This is the third time you have asked this question but you have not explained which part does not work.
Binding 100,000 items to a list box can be just silly regardless of what pattern you are following. Jeremy Likness
var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(30.050144, 31.240042);
this javascript code works but,
i want to replace the static values of latitude (30.050144) & longitude (31.240042)
in javascript code
with any value entered by user in latitude textbox
& longitude textbox
this code i use in html page
<%--!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
html { height: 100% }
body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0 }
#map_canvas { height: 100% }
function initialize() {
var myOptions = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(30.04866, 31.23688),
zoom: 8,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"),
var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(30.050144, 31.240042);
var myOptions = {
zoom: 20,
center: myLatlng,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions);
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: myLatlng,
map: map,
title: "Hello World!"
this code i have used in c# form
StringBuilder queryAddress = new StringBuilder();
queryAddress.Append("file:///C:/Users/mrx1000/documents/visual studio 2010/Projects/testgoogleapi3/testgoogleapi/HTMLPage1.htm");
this image for my form in running
as you see i didn't enter anything in latitude text box or longitude text box
i find away but it's very difficult in this example & when i use it gives me errors
// webBrowser1.DocumentText =
//"" +
//"function test(message) { alert(message); }" +
//"" +
what i should i do now?
Your C# WinForm application with webbrowser control embedded in the form can use the following ways to achieve two-way communication between your C# code and the JavaScript code loaded by the webbrowser control.
From JavaScript to C#, follow these steps:
1. Create a member function in C#. In this example, suppose we have a function called "report_location":
public void report_location(double latitude, double longitude)
2. From your JavaScript code whenever you need to call the above C# function, do it like this:
In the above function call the "... " represents the arguments you pass to the function. Use whatever arguments you need to use. For example if you are using Google Maps API and you add a listener to the map's click event, the function will be like this:
Your C# code will be able to get the clicked location's latitude/longitude.
From C# to JavaScript, follow these steps: (These will answer your specific question.)
1. In your JavaScript code create a function. In this example, suppose we have a function called "set_location":
function set_location(latitude, longitude){
var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude);
2. In your C# code whenever you need to call the above function to set the location, do it like this (suppose your webbrowser control is represented by the variable wb_map :
new string[]{
Of course if the numbers are stored in variables such as latitude , longitude , the above call will be
new string[]{
Hope this answers your question. Happy programming!
loyal ginger wrote: wb_map.Document.InvokeScript(
new string[]{
thanks for this simple & great answer but when i use this code i have this error
object reference not set to an instance of an object
In my example, wb_map is the WebBrowser control on the Form. You need to replace it with the WebBrowser control in your application.
loyal ginger wrote: In my example, wb_map is the WebBrowser control on the Form. You need to replace it with the WebBrowser control in your application
of course i replace wb_map by webBrowser1 control but i have error i don't know what causes this error
object reference not set to an instance of an object ????!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I might have misunderstood you. In that case I really have no clue what went wrong. My original reply to your question was based on my error-free application, which happens to be very similar to your program. I don't have a complete picture of your program so it's hard for me to trouble shoot your program. Maybe somebody else here can give you a better answer? Thanks for your patience!
when i put this line of code in webbrowser control it works thanks for all for answers
if (e.Url.Equals(webBrowser1.Url))
webBrowser1.Document.InvokeScript("initialize", new object[] { latitude, longitude });
I need help in writing code on establish a PPTP (VPN Tunnel)connection in c#.
What sort of help? You need to be much more specific with your questions. Nobody here is going to write your application for you but they will help you if you have problems with particular parts of your own code. If you have no idea how to approach this project then Google is your friend.
Binding 100,000 items to a list box can be just silly regardless of what pattern you are following. Jeremy Likness
In my code, I am counting the number of records (sent emails) that are older than one month. In order to do that, I am using following snippet.
int totalSentEmailsOlderThanMonth = emailSendingService.ListSentEmails().ToArray().Count(x => (DateTime.Now - x.SentDateTime).TotalDays > 30);
The reason I am using .ToArray() in my code as (DateTime.Now - x.SentDateTime).TotalDays cannot be translated in LINQ to SQL query so, by calling ToArray() , I am loading all records into the memory and then counting. But there are more than hundreds of records in my database and loading all the records into the memory just for counting is not efficient at all. So, would anyone please give me an alternative more efficient snippet that can be used in this scenario.
