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AnswerRe: Store Images In SQL Table Pin
Eddy Vluggen16-Mar-12 11:11
professionalEddy Vluggen16-Mar-12 11:11 
GeneralRe: Store Images In SQL Table Pin
Kevin Marois16-Mar-12 11:56
professionalKevin Marois16-Mar-12 11:56 
GeneralRe: Store Images In SQL Table Pin
PIEBALDconsult16-Mar-12 13:57
mvePIEBALDconsult16-Mar-12 13:57 
GeneralRe: Store Images In SQL Table Pin
jschell17-Mar-12 7:56
jschell17-Mar-12 7:56 
GeneralRe: Store Images In SQL Table Pin
PIEBALDconsult17-Mar-12 9:24
mvePIEBALDconsult17-Mar-12 9:24 
GeneralRe: Store Images In SQL Table Pin
jschell18-Mar-12 7:13
jschell18-Mar-12 7:13 
GeneralRe: Store Images In SQL Table Pin
PIEBALDconsult18-Mar-12 9:04
mvePIEBALDconsult18-Mar-12 9:04 
GeneralRe: Store Images In SQL Table Pin
jschell19-Mar-12 8:28
jschell19-Mar-12 8:28 
PIEBALDconsult wrote:

I'll stick with the more secure solution
regardless. It's like putting things in a bank vault rather than relying solely
on the security guard at the door.

Not at all. At least not at most banks, because your analogy is not a complete statement of the security policy in place at the bank.

For is the vault secure if the door to it is left open, the front door to the bank is left open and there is no active security monitoring system in place?

And note that several years ago one large study found that 90% of security problems with actual losses originated internally within the company.
GeneralRe: Store Images In SQL Table Pin
PIEBALDconsult19-Mar-12 14:11
mvePIEBALDconsult19-Mar-12 14:11 
AnswerRe: Store Images In SQL Table Pin
Eddy Vluggen17-Mar-12 3:02
professionalEddy Vluggen17-Mar-12 3:02 
AnswerRe: Store Images In SQL Table Pin
jschell17-Mar-12 7:57
jschell17-Mar-12 7:57 
QuestionNot sure where to ask this question... Pin
JohnnyG16-Mar-12 7:41
JohnnyG16-Mar-12 7:41 
AnswerRe: Not sure where to ask this question... Pin
R. Giskard Reventlov16-Mar-12 11:29
R. Giskard Reventlov16-Mar-12 11:29 
GeneralRe: Not sure where to ask this question... Pin
JohnnyG17-Mar-12 2:33
JohnnyG17-Mar-12 2:33 
AnswerRe: Not sure where to ask this question... Pin
PIEBALDconsult18-Mar-12 9:07
mvePIEBALDconsult18-Mar-12 9:07 
QuestionOracle 11g: using cursors inside procedure. Pin
USAFHokie8016-Mar-12 6:20
USAFHokie8016-Mar-12 6:20 
QuestionWhat happens when two users try to access or update the same record (Access) Pin
Richard.Berry10015-Mar-12 12:12
Richard.Berry10015-Mar-12 12:12 
AnswerRe: What happens when two users try to access or update the same record (Access) Pin
Mycroft Holmes15-Mar-12 12:41
professionalMycroft Holmes15-Mar-12 12:41 
GeneralRe: What happens when two users try to access or update the same record (Access) Pin
Richard.Berry10015-Mar-12 18:41
Richard.Berry10015-Mar-12 18:41 
AnswerRe: What happens when two users try to access or update the same record (Access) Pin
Peter_in_278015-Mar-12 13:33
professionalPeter_in_278015-Mar-12 13:33 
GeneralRe: What happens when two users try to access or update the same record (Access) Pin
Mycroft Holmes15-Mar-12 14:53
professionalMycroft Holmes15-Mar-12 14:53 
GeneralRe: What happens when two users try to access or update the same record (Access) Pin
Peter_in_278015-Mar-12 15:15
professionalPeter_in_278015-Mar-12 15:15 
GeneralRe: What happens when two users try to access or update the same record (Access) Pin
Richard.Berry10015-Mar-12 18:49
Richard.Berry10015-Mar-12 18:49 
AnswerRe: What happens when two users try to access or update the same record (Access) Pin
Bernhard Hiller15-Mar-12 21:57
Bernhard Hiller15-Mar-12 21:57 
GeneralRe: What happens when two users try to access or update the same record (Access) Pin
Richard.Berry10016-Mar-12 7:15
Richard.Berry10016-Mar-12 7:15 

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