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Visual Basic

QuestionConversion from string "Label23" to type 'Double' is not valid. Pin
kang-king-kung24-May-12 16:06
kang-king-kung24-May-12 16:06 
AnswerRe: Conversion from string "Label23" to type 'Double' is not valid. Pin
Luc Pattyn24-May-12 17:03
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn24-May-12 17:03 
AnswerRe: Conversion from string "Label23" to type 'Double' is not valid. Pin
Ron Beyer24-May-12 17:06
professionalRon Beyer24-May-12 17:06 
AnswerRe: Conversion from string "Label23" to type 'Double' is not valid. Pin
Luc Pattyn25-May-12 4:10
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn25-May-12 4:10 
QuestionPrinting in Pin
maildummy23-May-12 21:07
maildummy23-May-12 21:07 
QuestionReading the contents of a file into an array Pin
GeorgieMPorgie23-May-12 6:19
GeorgieMPorgie23-May-12 6:19 
AnswerRe: Reading the contents of a file into an array Pin
Luc Pattyn23-May-12 6:40
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn23-May-12 6:40 
GeneralRe: Reading the contents of a file into an array Pin
GeorgieMPorgie23-May-12 6:55
GeorgieMPorgie23-May-12 6:55 
Luc, thanks for your prompt reply. Below are my replies to your questions.

I'm using VB.NET

I'm not sure I understand what you mean "read to end"?

I read the file twice. Once to get the length and once to read the data. I'm aware I could do it all at once, but I guess it's just poor form on my part. Not sure how this would make the "problem disappear".

The reason I don't use a list is I'm not familiar with lists and how they work. I am also not familiar with file.readalltext and fileradalllines. I'll look them up.

Please keep in mind I'm not someone who writes a lot of programs and has a lot of experience. I know there are better ways to accomplish what I am looking to do, but I'm curious as to why what I'm doing isn't working?

AnswerRe: Reading the contents of a file into an array Pin
Eddy Vluggen23-May-12 10:34
professionalEddy Vluggen23-May-12 10:34 
GeneralRe: Reading the contents of a file into an array Pin
GeorgieMPorgie23-May-12 15:55
GeorgieMPorgie23-May-12 15:55 
GeneralRe: Reading the contents of a file into an array Pin
Eddy Vluggen24-May-12 0:22
professionalEddy Vluggen24-May-12 0:22 
GeneralRe: Reading the contents of a file into an array Pin
proneal24-May-12 11:02
proneal24-May-12 11:02 
AnswerRe: Reading the contents of a file into an array Pin
Luc Pattyn24-May-12 11:53
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn24-May-12 11:53 
GeneralRe: Reading the contents of a file into an array Pin
proneal24-May-12 11:56
proneal24-May-12 11:56 
GeneralRe: Reading the contents of a file into an array Pin
proneal24-May-12 11:58
proneal24-May-12 11:58 
GeneralRe: Reading the contents of a file into an array Pin
Luc Pattyn24-May-12 12:08
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn24-May-12 12:08 
AnswerRe: Reading the contents of a file into an array Pin
Dave Kreskowiak23-May-12 7:20
mveDave Kreskowiak23-May-12 7:20 
GeneralRe: Reading the contents of a file into an array Pin
GeorgieMPorgie23-May-12 7:49
GeorgieMPorgie23-May-12 7:49 
AnswerRe: Reading the contents of a file into an array Pin
Luc Pattyn23-May-12 13:56
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn23-May-12 13:56 
GeneralRe: Reading the contents of a file into an array Pin
GeorgieMPorgie23-May-12 15:48
GeorgieMPorgie23-May-12 15:48 
AnswerRe: Reading the contents of a file into an array Pin
frostcox25-May-12 10:37
frostcox25-May-12 10:37 
GeneralRe: Reading the contents of a file into an array Pin
GeorgieMPorgie25-May-12 16:27
GeorgieMPorgie25-May-12 16:27 
QuestionVB Remoting - How do you get the server to pass value to client? Pin
Cutha22-May-12 19:57
Cutha22-May-12 19:57 
AnswerRe: VB Remoting - How do you get the server to pass value to client? Pin
Bernhard Hiller23-May-12 4:14
Bernhard Hiller23-May-12 4:14 
GeneralRe: VB Remoting - How do you get the server to pass value to client? Pin
Cutha24-May-12 14:57
Cutha24-May-12 14:57 

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