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GeneralRe: xsl generate comma from nodes Pin
VinothRao20-May-12 17:26
VinothRao20-May-12 17:26 Pin
sajid ali laghari18-May-12 20:27
sajid ali laghari18-May-12 20:27 
AnswerRe: Pin
Pankaj Nikam19-May-12 0:37
professionalPankaj Nikam19-May-12 0:37 
QuestionPlacing points on a image Pin
Wsmithjr18-May-12 6:58
Wsmithjr18-May-12 6:58 
AnswerRe: Placing points on a image Pin
Not Active18-May-12 7:24
mentorNot Active18-May-12 7:24 
QuestionMV3 FileContentResult is not working on my server Pin
samMaster18-May-12 3:15
samMaster18-May-12 3:15 
AnswerRe: MV3 FileContentResult is not working on my server Pin
Jack Li22-May-12 19:40
Jack Li22-May-12 19:40 
QuestionHow to call a Serverside function from javascript function Pin
Rocky2318-May-12 0:25
Rocky2318-May-12 0:25 

Is it possible to call a function from javascript function.?

for example, my code is like this.
<dxe:ASPxComboBox ID="cmbmMicroCause" Width="100%" runat="server" DataSourceID="RootCauseMicroDataSource"
                                                        TextField="name" ValueField="code" ClientInstanceName="cmbmMicroCause"
                                                        AutoPostBack="false" >
                                                        <ClientSideEvents SelectedIndexChanged="function(s,e){OncmbMicroCauseChanged(s);}" />

on the selection change event of
and clickevent of the button
i want to call a function GetData() and FillAccountaValue() simultaneously.

I can't write a Serverside event directly for this controls, if i do this operation directly in serverside control, it will filter all the data and get the records from DB and it is very time consuming and i can't use AJAX controls here too, its not allowed here.

Please someone help me on this.
AnswerRe: How to call a Serverside function from javascript function Pin
Parwej Ahamad19-May-12 3:22
professionalParwej Ahamad19-May-12 3:22 
QuestionDetails View Example Pin
Member 869650217-May-12 23:42
Member 869650217-May-12 23:42 
QuestionRetrieving a data element from a SQL view Pin
Member 899360917-May-12 19:58
Member 899360917-May-12 19:58 
AnswerRe: Retrieving a data element from a SQL view Pin
Not Active18-May-12 1:59
mentorNot Active18-May-12 1:59 
GeneralRe: Retrieving a data element from a SQL view Pin
Member 899360918-May-12 3:43
Member 899360918-May-12 3:43 
GeneralRe: Retrieving a data element from a SQL view Pin
Not Active18-May-12 4:20
mentorNot Active18-May-12 4:20 
QuestionFile Encryption and Decryption Pin
yesu prakash17-May-12 19:00
yesu prakash17-May-12 19:00 
AnswerRe: File Encryption and Decryption Pin
Jack Li22-May-12 20:12
Jack Li22-May-12 20:12 
QuestionURGENT-error:the name"textbox" does not exist in the current context Pin
Member 896972317-May-12 15:41
Member 896972317-May-12 15:41 
QuestionCS0103: The name 'greencom' does not exist in the current context Pin
dababy17-May-12 4:39
dababy17-May-12 4:39 
AnswerRe: CS0103: The name 'greencom' does not exist in the current context Pin
Rocky2318-May-12 1:37
Rocky2318-May-12 1:37 
AnswerRe: CS0103: The name 'greencom' does not exist in the current context Pin
Jack Li22-May-12 20:18
Jack Li22-May-12 20:18 
QuestionMy Dropdown List not inserting selected value into database. Pin
dababy17-May-12 4:30
dababy17-May-12 4:30 
AnswerRe: My Dropdown List not inserting selected value into database. Pin
padminiselvaraj18-May-12 17:11
padminiselvaraj18-May-12 17:11 
AnswerRe: My Dropdown List not inserting selected value into database. Pin
Apocalypse Now20-May-12 14:34
Apocalypse Now20-May-12 14:34 
GeneralRe: My Dropdown List not inserting selected value into database. Pin
Jack Li22-May-12 20:22
Jack Li22-May-12 20:22 
GeneralRe: My Dropdown List not inserting selected value into database. Pin
Apocalypse Now22-May-12 20:35
Apocalypse Now22-May-12 20:35 

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