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AnswerRe: Popup Window Pin
vvashishta25-May-12 2:43
vvashishta25-May-12 2:43 
QuestionASP.NET GridView Row Footer Pin
LSkhosana22-May-12 1:06
LSkhosana22-May-12 1:06 
AnswerRe: ASP.NET GridView Row Footer Pin
vvashishta25-May-12 2:44
vvashishta25-May-12 2:44 
QuestionMachine.config Pin
Member 387988121-May-12 6:50
Member 387988121-May-12 6:50 
AnswerRe: Machine.config Pin
Not Active21-May-12 6:57
mentorNot Active21-May-12 6:57 
GeneralMessage Removed Pin
21-May-12 7:26
Member 387988121-May-12 7:26 
GeneralRe: Machine.config Pin
Not Active21-May-12 7:42
mentorNot Active21-May-12 7:42 
QuestionAuto postback on a text control triggered by clicking on listview Pin
cahigg21-May-12 3:19
cahigg21-May-12 3:19 
I have a form with auto postback set for custom validation on several text fields. It also has a list view of items which acts as a record selector to populate the text fields from a database when selected. The problem is that if I edit a text field and then click on the list view, the code behind for the text field runs and the listview returns to the previous selection which means the user has to click twice on the listview to select a new record. I'm sure there is a way to determine which option on the listview was clicked on and run the code behind for the listview after the code behind for the text box but I can't seem to find it. Doese anyone have any ideas or preferably a solution that they have implemented?
Questionsetting focus to a button Pin
mathew6800720-May-12 21:33
mathew6800720-May-12 21:33 
AnswerRe: setting focus to a button Pin
Abhinav S20-May-12 21:47
Abhinav S20-May-12 21:47 
GeneralRe: setting focus to a button Pin
Jack Li22-May-12 19:26
Jack Li22-May-12 19:26 
Questionmonitor 2010 web form Pin
sc steinhayse20-May-12 14:45
sc steinhayse20-May-12 14:45 
QuestionManually import Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll Pin
jkirkerx20-May-12 6:23
professionaljkirkerx20-May-12 6:23 
Questionxsl generate comma from nodes Pin
VinothRao19-May-12 5:05
VinothRao19-May-12 5:05 
AnswerRe: xsl generate comma from nodes Pin
mohan21_kumarv20-May-12 4:48
mohan21_kumarv20-May-12 4:48 
GeneralRe: xsl generate comma from nodes Pin
VinothRao20-May-12 17:26
VinothRao20-May-12 17:26 Pin
sajid ali laghari18-May-12 20:27
sajid ali laghari18-May-12 20:27 
AnswerRe: Pin
Pankaj Nikam19-May-12 0:37
professionalPankaj Nikam19-May-12 0:37 
QuestionPlacing points on a image Pin
Wsmithjr18-May-12 6:58
Wsmithjr18-May-12 6:58 
AnswerRe: Placing points on a image Pin
Not Active18-May-12 7:24
mentorNot Active18-May-12 7:24 
QuestionMV3 FileContentResult is not working on my server Pin
samMaster18-May-12 3:15
samMaster18-May-12 3:15 
AnswerRe: MV3 FileContentResult is not working on my server Pin
Jack Li22-May-12 19:40
Jack Li22-May-12 19:40 
QuestionHow to call a Serverside function from javascript function Pin
Rocky2318-May-12 0:25
Rocky2318-May-12 0:25 
AnswerRe: How to call a Serverside function from javascript function Pin
Parwej Ahamad19-May-12 3:22
professionalParwej Ahamad19-May-12 3:22 
QuestionDetails View Example Pin
Member 869650217-May-12 23:42
Member 869650217-May-12 23:42 

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