I have a C# 2010 web application that I am going to be setting up.
If I want to point to a file on my C drive like C:\work\app, how does this translate to a url on the internet?
I know localhost would be part of it. However, what would be the rest of the url?
C:\Work\App is a physical path. You should point to the virtual path.
e.i. If we said that the virtual directory that represent the application root is 'app' then the request path should be 'server/app/resources/file.ext'
Help people,so poeple can help you.
So if I am running cassini on my local workstation and I want to refer to a file on my c drive,
it would be referred to as:
https://localhost:3358/directory name/excelfile.xls.
The 3358 would be the port number and the c drive is my application root?
if the file 'excelfile.xls' is located on 'C:\directory name\'
and the application is hosted at 'localhost:3358/'
then the request path to the file 'excelfile.xls' is 'localhost:3358/directory name/excelfile.xls'.
Help people,so poeple can help you.
I am new to working with deploying a C# web application 2010. I want to use the setup and deploy template in the visual studio .net 2010 ide since that is what the previous programmer(s) used at my company. Right now I am the only programmer at my small company. I also want to mention there are is no written deployment documentation for this web application. I have used the setup and deploy project file that I generated, but it does not install the web form 2010 application to acutally run.
Thus,I am trying to determine what I could have done wrong.
Here are my question:
1. I am not exactly certain what I need to include in the project file for it to work. I can see the files that were generated by theoriginal programmers but I am not certain if I need exactly those files those particular folders.
Thus can you make a recommendation on how I determine what files to include in the deployment.?
2. Also once I deploy the application, I am not certain exactly how to test that the application to that it actually acutally runs. Basically the production application runs on IIS 7. Do you think I should deploy the application to cassini on my workstation and then see if it runs? Thus basically are there directions I can follow to see how I can test the web application? Would I deploy the web application in steps? Should I deploy the web application to cassini, then to iis on a test server?
You have been struggling with this since March 12, 2012. That's almost 2 months now.
[First Post^]
I think it's time now for you to purchase a book on ASP.NET, and learn how to deploy your project on a web server. Or perhaps just contract out to someone to do it for you. I think your server admin can do it for you in less than an hour or so.
No insult intended here, but your going round in circles here with the whole process, and you really need to take a large step back to ground zero, and start with something more simple.
For your information, I got the iis work on my workstation, test iis7 and deployed into production on Monday. I am using application pools. My problem was the .net did not know what the startup page was. I just reset it.
You posted your question on cinco de mayo, the 5th, yesterday was the 7th.
You should still buy the book, it will explain what .net is.
dcof wrote: My problem was the .net did not know what the startup page was
.net is a programming language, in which you can write in visual basic or c sharp. It allows you to make dynamic web pages, in which you can change the output on the fly.
html is a static web page, in which the content never changes, and is always the same.
A web server is required to host the web page. For .net, you need a web server that is .net compatible.
The more correct nomenclature is
dcof wrote: My problem was the web server did not know what the startup page was
I am designing a site that will use ajax panel to load it's controls from an xmlDocument. On the ajax panel I will have several asp:Label, asp:textbox, asp:Listbox, and radgrid controls. Now, my data will consist of the content of nodes from an xmlDocument. How do I populate the ajax panel's controls (bind the data) from the xml tree contained in the xmlDocument?
Steve Holdorf
Also, I was wondering if there was a way to do this in the code behind one setting the value of one control at a time? See what I am doing is filling an xmlDocument onLoad then using it for display through out the whole application.
What I am doing is in the OnLoad page event for the main page I want to load an XMLDocument from a wcf service pulling the data from a list of SharePoint items, then not have to hit the web service again. Next, I want to fill the top level navigation control with the top level nodes of the xmlDocument. Now, once the user selects a menu option I want to populate and display/hide child controls with the detail data and so forth going into more detail with each selection.
I read all 3 of your post, the first one is simplistic in thought, and the others add quite a bit more work to the first.
You should probably start simple and make a listbox, and practice binging your xml data to it until it works properly, then figure out the textbox, and then the radgrid.
Just use the toolbox and drag a Listbox onto the webform, then press F4 on your keyboard, and bind the listbox to your xml source.
If your going to do post 3, then throw everything out the window and start again from scratch. You can't bind to a file downloaded from a web service, because the file would have to have the same name for the bind, presenting the same data to every different user at the same time, defeating the purpose of writing it in the first place.