[[ By the way, emailSendingService.ListSentEmails() returns IQueryable<MyRecordType> ]]
You need to re-write the predicate a little bit (I don't have time to check this, so consider it not-very psuedo psuedo code) and it might error:
DateTime latestSendDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30);
int totalSentEmailsOlderThanMonth = emailSendingService.ListSentEmails().Count(x => x.SentDateTime <= latestSendDate);
This removes the "calculation" from the LINQ query count predicate and puts it into a format it should be able to generate SQL from. There may be an out by one error (you get 29/31 days).
I think this will work, as I say, I don't have time to check it. Let me know if there are any problems.
Owe, thats the cute idea. Thanks a loooot. Sure, it is a working code and it is working perfectly.
Thank you very much for your help.
Hi Every one .. please if u could help me in write a program of SIFT algorithem in image processing i need it plz
Try something and then post your questions here. No one is going to help you write any program from scratch.
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Emgu.CV;
using Emgu.CV.Structure;
using Emgu.Util;
using System.Drawing;
namespace SiftLib
public class Sift
const double SIFT_INIT_SIGMA = .5;
const int SIFT_IMG_BORDER = 5;
const int SIFT_MAX_INTERP_STEPS = 5;
const int SIFT_ORI_HIST_BINS = 36;
const double SIFT_ORI_SIG_FCTR = 1.5;
const double SIFT_ORI_PEAK_RATIO = .8;
const double SIFT_DESCR_SCL_FCTR = 3.0;
const double SIFT_DESCR_MAG_THR = .2;
const double SIFT_INT_DESCR_FCTR = 512.0;
const int SIFT_INTVLS = 3;
const double SIFT_SIGMA = 1.6;
const double SIFT_CONTR_THR = 0.04;
const int SIFT_CURV_THR = 10;
const int SIFT_IMG_DBL = 1;
const int SIFT_DESCR_WIDTH = 4;
const int SIFT_DESCR_HIST_BINS = 8;
public List<feature> sift_features(Image<gray, float=""> img)
return _sift_features(img, SIFT_INTVLS, SIFT_SIGMA, SIFT_CONTR_THR,
public List<feature> _sift_features(Image<gray, float=""> img, int intvls,
double sigma, double contr_thr, int curv_thr,
int img_dbl, int descr_width, int descr_hist_bins)
Image<gray, single=""> init_img;
Image<gray, single="">[,] gauss_pyr, dog_pyr;
List<feature> features;
init_img = create_init_img(img, img_dbl, sigma);
List<feature> feat = new List<feature>();
int octvs = (int)(Math.Log(Math.Min(init_img.Width, init_img.Height)) / Math.Log(2) - 2);
gauss_pyr = build_gauss_pyr(init_img, octvs, intvls, sigma);
dog_pyr = build_dog_pyr(gauss_pyr, octvs, intvls);
features = scale_space_extrema(dog_pyr, octvs, intvls, contr_thr, curv_thr);
calc_feature_scales(ref features, sigma, intvls);
if (img_dbl != 0)
adjust_for_img_dbl(ref features);
calc_feature_oris(ref features, gauss_pyr);
compute_descriptors(ref features, gauss_pyr, descr_width, descr_hist_bins);
features.Sort(new Comparison<feature>(delegate(Feature a, Feature b) { if (a.scl < b.scl)return 1; if (a.scl > b.scl) return -1; return 0; }));
int n = features.Count;
feat = features;
return feat;
void compute_descriptors(ref List<feature> features, Image<gray, float="">[,] gauss_pyr, int d, int n)
