddle Pin
Kobi_Z14-Jun-12 4:52
Kobi_Z14-Jun-12 4:52 
GeneralRe: color mixing riddle Pin
Philippe Mori17-Jun-12 2:50
Philippe Mori17-Jun-12 2:50 
AnswerRe: color mixing riddle Pin
Richard MacCutchan14-Jun-12 5:19
mveRichard MacCutchan14-Jun-12 5:19 

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