Thanks for your input. I have now found that SharePoint does have web services that will bring a xmlDocument list data tree to your application code. I guess I was not clear in my post. The data I am pulling into my xmlDocument is static and the same for all application clients. It represents catalog text data for presentation purposes only. I guess what I need to know is the best way to pull node data dynamically from the xmlDocument and use the top level root data for the menu button fields, then use each root's inner nodes to fill the asp textbox controls of the page with inner node data that show specific detailed information about the select root node.
Hope this makes more since.
Steve Holdorf
modified 6-May-12 21:26pm.
It makes sense to me. And that's what I gathered from reading the 3 posts.
I don't know how to bind the XML nodes to each asp object as you described. I only know how to write it in pure code, using XMLTextWriter or XMLTextReader.
In pure code, I would create 3 arrays, open up the XML Document, read it into memory, quickly close it, and loop through the nodes, and as I loop, if an element name matches, then add the elements data to the proper array, then take each array, and populate the proper control.
I have no clue how to do that with binding, I stopped using that over 8 years ago. Found it to be really slow for high volume web sites.
Once you write code for let's say loading a listbox, it's easy to resuse the code, and faster than binding.
Thanks again for your post. Looping through the xmlDocument was what I was thinking as well. Also, I did not plan to directly bind the xml data directly to the asp/rad controls but what I was going to do was as each root node menu item was selected hide/show the details panel and populate it dynamically at that time. I was hoping someone would have a few code samples.
Steve Holdorf
There might be menu code out there. I remember in the past, people wanted to load a home page menu bar from an XML file, and I remember seeing tons of code for that out there, "ASP.NET xml menu" You can swap out the menu object for the ones you need.
My observations reflect that most people use XML linq to open a xml file to access the elements and values with ease and more performance. I took the hard road and learned XSD, and XMLTextReader, which is lighting fast, but difficult to understand at first.
I would have to see the format of your XML first, before making any recommendations. It depends on how well formed your XML is.
Read your reply and thank you very much! What I am doing is going to have a master page with a rad menu and use your AJAX tool kit to load and unload custom controls, like in your demos. I guess my biggest problem is, with only a single XMLDocument with all of the data contained, iterating through it and pulling out the top root level nodes for the menu. Then once a root level node menu item is selected getting that node's second level child node data to fill the 1st level custom control (i.e. text fields and drop down fields). Then once a second level child node's data dropdown is selected then filling the 2nd custom control with that main root's third level child node data, etc. I don't think I can bind directly anywhere as I feel that some sore of iteration methods must be used. I think the xml will be 3 - 4 levels deep and will be the only data source for my catalog application. Have you had any dealings with such a seniro and if so any good links. The links you sent me before were mostly binding to an xmldatasource, and not using xmlDocument iteration and dynamically loading controls which I must do in my case. In my case binding directly to xml is not an option unless I can pull child node sections in to an xml source that will allow for binding. Any help would be great and as always thanks for your help!
Steve Holdorf
That sounds like a car part web site
1. You pick the make - FORD - XML with brands, element contains model.xml
2. You pick the model - F150 - XML with years, elements contains year.xml
3. You pick the year - 2012 - and so forth
4. You pick the engine - Triton V10
I would have several XML files for that scenario
I could not see putting that into a single xml file, but if your data is small, then yes.
Well, you have to write the XML file first. Then you have to write the code to read the file, or figure out how to bind the file.
You would have to write code to change bindings on the fly.
Your not really going to find any per-fabricated code for your needs, most of the code samples out there are for a small specific function or need that is common. Most programmers don't give up code, unless you give something back in return, or are getting paid to give away code like at Microsoft.
Hi All,
I have some required field and custom validation controls, they are firing on submit but I want those to be firing onblur events also.
Is there any way that we can display the same error messages to the users at onblur event of that particular control using the same required field or custom validation controls.
Its little urgent, please help me, I have been googling for this.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks & Regards,
Abdul Aleem Mohammad
St Louis MO - USA
As per my understanding, implement onblur event on javascript and then validate all required fields in that event.
Is there any issue with onblur event on js side?
Parwej Ahamad
I am not certain how to specify the startup page. The url that displays when I am running the application is the following:
How do I know what the startup page is from here?
Is the startup page hom.aspx?
My application is built using C and VB. Can i use Runtime Callable Wrappers to call that dll in asp.net?
Is it possible to call this dll in asp.net?