just i wanna learn about silverlight3.0 so, i need your suggestion..
Why do you want to learn Silverlight 3? It's at version 5 now, and it's way ahead in terms of functionality.
actually i just need to know all the difference between silverlight versions thats why? i knew about earlier versions..
If you are very new to the language, going through a book would be a better bet.
Hi All,
I need C1Flexgrid for WPF to be used as a usercontrol in my windows application project. I tried to do by inheriting the C1Flexgrid for WPF, but created user control is not listing in the toolbox. When I inherited normal DataGrid, its working fine. Can anyone help me out from this problem.
Thanks and Regards
I am thinking of doing an article on Silverlight treeview (I know done to death but I like to think I have an interesting take on the design) and was thinking of the bits required. I would probably use AdventureWorks for the data. Now here is the stray thought!
WCF services are pretty much a no brainer, especially if you only want to supply select functionality, so why does Microsoft not set up a public WCF to service all the demo/article/sample requirement for AdventureWorks. Allow anyone to get a List<> of any table or view in the database.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Thank you, presumably this is exactly what I was looking for, a WCF of the AdventureWorks data.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Hi, I am using the following code below to save and load the changes a user makes to shapes on a canvas (called 'myCanvas'). So I use the XamlWriter to save the entire Canvas to a file and the XamlReader to read. The XamlWriter writes appropriately but after calling the XamlReader the Canvas does not update with the saved content.
Am I missing a step?
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
FileStream fs = new FileStream("savedproperties.xml", FileMode.Open);
myCanvas = (Canvas)XamlReader.Load(fs);
private void Window_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e)
FileStream fs = new FileStream("savedproperties.xml", FileMode.Create);
XamlWriter.Save(myCanvas, fs);
Please how can I Fill a shape with horizontal or vertical lines only.
Thanks for your suggestion, Abhinav, though it didn't really help. But I guess that's because I still need to understand some graphics/wpf basics.
In my view model I have:
private void loadUserSettings()
OptionsAreaExpanded = Properties.Settings.Default.OptionsAreaExpanded;
ShowActiveContactsOnly = Properties.Settings.Default.ActiveContactsOnly;
private void saveUserSettings()
Properties.Settings.Default.OptionsAreaExpanded = OptionsAreaExpanded;
Properties.Settings.Default.ActiveContactsOnly = ShowActiveContactsOnly;
The loadUserSettings method is called from the CTOR. Where's the right place to call saveUserSettings from.
Everything makes sense in someone's mind
In winforms there is an onclosing, I wonder if there is the same on a view. I used that in this article[^].
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
I'd like to create this[^] blue area on a window.
I'm thinking a border to start with, but as far as the gradient, I'm not sure how to do that.
Any suggestions?
Everything makes sense in someone's mind
Heres a thought, why don't you download the source code from the example and chase through the style/xaml. Assuming of course that Karl has not supplied it as a theme.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Look at the XAML sections headed LinearGradientBrush .
Unrequited desire is character building. OriginalGriff
I'm sitting here giving you a standing ovation - Len Goodman
I have an object with 3 properties- Field, Value, Operator. Also i have a list of this objects.
In my DataGrid i have an operator column which is static.
All other columns are added dynamically using dependency properties (adding column from the object - using Field Attribute).
The same object contains the value so the value will be presented in the cell under the right column (Field) .
All objects that have the same operator will be presented in one row in the DataGrid.
How can i do it? How do i use Dependency properties for this (if i need)?
While creating style for a button I am writing like this:
<Style x:Key="MagButtonStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<Image Name="Normal" Source="Resources/Images/n0.png"/>
<Image Name="RollOver1" Source="Resources/Images/r1.png" Visibility="Hidden"/>
<Image Name="RollOver2" Source="Resources/Images/r2.png" Visibility="Hidden"/>
<Image Name="RollOver3" Source="Resources/Images/r3.png" Visibility="Hidden"/>
<Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
<Setter TargetName="Normal" Property="Visibility" Value="Hidden"/>
<Setter TargetName="RollOver1" Property="Visibility" Value="Visible"/>
Can we control this trigger by some global variable/ dependency property defined in c# code? So, we would be able to use it with Multi-trigger?
Basically my requirement is to display different images based on property "DepProp". I need to be able to wrtite something like this:
<Trigger Property="DepProp" Value="1">
<Setter TargetName="RollOver1" Property="Visibility" Value="Visible"/>
<Trigger Property="DepProp" Value="2">
<Setter TargetName="RollOver2" Property="Visibility" Value="Visible"/>
Is it possible?
Other way around would be to access these style objects on mouseenter in c# code. Possible? If yes, how?
Which way will be better?
I have the same problem:
I need to put lines with different colors in a datagrid base on what happens in code behind.
I think one solution will be to attach a style with a trigger from the code behind.
Of course I wait to see how can access a code declared dependency property from xaml.
Maybe with a DataTrigger.
modified 15-Mar-12 13:10pm.
I wouldn't approach it like this. A simpler way to do this would be to implement a value converter which did the heavy work of just displaying the appropriate image, rather than showing and hiding elements.
Thanks! Yes your approach is better one. I opted for INotifyPropertyChanged and sorted out my issue.
I have solved my problem like here:
and I can put different colors in my grid based on the normal property from the Item class.
Thanks for sharing those links. Meanwhile I sorted out my requirement using 'INotifyPropertyChanged'.