Feature feat;
detection_data ddata;
float[, ,] hist;
int i, k = features.Count;
for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
feat = features[i];
ddata = feat.feature_data;
hist = descr_hist(gauss_pyr[ddata.octv, ddata.intvl], ddata.r,
ddata.c, feat.ori, ddata.scl_octv, d, n);
hist_to_descr(hist, d, n, ref feat);
//release_descr_hist(&hist, d);
void hist_to_descr(float[, ,] hist, int d, int n, ref Feature feat)
int int_val, i, r, c, o, k = 0;
feat.descr = new double[d * d * n];
for (r = 0; r < d; r++)
for (c = 0; c < d; c++)
for (o = 0; o < n; o++)
feat.descr[k++] = hist[r, c, o];
feat.d = k;
for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
if (feat.descr[i] > SIFT_DESCR_MAG_THR)
feat.descr[i] = SIFT_DESCR_MAG_THR;
/* convert floating-point descriptor to integer valued descriptor */
for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
int_val = (int)(SIFT_INT_DESCR_FCTR * feat.descr[i]);
feat.descr[i] = Math.Min(255, int_val);
void normalize_descr(Feature feat)
double cur, len_inv, len_sq = 0.0;
int i, d = feat.d;
for (i = 0; i < d; i++)
cur = feat.descr[i];
len_sq += cur * cur;
len_inv = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(len_sq);
for (i = 0; i < d; i++)
feat.descr[i] *= len_inv;
float[, ,] descr_hist(Image<gray, float=""> img, int r, int c, double ori,
double scl, int d, int n)
float[, ,] hist;
double cos_t, sin_t, hist_width, exp_denom, r_rot, c_rot, grad_mag,
grad_ori, w, rbin, cbin, obin, bins_per_rad, PI2 = 2.0 * Math.PI;
int radius, i, j;
hist = new float[d, d, n];
cos_t = Math.Cos(ori);
sin_t = Math.Sin(ori);
bins_per_rad = n / PI2;
exp_denom = d * d * 0.5;
hist_width = SIFT_DESCR_SCL_FCTR * scl;
radius = (int)(hist_width * Math.Sqrt(2) * (d + 1.0) * 0.5 + 0.5);
for (i = -radius; i <= radius; i++)
for (j = -radius; j <= radius; j++)
Calculate sample's histogram array coords rotated relative to ori.
Subtract 0.5 so samples that fall e.g. in the center of row 1 (i.e.
r_rot = 1.5) have full weight placed in row 1 after interpolation.
c_rot = (j * cos_t - i * sin_t) / hist_width;
r_rot = (j * sin_t + i * cos_t) / hist_width;
rbin = r_rot + d / 2 - 0.5;
cbin = c_rot + d / 2 - 0.5;
if (rbin > -1.0 && rbin < d && cbin > -1.0 && cbin < d)
if (calc_grad_mag_ori(img, r + i, c + j, out grad_mag, out grad_ori) != 0)
grad_ori -= ori;
while (grad_ori < 0.0)
grad_ori += PI2;
while (grad_ori >= PI2)
grad_ori -= PI2;
obin = grad_ori * bins_per_rad;
w = Math.Exp(-(c_rot * c_rot + r_rot * r_rot) / exp_denom);
interp_hist_entry(ref hist, rbin, cbin, obin, grad_mag * w, d, n);
return hist;
void interp_hist_entry(ref float[, ,] hist, double rbin, double cbin,
double obin, double mag, int d, int n)
float d_r, d_c, d_o, v_r, v_c, v_o;
int r0, c0, o0, rb, cb, ob, r, c, o;
r0 = (int)Math.Floor(rbin);
c0 = (int)Math.Floor(cbin);
o0 = (int)Math.Floor(obin);
d_r = (float)rbin - r0;
d_c = (float)cbin - c0;
d_o = (float)obin - o0;
The entry is distributed into up to 8 bins. Each entry into a bin
is multiplied by a weight of 1 - d for each dimension, where d is the
distance from the center value of the bin measured in bin units.
