Unless your descriuption is missing a crucial little detail, the Lock Screen doesn't prevent your apps from running at all. You can run anything you want, then lock Windows whenever you want. The only exception to that would be some games.
Member 8768189 wrote: The app im working on now has a timer to keep it ontop. it is password enabled to both lock and unlock it so random kids cant lock or unlock the PC without the password. i made the app so it can not be shutdown with the ALT+F4 keys, it is borderless, and FILLS the whole screen.
If it's used to protect your environment against kids, then by all means, simply use the account-control that comes with Windows. It provides in a safe password-storage and a safe environment.
These type of questions often benefit from additional background-information, such as the version of Windows that you're targetting. If you're merely looking for your own environment then open your own desktop[^].
Bastard Programmer from Hell
modified 16-Jun-12 17:11pm.
404 Alert!
The difficult we do right away...
...the impossible takes slightly longer.
ill give it a try. Thank you.
im going to attempt to make my own environment and see how that works out. ive never tried that so any tips would be great and thank you for your GREAT idea
i want this app for myself and many many others and its to keep all people off not just kids.
Member 8768189 wrote: i want this app for myself and many many others and its to keep all people off not just kids.
Even for adults; the best way to secure the desktop is by using the built-in provider.
It's fun to play with alternatives to the default logon, but it doesn't make it more secure. I'd be in that system before you finished peeling a banana.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
How would i go about using the built-in provider?
I have Windows 7 and if i can use this app to do something like what your talking about then how would i go about doing it?
I was talking about the standard Windows-7 logon-screen; you can create users in Windows, and it'll do the verification for you.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
Member 8768189 wrote: This Program would be a big hit on my website.
How exactly would it be able to lock the PC if it's web based?
I think he's talking about distributing the thing on his web site.
One minor little flaw in his marketing plan. For something seemingly simple in functionality, why don't you see this kind of app all over various web sites already??
There's probably a reason for it...
its not web based. Sorry if i made it seem as if it was ... when i said app i ment it as in application ... if thats what threw you off.
not web based i ment app as in application
From your comments, I conclude that you want to get Windows 7 to work in "Kiosk mode". Google that expression, and you'll find some links.
yes THANK YOU i was not sure how to do it or if it was possible but yes i looked up "Kiosk mode" that is Exactly what i was looking to make
yes THANK YOU i was not sure how to do it or if it was possible but yes i looked up "Kiosk mode" that is Exactly what i was looking to make
a long long way trying to get picture file size when loaded into application, now i got something close enough.
i convert image into [byte]() like this,
Dim imgSize As [Byte]() = Nothing
imgSize = DirectCast(Me.imgView.EditValue, Byte())
yes i have the value in byte, however the value != from the file windows properties, and yes always bigger.
did i miss something or wrong way?
That depends on what you mean by "get picture file size when loaded into application".
A Bitmap object will always represent an image in memory as 32-bits per pixel (R, G, B, A). Images on disk can be of varyious formats and compressions, so there is no relationship at all between the image size in memory and the file size of the image on disk.
I may be missing some subtlety here but why don't you get the file size directly?
Dim Info = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo("filepath")
Dim FSize = Info.Length
Label1.Text = FSize
hey thank you for that code, but i've just figured out that your suggestion works only for standard picturebox.
however, i'm using devexpress picture edit control.
this control didn't support location.
but really, thank you very much for helping.
His code does absolutely NOTHING with a PictureBox.
You're not explaining yourself very well at all so we have no idea what information you're really after or why. That makes it very difficult to help you with anything.
actually i'm asking why when i convert an image into byte array
and get the length, i gain byte size of the image,
but the size always bigger than the real image 10-50KB.
you are right about compression dave, thank you.
I plugged in a form a datapicker, but I'm having difficulty viewing the correct date when I fetch the same from a mysql table.
I manage the double-click on a row in a datagrid to retrieve the record data when editing a record in a form.
If the date my datapicker (textdatanascita) is set to the value of the table.
FormRegistrazioneUtente.TextDatanascita.Value = Me.DataGridView1.Rows.Item (e.RowIndex). Cells ("ut_datanascita"). Value
MsgBox (FormRegistrazioneUtente.TextDatanascita.Value)
As evidence of this fact I put a msgbox to check the accuracy of the data, and in fact everything is ok. The data obtained is as expected.
But when I open the form all the data in various textboxs are the expected ones, while only datapicker still shows the current date.
Someone would be so kind as to tell me where wrong?
thanks a lot
It isn't very clear what you're having a problem with. Are you saying that you're trying to retrieve records from the database using the date in the DatePicker control?
Or, are you saying that the date you get from the database isn't being bound to the DatePicker control properly?? If so, what does you're code look like that does the binding to the DatePicker? Are you binding to the DatePicker's SelectedDate property?? You should be!
Hi everybody
I am working on app in vb 2008 and have following situation:
I have one form with datagridview binded to access table with dataset, bindingsource, tableadapter and tablemanager. User cannot change, delete or add records in datagridview.
On same form I have two buttons for editing and adding new records
When user clicks on "edit" button another form is opened and on this form detailed information is displayed (based on row selected in datagridview) so user can edit and save data. On second form there are several txt boxes binded to same table through another dataset filtered on current record with following code: frmPD.TblPartnersBindingSource.Filter = "CompanyID =" & TblPartnersDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value.ToString
My quiestions are:
1. Is this correct way to open "details" form (using filter property of bindingsource)
2. How to use same "details" form to add new record.
there is an idea that you could use your textboxes at same form(let me say top)
when you navigate between records,your detaild information will be shown in text boxes to the user.
you can use TblPartnersBindingSource.addnew to insert a new record to database.
modified 17-Jun-12 7:33am.