I'm trying to put a group together for a side project. No expected gain from it.
I have a dedicated linux server at my house for it. Right now I have gentoo on it, but I can do a different distro... not that it matters 'that' much to the dev team. The system scripts will be in perl/bash anyway.
We'll be using (probably) apache, node, jquery, mysql. Not opposed to php and/or python if we get people who want to use that (I don't know python yet though >,<). I'd like to use mongo but if that is going to happen I'd need someone more familiar with it, otherwise I'm going with mysql
Some of the things we'll be making from scratch:
On site IM and mail/messaging.
Blog and forums
collaborative editing
chat server for chat rooms
job posting/search
We havent ruled out any technologies yet. So far it is just me and one other person. (neither of us are designers). We just want a fun project where we get full control. If you are interested and want another tech, we are open to that.
If it moves, compile it
If you're looking for an easy-to-use utility to keep track of your investments, I'd appreciate it if you gave my app TakeStock 2 a whirl. Completely free and actively supported since 2002!
TakeStock 2 Blog[^]
I have an idea for a phone app. It involves motion detection and also some speech to text or text to speech.
Anone interested in partnering, or if you're willing to provide assistance alone the way, drop me line.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is
What languages do you plan on using?
Probably WPF in C#
If it's not broken, fix it until it is
If it's a phone app, it's not going to be WPF.
Windows Phone?
It will be developed for Windows and multiple mobile devices.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is
Windows Phone is Silverlight or XNA. No WPF there.
I can help if it's an Android one
Ive been working hard on my site for my webdesign business and i wanted to get some feedback as to how you like the site(layout,functionality,ect..)and anything i could do better. I appreciate any responses!
Sagedread Designs Site
1: Dislike the main graphic and font: looks a bit harsh and wastes a lot of 'selling' room.
2: The font for the blog is quite hazy and hard to read: font choice is questionable.
3: The main advert has some spelling and grammar mistakes.
(Viewed on IE9)
Other than that it's okay though it wouldn't make me want to use your services: if you're a web designer and your site is not 100% why would I pick you to design my web site? (Realize that is a bit subjective but you did ask).
"If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur." Red Adair.
nils illegitimus carborundum
me, me, me
Yes i agree the logo is too big. Ive fixed that as well as the font issues. Thanks for the feedback.
On IE8, the 2nd topic at the top of the page gets clipped (not enough vertical space to display its text).
I am looking forward to getting together a "few good men" for some exciting projects at hand - Can the members do a "Small" favor, getting the word out, or may be send in a few referrals?
Note: I am not hiring, nor is this an advertisement - [ I am hopeless at networking, just relying on a little good will ! ]
modified 14-May-12 11:27am.
Depends on what projects and what expertise you required to accomplish those projects.
And is there a good ROI?
Blue Gene Q wrote: nor is this an advertisement
You need to be careful, and you also need to be more clear in what you're asking, please.
I've moved this to the beta testing and collaboration forum.
Chris Maunder
The Code Project | Co-founder
Microsoft C++ MVP
LinkedIn is a site dedicated to networking. FB might be too, never used it.
What projects, and why would I be interested?
Bastard Programmer from Hell
Just released the latest alpha version of TakeStock 2 (a powerful, easy-to-use and completely free personal portfolio manager). Would appreciate any and all feedback, suggestions and bug reports. Thanks!
TakeStock 2 Blog[^]
Just released the latest alpha version of TakeStock 2 (a powerful, easy-to-use and completely free personal portfolio manager). Would appreciate any and all feedback, suggestions and bug reports. Thanks!
TakeStock 2 home page[^]
You are a bastard I just started fiddling with a simple portfolio tracker on the weekend, so I will be interested in being a beta tester of this one!
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Thanks, Mycroft!
TakeStock's been around for 9 years now and is pretty stable. The rewrite moves the codebase from MFC to .NET and paves the way for some interesting technical analysis algorithms I've been tinkering with for a while.
Hum, did you know there are more than one currencies? This may well work fine for basic US investors, but within Europe a lot of people will hold portfolios priced in GBX/GBP, EUR, USD, etc.
I may well have a wee look at this.
Panic, Chaos, Destruction. My work here is done.
Drink. Get drunk. Fall over - P O'H
OK, I will win to day or my name isn't Ethel Crudacre! - DD Ethel Crudacre
I cannot live by bread alone. Bacon and ketchup are needed as well. - Trollslayer
Have a bit more patience with newbies. Of course some of them act dumb - they're often *students*, for heaven's sake - Terry Pratchett
Because TS is currency agnostic (i.e. currency unaware), it's best to organize securities of similar currencies in separate portfolios. Support for currency exchange rates is planned for a future release once I'm able to identify requirements. Would appreciate it if you took the TS2 survey (link at the TS2 site) - the survey is anonymous and allows you to suggest changes and new features.
I currently making a calculating library that will try to be your little virtual excell: it can store values, calculate formulas, insert rows and columns e.t.c. You will be able to synchronize it with your table UI component and so implement spreadsheet-like behavior in your application. I really need:
1) Opinions;
2) Discussions;
3) Possible, testing.
etc. Library will be free for personal and commercial use. I will do all coding by myself. Please everyone who interested tell me.
How one can indulge in your this project/// most important to ask..is this requirement still alive?
- Happy Coding -
Vishal Vashishta