for (r = 0; r <= 1; r++)
rb = r0 + r;
if (rb >= 0 && rb < d)
v_r = (float)mag * ((r == 0) ? 1.0F - d_r : d_r);
for (c = 0; c <= 1; c++)
cb = c0 + c;
if (cb >= 0 && cb < d)
v_c = v_r * ((c == 0) ? 1.0F - d_c : d_c);
for (o = 0; o <= 1; o++)
ob = (o0 + o) % n;
v_o = v_c * ((o == 0) ? 1.0F - d_o : d_o);
hist[rb, cb, ob] += v_o;
void calc_feature_oris(ref List<feature> features, Image<gray, float="">[,] gauss_pyr)
Feature feat;
detection_data ddata;
double[] hist;
double omax;
int i, j, n = features.Count;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
feat = features[0];
ddata = feat.feature_data;
hist = ori_hist(gauss_pyr[ddata.octv, ddata.intvl],
ddata.r, ddata.c, SIFT_ORI_HIST_BINS,
(int)Math.Round(SIFT_ORI_RADIUS * ddata.scl_octv),
SIFT_ORI_SIG_FCTR * ddata.scl_octv);
for (j = 0; j < SIFT_ORI_SMOOTH_PASSES; j++)
smooth_ori_hist(ref hist, SIFT_ORI_HIST_BINS);
omax = dominant_ori(ref hist, SIFT_ORI_HIST_BINS);
add_good_ori_features(ref features, hist, SIFT_ORI_HIST_BINS,
omax * SIFT_ORI_PEAK_RATIO, feat);
//free( ddata );
//free( feat );
//free( hist );
void add_good_ori_features(ref List<feature> features, double[] hist, int n,
double mag_thr, Feature feat)
Feature new_feat;
double bin, PI2 = Math.PI * 2.0;
int l, r, i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
l = (i == 0) ? n - 1 : i - 1;
r = (i + 1) % n;
if (hist[i] > hist[l] && hist[i] > hist[r] && hist[i] >= mag_thr)
bin = i + interp_hist_peak(hist[l], hist[i], hist[r]);
bin = (bin < 0) ? n + bin : (bin >= n) ? bin - n : bin;
new_feat = (Feature)feat.Clone();
new_feat.ori = ((PI2 * bin) / n) - Math.PI;
//free( new_feat );
double interp_hist_peak(double l, double c, double r) { return 0.5 * ((l) - (r)) / ((l) - 2.0 * (c) + (r)); }
double dominant_ori(ref double[] hist, int n)
double omax;
int maxbin, i;
omax = hist[0];
maxbin = 0;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (hist[i] > omax)
omax = hist[i];
maxbin = i;
return omax;
void smooth_ori_hist(ref double[] hist, int n)
double prev, tmp, h0 = hist[0];
int i;
prev = hist[n - 1];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
tmp = hist[i];
hist[i] = 0.25 * prev + 0.5 * hist[i] +
0.25 * ((i + 1 == n) ? h0 : hist[i + 1]);
prev = tmp;
double[] ori_hist(Image<gray, single=""> img, int r, int c, int n, int rad, double sigma)
double[] hist;
double mag, ori, w, exp_denom, PI2 = Math.PI * 2.0;
int bin, i, j;
hist = new double[n];
exp_denom = 2.0 * sigma * sigma;
for (i = -rad; i <= rad; i++)
for (j = -rad; j <= rad; j++)
if (calc_grad_mag_ori(img, r + i, c + j, out mag, out ori) == 1)
w = Math.Exp(-(i * i + j * j) / exp_denom);
bin = (int)Math.Round(n * (ori + Math.PI) / PI2);
bin = (bin < n) ? bin : 0;
hist[bin] += w * mag;
return hist;
int calc_grad_mag_ori(Image<gray, single=""> img, int r, int c, out double mag, out double ori)
double dx, dy;
if (r > 0 && r < img.Height - 1 && c > 0 && c < img.Width - 1)
dx = img[r, c + 1].Intensity - img[r, c - 1].Intensity;
dy = img[r - 1, c].Intensity - img[r + 1, c].Intensity;
mag = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
ori = Math.Atan2(dy, dx);
return 1;
mag = 0;
ori = 0;
return 0;
void adjust_for_img_dbl(ref List<feature> features)
Feature feat;
int i, n;
n = features.Count;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
feat = features[i];
feat.x /= 2.0;
feat.y /= 2.0;
feat.scl /= 2.0;
feat.img_pt.X /= 2.0F;
feat.img_pt.Y /= 2.0F;
void calc_feature_scales(ref List<feature> features, double sigma, int intvls)
Feature feat;
detection_data ddata;
double intvl;
