Depends on the question here -- and timing.
It's strange that the first attempt wasn't colored red. Best not to waste time trying to figure out why not, I suppose. I wish you success in your future coding exercises.
I often make very large prints from unexposed film, and every one of them turns out to be a picture of myself as I once dreamed I would be.
-- BillWoodruff
As mentioned, these are the default colors for the text editor. You can always change and customize these colors as described here[^].
In my class library project, I have class1 and class2.
I difined both of them as public and tried to access class2 functions in class1 by creating objects. When I expose this library project dll to other test project, I would like to restrict access to class2. Pls guide me. Thanks in advance
You'll probably want internal. Check here[^]
I used internal keyword for class2 and it met my requirements. Thanks
If you use the reply feature at the bottom of a specific message it goes to the person who wrote it.
In this case, I replied to your message about internal, and the system sent you an email.
Your message replied to your original message, so no email was sent.
If you had replied to V's message he would have got one.
It's not important this time - but in future it's worth remembering as it can speed up responses. If you get a email, you can respond quickly. If you don't then it's next time you visit the page before you notice a reply.
Ideological Purity is no substitute for being able to stick your thumb down a pipe to stop the water
Before checking V's message, "internal" solution came to my mind and it was working. So, for others(people facing the same issue) sake, I posted reply to my message. By that time, I didn't check latest replies.
Ideological Purity is no substitute for being able to stick your thumb down a pipe to stop the water
Don't worry I've seen your post .
But idd, if you want me to get the mail from your message, reply to my message instead of your own.
good that you solved the problem.
I would like to create a wait form that displays a progress bar (marquee) be called in my program, for example:
myWaitForm.StartWait ();
do some work .....
myWaiForm.StopWait ();
How can I do?
What you describe is normally called a Splashscreen.
If you search the articles on this site using that term you will find many examples such as A Pretty Good Splash Screen in C#[^]. I am not suggesting that is the best one, it is just the first from the list when I searched.
The other suggestion of using a backgroundworker could also be useful, in which case you might make your search term backgroundworker splashscreen.
Henry Minute
Girl: (staring) "Why do you need an icy cucumber?"
“I want to report a fraud. The government is lying to us all.”
I wouldn't let CG touch my Abacus!
When you're wrestling a gorilla, you don't stop when you're tired, you stop when the gorilla is.
Cogito ergo thumb - Sucking my thumb helps me to think.
MemberDotNetting wrote: I also found on this blog template studio 2010 but how add it.
This[^] blog might help you to work that out. If not, then I found that by using vs2010 how to add a template as a search phrase in my favourite search engine. It gives over half a million hits, give it a try.
Henry Minute
Girl: (staring) "Why do you need an icy cucumber?"
“I want to report a fraud. The government is lying to us all.”
I wouldn't let CG touch my Abacus!
When you're wrestling a gorilla, you don't stop when you're tired, you stop when the gorilla is.
Cogito ergo thumb - Sucking my thumb helps me to think.
I would like to add a small box with ads (configurable by admin) on a Windows Application.
Has anyone tried one?
Telerik offers an adrotator for Windows Forms - see here[^].
This behaves similar to the image adrotator control that is used in ASP.Net to display various add images as a user is viewing a page.
Other than this, you can use a picture box and a timer to build your own simple adrotator custom control that you can plugin to your application.
My task is to convert an existing PHP application into a C# windows forms application. The PHP application displays report based on several criteria. This report is a mix of some text and some tables all stacked and centered in the form.
Please suggest how I can do this in a C# desktop application.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
Instead of a table, you will need to use a datagridview to show data in a tabular format.
Text can be displayed in a text box.
Hi Guys,
I have a suite of applications that create simple log files for errors, etc. One of the applications must run with Administrative privileges.
requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator"
When it creates the log file, it sets permissions so that the other apps can't write to it.
Is there a way to open or create a text file and specify that it should be available to all users to read/write?
If you are asking if multiple apps should write to one "log" file then that probably isn't a good idea.
If your log file exists to provide information to you, a developer, so you and not someone else, can figure out what happened when the application failed then each application should have its own log file.
As I said, this is a suite of applications that work together. That's why the log is shared. It allows end users to provide information to technical support about when and where whatever happened.
I'd like any user to be able to open it for read/write.
Steve Harp wrote: As I said, this is a suite of applications that work together. That's why the log is shared. It allows end users to provide information to technical support about when and where whatever happened.
Then I can only repeat what I said - it isn't a good idea to share the same file.
I base that on 20 years of using logs.