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AnswerRe: Help Pin
TenmanS1413-Apr-12 4:02
TenmanS1413-Apr-12 4:02 
GeneralRe: Help Pin
Amaan2313-Apr-12 4:59
Amaan2313-Apr-12 4:59 
Questionnew learner Pin
lawal olanrewaju Daniel13-Apr-12 2:19
lawal olanrewaju Daniel13-Apr-12 2:19 
AnswerRe: new learner Pin
Not Active13-Apr-12 2:28
mentorNot Active13-Apr-12 2:28 
AnswerRe: new learner Pin
V.13-Apr-12 2:32
professionalV.13-Apr-12 2:32 
AnswerRe: new learner Pin
BobJanova13-Apr-12 2:39
BobJanova13-Apr-12 2:39 
QuestionHow can we delegate an array Pin
Fred 3413-Apr-12 2:06
Fred 3413-Apr-12 2:06 
AnswerRe: How can we delegate an array Pin
V.13-Apr-12 2:31
professionalV.13-Apr-12 2:31 
1. Please use the pre tags to post code (the code button on top of the edit field)
2. Your question does not make sense at all, what are you trying to achieve?
3. What do you mean with: "this format ( form1 frm1=new form1(); ) doesn't work"
4. What do you mean with delegate, because a delegate is a more complex term to explain and I doubt you need that here. I assume you mean something else.
5. You're code looks terrible, if you're a beginner, I suggest you buy a book and follow it from start to end.

GeneralRe: How can we delegate an array Pin
Fred 3413-Apr-12 3:44
Fred 3413-Apr-12 3:44 
GeneralRe: How can we delegate an array Pin
V.13-Apr-12 3:46
professionalV.13-Apr-12 3:46 
QuestionCorrectly Disposing of MDI Child Forms. Pin
cjb11013-Apr-12 0:29
cjb11013-Apr-12 0:29 
AnswerRe: Correctly Disposing of MDI Child Forms. Pin
BobJanova13-Apr-12 2:37
BobJanova13-Apr-12 2:37 
GeneralRe: Correctly Disposing of MDI Child Forms. Pin
cjb11015-Apr-12 21:51
cjb11015-Apr-12 21:51 
QuestionPaging in SQL Pin
Billa212-Apr-12 20:41
Billa212-Apr-12 20:41 
AnswerCross posted from Database forum Pin
Pete O'Hanlon12-Apr-12 22:18
mvePete O'Hanlon12-Apr-12 22:18 
QuestionProjectProblem Pin
Madhavsingh12-Apr-12 19:26
Madhavsingh12-Apr-12 19:26 
AnswerRe: ProjectProblem Pin
egenis12-Apr-12 20:01
egenis12-Apr-12 20:01 
QuestionAlwaysOnTop behavior - Windows Forms vs. Win32? Pin
Ravi Bhavnani12-Apr-12 18:59
professionalRavi Bhavnani12-Apr-12 18:59 
AnswerRe: AlwaysOnTop behavior - Windows Forms vs. Win32? Pin
Alan N12-Apr-12 23:21
Alan N12-Apr-12 23:21 
GeneralRe: AlwaysOnTop behavior - Windows Forms vs. Win32? Pin
Ravi Bhavnani13-Apr-12 5:19
professionalRavi Bhavnani13-Apr-12 5:19 
QuestionXml Serilization / Deserilization Array quesiton Pin
Jason McBurney12-Apr-12 14:09
Jason McBurney12-Apr-12 14:09 
GeneralRe: Xml Serilization / Deserilization Array quesiton Pin
BobJanova13-Apr-12 2:34
BobJanova13-Apr-12 2:34 
GeneralRe: Xml Serilization / Deserilization Array quesiton Pin
Jason McBurney13-Apr-12 5:36
Jason McBurney13-Apr-12 5:36 
QuestionDrawing to Picturebox problem. Help needed badly Pin
aquahoya12-Apr-12 13:53
aquahoya12-Apr-12 13:53 
SuggestionRe: Drawing to Picturebox problem. Help needed badly Pin
Richard MacCutchan12-Apr-12 21:25
mveRichard MacCutchan12-Apr-12 21:25 

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