int i, n;
n = features.Count;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
feat = features[i];
intvl = feat.feature_data.intvl + feat.feature_data.subintvl;
feat.scl = sigma * Math.Pow(2.0, feat.feature_data.octv + intvl / intvls);
feat.feature_data.scl_octv = sigma * Math.Pow(2.0, intvl / intvls);
Image<gray, single=""> create_init_img(Image<gray, float=""> img, int img_dbl, double sigma)
Image<gray, single=""> gray;
Image<gray, single=""> dbl;
float sig_diff;
gray = convert_to_gray32(img);
if (img_dbl != 0)
sig_diff = (float)Math.Sqrt(sigma * sigma - SIFT_INIT_SIGMA * SIFT_INIT_SIGMA * 4);
dbl = new Image<gray, float="">(new Size(img.Width * 2, img.Height * 2));
dbl = gray.Resize(dbl.Width, dbl.Height, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.INTER.CV_INTER_CUBIC);
dbl = dbl.SmoothGaussian(0, 0, sig_diff, sig_diff);
return dbl;
sig_diff = (float)Math.Sqrt(sigma * sigma - SIFT_INIT_SIGMA * SIFT_INIT_SIGMA);
gray.SmoothGaussian(0, 0, sig_diff, sig_diff);
return gray;
Image<gray, single=""> convert_to_gray32(Image<gray, float=""> img)
Image<gray, byte=""> gray8;
Image<gray, single=""> gray32;
gray32 = new Image<gray, single="">(img.Width, img.Height);
using (gray8 = img.Convert<gray, byte="">())
gray32 = gray8.ConvertScale<single>(1.0 / 255.0, 0);
return gray32;
Image<gray, single="">[,] build_gauss_pyr(Image<gray, single=""> basepic, int octvs,
int intvls, double sigma)
Image<gray, single="">[,] gauss_pyr = new Image<gray, float="">[octvs, intvls + 3];
double[] sig = new double[intvls + 3];
double sig_total, sig_prev, k;
int i, o;
precompute Gaussian sigmas using the following formula:
\sigma_{total}^2 = \sigma_{i}^2 + \sigma_{i-1}^2
sig[0] = sigma;
k = Math.Pow(2.0, 1.0 / intvls);
for (i = 1; i < intvls + 3; i++)
sig_prev = Math.Pow(k, i - 1) * sigma;
sig_total = sig_prev * k;
sig[i] = Math.Sqrt(sig_total * sig_total - sig_prev * sig_prev);
for (o = 0; o < octvs; o++)
for (i = 0; i < intvls + 3; i++)
if (o == 0 && i == 0)
gauss_pyr[o, i] = basepic.Clone();
/* base of new octvave is halved image from end of previous octave */
else if (i == 0)
gauss_pyr[o, i] = downsample(gauss_pyr[o - 1, intvls]);
/* blur the current octave's last image to create the next one */
gauss_pyr[o, i] = gauss_pyr[o, i - 1].SmoothGaussian(0, 0, sig[i], sig[i]);
return gauss_pyr;
Image<gray, single=""> downsample(Image<gray, single=""> img)
Image<gray, single=""> smaller;
smaller = img.Resize(img.Width / 2, img.Height / 2, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.INTER.CV_INTER_NN);
return smaller;
Image<gray, single="">[,] build_dog_pyr(Image<gray, single="">[,] gauss_pyr, int octvs, int intvls)
Image<gray, single="">[,] dog_pyr;
int i, o;
dog_pyr = new Image<gray, float="">[octvs, intvls + 2];
for (o = 0; o < octvs; o++)
for (i = 0; i < intvls + 2; i++)
dog_pyr[o, i] = gauss_pyr[o, i + 1].Sub(gauss_pyr[o, i]);
return dog_pyr;
List<feature> scale_space_extrema(Image<gray, single="">[,] dog_pyr, int octvs, int intvls,
double contr_thr, int curv_thr)
List<feature> features = new List<feature>();
double prelim_contr_thr = 0.5 * contr_thr / intvls;
Feature feat;
detection_data ddata;
int o, i, r, c;
for (o = 0; o < octvs; o++)
for (i = 1; i <= intvls; i++)
for (r = SIFT_IMG_BORDER; r < dog_pyr[o, 0].Height - SIFT_IMG_BORDER; r++)
for (c = SIFT_IMG_BORDER; c < dog_pyr[o, 0].Width - SIFT_IMG_BORDER; c++)
/* perform preliminary check on contrast */
if (Math.Abs(dog_pyr[o, i][r, c].Intensity) > prelim_contr_thr)
if (is_extremum(dog_pyr, o, i, r, c) == 1)
