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Design and Architecture

JokeRe: A color-coded flowchart is friendly though, what color(s) should it be? Pin
Hermaine18-Apr-12 21:26
Hermaine18-Apr-12 21:26 
AnswerRe: A color-coded flowchart is friendly though, what color(s) should it be? Pin
Vivi Chellappa28-Apr-12 6:09
professionalVivi Chellappa28-Apr-12 6:09 
QuestionSkin ActiveX Control Pin
jsdhgkjdsahklg21-Mar-12 4:13
jsdhgkjdsahklg21-Mar-12 4:13 
AnswerRe: Skin ActiveX Control Pin
Pete O'Hanlon21-Mar-12 5:53
mvePete O'Hanlon21-Mar-12 5:53 
GeneralRe: Skin ActiveX Control Pin
jsdhgkjdsahklg21-Mar-12 19:26
jsdhgkjdsahklg21-Mar-12 19:26 
GeneralRe: Skin ActiveX Control Pin
Pete O'Hanlon21-Mar-12 21:05
mvePete O'Hanlon21-Mar-12 21:05 
GeneralRe: Skin ActiveX Control Pin
jsdhgkjdsahklg22-Mar-12 3:23
jsdhgkjdsahklg22-Mar-12 3:23 
QuestionStrategy for polling device on separate thread [Updated] Pin
BRShroyer20-Mar-12 3:19
BRShroyer20-Mar-12 3:19 
I have an Ethernet connected motion controller that I need to get information from. I'm using WPF (C# flavor) for the project. The goal is to get data from the device as fast as possible so the UI doesn't seem sluggish.

My thought was to spin off a background task that constantly polled the device for information as fast as it could run. It would fire events when certain groups of data were updated. Another class would monitor for these events and then set dependency properties that would update the UI.

I have a couple questions:
1) What is the best way of starting the background task? I want it to close when the main thread is closed and not stop the main thread from being closed.
2) Any helpful advice as to how data can be retrieved on one thread that will eventually be displayed on a different thread.

I have only toyed with multi-threaded applications up to this point. I'd rather ask and do it right than to find out later there was a better way.

This is on a closed network on the machine. It is not going over a corporate network.

The device does not fire events. It has an API that allows data to be requested and then it replies. Right now I am using a DispatchTimer to request updates at a regular interval. It is running at 25ms without any issues. I was looking at trying to free my UI from my polling routine in case the device locks up or stops responding.

If you think you can, you will.
If you think you can't, you won't.
Either way, you're right.

AnswerRe: Strategy for polling device on separate thread Pin
Jochen Arndt20-Mar-12 3:51
professionalJochen Arndt20-Mar-12 3:51 
GeneralRe: Strategy for polling device on separate thread Pin
BRShroyer20-Mar-12 5:25
BRShroyer20-Mar-12 5:25 
AnswerRe: Strategy for polling device on separate thread [Updated] Pin
Bernhard Hiller20-Mar-12 23:04
Bernhard Hiller20-Mar-12 23:04 
Questiondistributed cache for .NET system Pin
IWannaTalk18-Mar-12 6:13
IWannaTalk18-Mar-12 6:13 
SuggestionRe: distributed cache for .NET system Pin
senguptaamlan26-Mar-12 10:39
senguptaamlan26-Mar-12 10:39 
QuestionApplication icon different from task-bar one Pin
Brandon-X1200016-Mar-12 12:10
Brandon-X1200016-Mar-12 12:10 
AnswerRe: Application icon different from task-bar one Pin
Richard MacCutchan16-Mar-12 22:30
mveRichard MacCutchan16-Mar-12 22:30 
GeneralRe: Application icon different from task-bar one Pin
Brandon-X1200017-Mar-12 14:02
Brandon-X1200017-Mar-12 14:02 
AnswerRe: Application icon different from task-bar one Pin
Wayne Gaylard16-Mar-12 23:59
professionalWayne Gaylard16-Mar-12 23:59 
AnswerRe: Application icon different from task-bar one Pin
MaulikDusara17-Mar-12 2:44
MaulikDusara17-Mar-12 2:44 
AnswerRe: Application icon different from task-bar one Pin
Shameel18-Mar-12 9:24
professionalShameel18-Mar-12 9:24 
SuggestionVB 6.0 TIMER PROBLEM Pin
sukhen dass16-Mar-12 4:18
sukhen dass16-Mar-12 4:18 
GeneralRe: VB 6.0 TIMER PROBLEM Pin
Not Active16-Mar-12 5:10
mentorNot Active16-Mar-12 5:10 
GeneralRe: VB 6.0 TIMER PROBLEM Pin
Richard MacCutchan16-Mar-12 7:07
mveRichard MacCutchan16-Mar-12 7:07 
GeneralRe: VB 6.0 TIMER PROBLEM Pin
Shameel16-Mar-12 8:24
professionalShameel16-Mar-12 8:24 
GeneralRe: VB 6.0 TIMER PROBLEM Pin
Eddy Vluggen16-Mar-12 11:22
professionalEddy Vluggen16-Mar-12 11:22 
QuestionModelling an Interface table in an OO world. Pin
Ger Hayden15-Mar-12 4:03
Ger Hayden15-Mar-12 4:03 

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