Hi All,
i would like to do (ASP.NET-AJAX with C# )an autocomplete search textbox(like Google search) that give the user to choose more than one value to research in DataGrid as follows :
1 | 2 | 3
Rome,Paris,New York
when the user insert the first value can have also the possibilities to insert the second value value and so on ... then the datagrid can show all result requested and preferably i should do it in C# .
DO you have any idea how i can do it??
Thanks so much for your attention
You can use this control(Multiselect Dropdown for Web Applications[^]) coupled with AJAX calls to make it as an autocomplete list. Based on the text entered, filter the datasource of the checkboxlist and once the values are selected, use the selected values as a folter for your grid.
Thanks Sandeep,
it is a good example but i can not filter the checklist box meantime i am inserting the value in the textbox...anyway i am trying to repair this error if you have any suggestion i will be so gratefel.
Thanks a lot.
What error?
You have to further customize what I have shared as per your need.
not error in the project on codeproject but in my project that meantime i insert the value in the textbox i want the checkboxlist work likes the Autocomplete but it doesn't that so ai m trying to complete this issue.
Thanks so much for your help .
Hello All,
I am very confused to choose among many ways to do a task efficiently. Please suggest me the best way to do the following..
All I want is to "search a sql-database and show up the result in a grid". Note that each row would have an image, a link and some text.
My main check points are
1) Ajax-style grid: On pressing next-page, only the grid should be updated not the whole page
2) Client side pagination: Since the search result might be huge, on each time pressing the next-page, I want to get only the specified rows from the server. NOT THE WHOLE SEARCH RESULT- WHICH WOULD SLO DOWN MY INITIAL GRID SHOWING
Solution Options:::
I am new to web-programming. While browsing through I got the following points...But i am not able to put them all together and somehow i am not confident about it..very much confused what to use and what not to... please help!!!
1) asp.net ajax toolkit
2) use a simple way to create a table with many rows in client side using java script, and get the data form server using AJAX writing the all code of myself. But in this case i need to have a way of pagination if myself
3) etc (may be many other solutions exist)
Practically, there may be many pros and cons which I am unaware of. I am looking for something efficient and easy to use. May be less code.
technology: vs2008/2010, Ajax/Jquerry/JS, sql-db... since havent started teh project I am open to any technology which gives the best solution.
thanks in advance
hrishi321 wrote: I am looking for something efficient and easy to use. May be less code.
Based on the following parameters, my suggestions would be:
1. Use a DataGrid and not a simple table to avoid extra code
2. Implement server side pagination such that each page is fetched on-demand
3. Use client side techniques to update the grid - jQuery AJAX, ASP.NET AJAX, Callback, WebMethods, etc.
One mistake in your question: "Client-side pagination" => that means whole data in one go and on page change no data fetched from server. That would not be needed.
From the microsoft site, I can see you can use the log property of the datacontext object for debugging linq to sql in a visual studio.net 2010 web form application. From what I have seen on the internet, you can do a console.out to any instance of a textwriter. This would be for a windows application.
How would you accomplish this task for a web form 2010 C# application?
Can the linq to sql visualizer debugger be used with Visual studio.net 2010? If so, can you tell me if there is any special setup and/or configuration I need to follow to use this visual debugger?
I am working with visual studio.net 2010 for a C# 2010 web form application. I would like to use the linq to sql visualier so I can see the generated sql while I am in debug mode.
From what I have seen on the internet, the linq to sql debug visualizer work for visual studio.net 2008.
You can find the reference for linq to sql debug visualizer in the following link:
However does this visualizer work for visual studio.net 2010? Is there anything special I need to do to make this visualizer work for vs 2010?
You can find both dll as well as the source code of it here: LINQ to SQL Debug Visualizer[^]
It should work with VS2010 too. Just make sure you paste it in the correct directory. It looked like Scott was actively working for new versions too (based on comments). Try out.
Can you tell me how the server side commands you pointed me to can translate the linq statments to understandable sql statements when I am debugging?
Hi,I have grid inside edititemtemplate ,Have placed the dropdownlist with static content.I want to hide some list items based on the previous value which is in hidden field.
why don't you rebind it?
Help people,so poeple can help you.
I think you would rebind.
I want create chat for automation website, so client not send any request to server for respond, instead server send respond to client when received a message from other client.
Thank you.
Sir; why don't you use a web service for refreshing the display?
Help people,so poeple can help you.
Create a class
Imports System.Timers
Imports System.IO
Namespace clsatuosender
Public Class atuosender
Dim timer As System.Timers.Timer
Dim filepath As String
Public Sub New(ByVal st As String)
Dim timer As New System.Timers.Timer(8640000)
filepath = st
AddHandler timer.Elapsed, AddressOf timer_Elapsed
timer.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub timer_Elapsed(sender As Object, e As ElapsedEventArgs)
File.AppendAllText(filepath + "\TextFile1.txt", "Heloo")
''''Do Something
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
add global.asax
Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim ats As New clsatuosender.atuosender(Server.MapPath("files").ToString())
' Fires when the application is started
End Sub
how to use array in asp.net textbox
ex :
<asp:textbox id="nr1">
<asp:textbox id="nr2">
<asp:textbox id="nr3">
<asp:button id="save">
when I press the save button the value of text which i fill will be write on response.write??
how ????
You can create Indexer with one property of returnType as TextBox. you also need to create one method to get and to set textBox with it's data.
cs code page:
<asp:button id="save" onclick="save_click">
public void save_click()