feat = interp_extremum(dog_pyr, o, i, r, c, intvls, contr_thr);
if (feat != null)
ddata = feat.feature_data;
if ((is_too_edge_like(dog_pyr[ddata.octv, ddata.intvl],
ddata.r, ddata.c, curv_thr) == 0))
features.Insert(0, feat);//cvSeqPush( features, feat );
return features;
int is_extremum(Image<gray, single="">[,] dog_pyr, int octv, int intvl, int r, int c)
float val = (float)dog_pyr[octv, intvl][r, c].Intensity;
int i, j, k;
/* check for maximum */
if (val > 0)
for (i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
for (j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
for (k = -1; k <= 1; k++)
if (val < dog_pyr[octv, intvl + i][r + j, c + k].Intensity)
return 0;
/* check for minimum */
for (i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
for (j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
for (k = -1; k <= 1; k++)
if (val > dog_pyr[octv, intvl + i][r + j, c + k].Intensity)
return 0;
return 1;
Feature interp_extremum(Image<gray, single="">[,] dog_pyr, int octv, int intvl,
int r, int c, int intvls, double contr_thr)
Feature feat;
detection_data ddata;
double xi = 0, xr = 0, xc = 0, contr;
int i = 0;
interp_step(dog_pyr, octv, intvl, r, c, out xi, out xr, out xc);
if (Math.Abs(xi) < 0.5 && Math.Abs(xr) < 0.5 && Math.Abs(xc) < 0.5)
c += (int)Math.Round(xc);
r += (int)Math.Round(xr);
intvl += (int)Math.Round(xi);
if (intvl < 1 ||
intvl > intvls ||
c >= dog_pyr[octv, 0].Width - SIFT_IMG_BORDER ||
r >= dog_pyr[octv, 0].Height - SIFT_IMG_BORDER)
return null;
/* ensure convergence of interpolation */
return null;
contr = interp_contr(dog_pyr, octv, intvl, r, c, xi, xr, xc);
if (Math.Abs(contr) < contr_thr / intvls)
return null;
feat = new_feature();
ddata = feat.feature_data;
feat.img_pt.X = (float)(feat.x = (c + xc) * Math.Pow(2.0, octv));
feat.img_pt.Y = (float)(feat.y = (double)((r + xr) * Math.Pow(2.0, octv)));
ddata.r = r;
ddata.c = c;
ddata.octv = octv;
ddata.intvl = intvl;
ddata.subintvl = xi;
feat.feature_data = ddata;
return feat;
Feature new_feature()
Feature feat = new Feature();
detection_data ddata = new detection_data();
feat.feature_data = ddata;
feat.type = feature_type.FEATURE_LOWE;
return feat;
void interp_step(Image<gray, single="">[,] dog_pyr, int octv, int intvl, int r, int c,
out double xi, out double xr, out double xc)
Matrix<double> dD, H, H_inv, X = new Matrix<double>(3, 1);
double[] x = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 };
dD = deriv_3D(dog_pyr, octv, intvl, r, c);
H = hessian_3D(dog_pyr, octv, intvl, r, c);
H_inv = H.Clone();
CvInvoke.cvInvert(H, H_inv.Ptr, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.INVERT_METHOD.CV_SVD);
fixed (double* a = &x[0])
CvInvoke.cvInitMatHeader(X.Ptr, 3, 1, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.MAT_DEPTH.CV_64F, new IntPtr(a), 0x7fffffff);
CvInvoke.cvGEMM(H_inv.Ptr, dD.Ptr, -1, IntPtr.Zero, 0, X.Ptr, 0);
//cvReleaseMat( &dD );
//cvReleaseMat( &H );
//cvReleaseMat( &H_inv );
xi = x[2];
xr = x[1];
xc = x[0];
Matrix<double> deriv_3D(Image<gray, single="">[,] dog_pyr, int octv, int intvl, int r, int c)
Matrix<double> dI;
double dx, dy, ds;
dx = (dog_pyr[octv, intvl][r, c + 1].Intensity -
dog_pyr[octv, intvl][r, c - 1].Intensity) / 2.0;
dy = (dog_pyr[octv, intvl][r + 1, c].Intensity -
dog_pyr[octv, intvl][r - 1, c].Intensity) / 2.0;
ds = (dog_pyr[octv, intvl + 1][r, c].Intensity -
dog_pyr[octv, intvl - 1][r, c].Intensity) / 2.0;
dI = new Matrix<double>(3, 1);
dI[0, 0] = dx;
dI[1, 0] = dy;
dI[2, 0] = ds;
return dI;
