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Design and Architecture

AnswerRe: When we will stop programming?! Pin
Rustem Gaifutdinov24-Apr-12 3:52
Rustem Gaifutdinov24-Apr-12 3:52 
AnswerRe: When we will stop programming?! Pin
Midnight Ahri27-Apr-12 15:10
Midnight Ahri27-Apr-12 15:10 
AnswerRe: When we will stop programming?! Pin
Vivi Chellappa28-Apr-12 5:51
professionalVivi Chellappa28-Apr-12 5:51 
AnswerRe: When we will stop programming?! Pin
Eddy Vluggen29-Apr-12 0:49
professionalEddy Vluggen29-Apr-12 0:49 
GeneralRe: When we will stop programming?! Pin
Vivi Chellappa29-Apr-12 6:27
professionalVivi Chellappa29-Apr-12 6:27 
GeneralRe: When we will stop programming?! Pin
jschell29-Apr-12 6:40
jschell29-Apr-12 6:40 
AnswerRe: When we will stop programming?! Pin
Eddy Vluggen30-Apr-12 1:24
professionalEddy Vluggen30-Apr-12 1:24 
GeneralRe: When we will stop programming?! Pin
jschell29-Apr-12 6:30
jschell29-Apr-12 6:30 
Vivic wrote:
One has to think outside the box for that.

Perhaps by coming up with a new marketing phrase that means nothing?

Vivic wrote:
That means one has to abandon the path we have collectively taken for the 35 years or more. Specifically, abandon the crap called relational DBMS.

Joke right? You are supposing that the OP question can be achieved and is not now a reality solely because people use relational databases? I suppose you figure that people that use NoSQL are already 'computer whispers'?

Vivic wrote:
There was a news item in "Insider News" that referred to a blog that said "New is Glue".[^]


Take any Windows program and see how much glue you have in it. Figure out how to remove the glue.


Follow the thought process all the way through.

Following through I can only suppose that you are claiming Unix developers using Java are now 'computer whispers'?

Vivic wrote:
You will realize that we could have stopped programming around 1995.

I suspect that some people should have stopped programming then.
And since then some others probably shouldn't have started in the first place.
But that is because they have no aptitude for it.

But other than fantasy (not science fiction) novels no one can stop programming now. And based on current research there doesn't seem to be any indications it will be possible even in any mid term future scenario. I wouldn't be surprised that due to complexity issues it will never occur.
AnswerRe: When we will stop programming?! Pin
kishhr22-Jun-12 9:08
kishhr22-Jun-12 9:08 
QuestionA server control clients printing Pin
Member 87903165-Apr-12 10:51
Member 87903165-Apr-12 10:51 
AnswerRe: A server control clients printing Pin
Eddy Vluggen8-Apr-12 0:35
professionalEddy Vluggen8-Apr-12 0:35 
QuestionWorkflow Designer Location in a MultiLayer Application Pin
Reza Ahmadi3-Apr-12 22:46
Reza Ahmadi3-Apr-12 22:46 
QuestionGPL License Question Pin
Richard Andrew x641-Apr-12 17:06
professionalRichard Andrew x641-Apr-12 17:06 
AnswerRe: GPL License Question Pin
Jochen Arndt1-Apr-12 21:31
professionalJochen Arndt1-Apr-12 21:31 
QuestionHandle / Body idiom implementation in csharp Pin
Hassan Akhtar Ali26-Mar-12 8:43
Hassan Akhtar Ali26-Mar-12 8:43 
QuestionIntegration test for IoC registrations? Pin
AlexZieg7122-Mar-12 10:36
AlexZieg7122-Mar-12 10:36 
AnswerRe: Integration test for IoC registrations? Pin
senguptaamlan26-Mar-12 10:33
senguptaamlan26-Mar-12 10:33 
QuestionA color-coded flowchart is friendly though, what color(s) should it be? Pin
Caleb McElrath22-Mar-12 7:51
professionalCaleb McElrath22-Mar-12 7:51 
AnswerRe: A color-coded flowchart is friendly though, what color(s) should it be? Pin
Not Active22-Mar-12 9:09
mentorNot Active22-Mar-12 9:09 
AnswerRe: A color-coded flowchart is friendly though, what color(s) should it be? Pin
R. Giskard Reventlov22-Mar-12 9:59
R. Giskard Reventlov22-Mar-12 9:59 
AnswerRe: A color-coded flowchart is friendly though, what color(s) should it be? Pin
senguptaamlan26-Mar-12 10:35
senguptaamlan26-Mar-12 10:35 
GeneralRe: A color-coded flowchart is friendly though, what color(s) should it be? Pin
Caleb McElrath30-Mar-12 2:50
professionalCaleb McElrath30-Mar-12 2:50 
JokeRe: A color-coded flowchart is friendly though, what color(s) should it be? Pin
Hermaine18-Apr-12 21:26
Hermaine18-Apr-12 21:26 
AnswerRe: A color-coded flowchart is friendly though, what color(s) should it be? Pin
Vivi Chellappa28-Apr-12 6:09
professionalVivi Chellappa28-Apr-12 6:09 
QuestionSkin ActiveX Control Pin
jsdhgkjdsahklg21-Mar-12 4:13
jsdhgkjdsahklg21-Mar-12 4:13 

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