Matrix<double> hessian_3D(Image<gray, single="">[,] dog_pyr, int octv, int intvl, int r, int c)
Matrix<double> H;
double v, dxx, dyy, dss, dxy, dxs, dys;
v = dog_pyr[octv, intvl][r, c].Intensity;
dxx = dog_pyr[octv, intvl][r, c + 1].Intensity + dog_pyr[octv, intvl][r, c - 1].Intensity - 2 * v;
dyy = dog_pyr[octv, intvl][r + 1, c].Intensity +
dog_pyr[octv, intvl][r - 1, c].Intensity - 2 * v;
dss = dog_pyr[octv, intvl + 1][r, c].Intensity +
dog_pyr[octv, intvl - 1][r, c].Intensity - 2 * v;
dxy = (dog_pyr[octv, intvl][r + 1, c + 1].Intensity -
dog_pyr[octv, intvl][r + 1, c - 1].Intensity -
dog_pyr[octv, intvl][r - 1, c + 1].Intensity +
dog_pyr[octv, intvl][r - 1, c - 1].Intensity) / 4.0;
dxs = (dog_pyr[octv, intvl + 1][r, c + 1].Intensity -
dog_pyr[octv, intvl + 1][r, c - 1].Intensity -
dog_pyr[octv, intvl - 1][r, c + 1].Intensity +
dog_pyr[octv, intvl - 1][r, c - 1].Intensity) / 4.0;
dys = (dog_pyr[octv, intvl + 1][r + 1, c].Intensity -
dog_pyr[octv, intvl + 1][r - 1, c].Intensity -
dog_pyr[octv, intvl - 1][r + 1, c].Intensity +
dog_pyr[octv, intvl - 1][r - 1, c].Intensity) / 4.0;
H = new Matrix<double>(3, 3);
H[0, 0] = dxx;
H[0, 1] = dxy;
H[0, 2] = dxs;
H[1, 0] = dxy;
H[1, 1] = dyy;
H[1, 2] = dys;
H[2, 0] = dxs;
H[2, 1] = dys;
H[2, 2] = dss;
return H;
double interp_contr(Image<gray, single="">[,] dog_pyr, int octv, int intvl, int r,
int c, double xi, double xr, double xc)
Matrix<double> dD, X = new Matrix<double>(3, 1), T = new Matrix<double>(1, 1);
double[] t = new double[1];
double[] x = new double[3] { xc, xr, xi };
fixed (double* a = &x[0])
CvInvoke.cvInitMatHeader(X.Ptr, 3, 1, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.MAT_DEPTH.CV_64F, new IntPtr(a), 0x7fffffff);
fixed (double* a = &t[0])
CvInvoke.cvInitMatHeader(T.Ptr, 1, 1, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.MAT_DEPTH.CV_64F, new IntPtr(a), 0x7fffffff);
dD = deriv_3D(dog_pyr, octv, intvl, r, c);
CvInvoke.cvGEMM(dD.Ptr, X.Ptr, 1, IntPtr.Zero, 0, T.Ptr, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.GEMM_TYPE.CV_GEMM_A_T);
//cvReleaseMat( &dD );
return dog_pyr[octv, intvl][r, c].Intensity + t[0] * 0.5;
int is_too_edge_like(Image<gray, float=""> dog_img, int r, int c, int curv_thr)
double d, dxx, dyy, dxy, tr, det;
* */
if ((c == 0) || (r == 0))
return 1;
* /
/* principal curvatures are computed using the trace and det of Hessian */
d = dog_img[r, c].Intensity;
dxx = dog_img[r, c + 1].Intensity + dog_img[r, c - 1].Intensity - 2 * d;
dyy = dog_img[r + 1, c].Intensity + dog_img[r - 1, c].Intensity - 2 * d;
dxy = (dog_img[r + 1, c + 1].Intensity - dog_img[r + 1, c - 1].Intensity -
dog_img[r - 1, c + 1].Intensity + dog_img[r - 1, c - 1].Intensity) / 4.0;
tr = dxx + dyy;
det = dxx * dyy - dxy * dxy;
/* negative determinant -> curvatures have different signs; reject Feature */
if (det <= 0)
return 1;
if (tr * tr / det < (curv_thr + 1.0) * (curv_thr + 1.0) / curv_thr)
return 0;
return 1;
i put it my program but it contain error plz help me to run the program .
Maybe you need to contact the lord of the SIFT.
He's just discovered that SIFT happens.
Pleaaaase , how can i see the result of my features in a listBox ?
I am using a C++ DLL, where one of the parameters is a FileSystemInfo Class.
The problem is, I am retrieving all file properties from a server.
And have to assign all the properties to the class and return it to C++ DLL.
I have tried to create my own FileSystemInfo class with {get; set} properties, but getting this error:
Cannot convert MyClass.MyFileSystemInfo to System.IO.FileSystemInfo