actually i just need to know all the difference between silverlight versions thats why? i knew about earlier versions..
If you are very new to the language, going through a book would be a better bet.
Hi All,
I need C1Flexgrid for WPF to be used as a usercontrol in my windows application project. I tried to do by inheriting the C1Flexgrid for WPF, but created user control is not listing in the toolbox. When I inherited normal DataGrid, its working fine. Can anyone help me out from this problem.
Thanks and Regards
I am thinking of doing an article on Silverlight treeview (I know done to death but I like to think I have an interesting take on the design) and was thinking of the bits required. I would probably use AdventureWorks for the data. Now here is the stray thought!
WCF services are pretty much a no brainer, especially if you only want to supply select functionality, so why does Microsoft not set up a public WCF to service all the demo/article/sample requirement for AdventureWorks. Allow anyone to get a List<> of any table or view in the database.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Thank you, presumably this is exactly what I was looking for, a WCF of the AdventureWorks data.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Hi, I am using the following code below to save and load the changes a user makes to shapes on a canvas (called 'myCanvas'). So I use the XamlWriter to save the entire Canvas to a file and the XamlReader to read. The XamlWriter writes appropriately but after calling the XamlReader the Canvas does not update with the saved content.
Am I missing a step?
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
FileStream fs = new FileStream("savedproperties.xml", FileMode.Open);
myCanvas = (Canvas)XamlReader.Load(fs);
private void Window_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e)
FileStream fs = new FileStream("savedproperties.xml", FileMode.Create);
XamlWriter.Save(myCanvas, fs);
Please how can I Fill a shape with horizontal or vertical lines only.
Thanks for your suggestion, Abhinav, though it didn't really help. But I guess that's because I still need to understand some graphics/wpf basics.
In my view model I have:
private void loadUserSettings()
OptionsAreaExpanded = Properties.Settings.Default.OptionsAreaExpanded;
ShowActiveContactsOnly = Properties.Settings.Default.ActiveContactsOnly;
private void saveUserSettings()
Properties.Settings.Default.OptionsAreaExpanded = OptionsAreaExpanded;
Properties.Settings.Default.ActiveContactsOnly = ShowActiveContactsOnly;
The loadUserSettings method is called from the CTOR. Where's the right place to call saveUserSettings from.
Everything makes sense in someone's mind
In winforms there is an onclosing, I wonder if there is the same on a view. I used that in this article[^].
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
I'd like to create this[^] blue area on a window.
I'm thinking a border to start with, but as far as the gradient, I'm not sure how to do that.
Any suggestions?
Everything makes sense in someone's mind
Heres a thought, why don't you download the source code from the example and chase through the style/xaml. Assuming of course that Karl has not supplied it as a theme.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Look at the XAML sections headed LinearGradientBrush .
Unrequited desire is character building. OriginalGriff
I'm sitting here giving you a standing ovation - Len Goodman
I have an object with 3 properties- Field, Value, Operator. Also i have a list of this objects.
In my DataGrid i have an operator column which is static.
All other columns are added dynamically using dependency properties (adding column from the object - using Field Attribute).
The same object contains the value so the value will be presented in the cell under the right column (Field) .
All objects that have the same operator will be presented in one row in the DataGrid.
How can i do it? How do i use Dependency properties for this (if i need)?
While creating style for a button I am writing like this:
<Style x:Key="MagButtonStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<Image Name="Normal" Source="Resources/Images/n0.png"/>
<Image Name="RollOver1" Source="Resources/Images/r1.png" Visibility="Hidden"/>
<Image Name="RollOver2" Source="Resources/Images/r2.png" Visibility="Hidden"/>
<Image Name="RollOver3" Source="Resources/Images/r3.png" Visibility="Hidden"/>
<Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
<Setter TargetName="Normal" Property="Visibility" Value="Hidden"/>
<Setter TargetName="RollOver1" Property="Visibility" Value="Visible"/>
Can we control this trigger by some global variable/ dependency property defined in c# code? So, we would be able to use it with Multi-trigger?
Basically my requirement is to display different images based on property "DepProp". I need to be able to wrtite something like this:
<Trigger Property="DepProp" Value="1">
<Setter TargetName="RollOver1" Property="Visibility" Value="Visible"/>
<Trigger Property="DepProp" Value="2">
<Setter TargetName="RollOver2" Property="Visibility" Value="Visible"/>
Is it possible?
Other way around would be to access these style objects on mouseenter in c# code. Possible? If yes, how?
Which way will be better?
I have the same problem:
I need to put lines with different colors in a datagrid base on what happens in code behind.
I think one solution will be to attach a style with a trigger from the code behind.
Of course I wait to see how can access a code declared dependency property from xaml.
Maybe with a DataTrigger.
modified 15-Mar-12 13:10pm.
I wouldn't approach it like this. A simpler way to do this would be to implement a value converter which did the heavy work of just displaying the appropriate image, rather than showing and hiding elements.
Thanks! Yes your approach is better one. I opted for INotifyPropertyChanged and sorted out my issue.
I have solved my problem like here:
and I can put different colors in my grid based on the normal property from the Item class.
Thanks for sharing those links. Meanwhile I sorted out my requirement using 'INotifyPropertyChanged'.
I'm reading this[^].
If you scroll down a bit you will see this:
<ControlTemplate x:Key="DesignerItemTemplate" TargetType="ContentControl">
<ContentPresenter Content="{TemplateBinding ContentControl.Content}"/>
<ContentControl Name="DesignerItem"
Template="{StaticResource DesignerItemTemplate}">
<Ellipse Fill="Blue"/>
What does this do?
<ControlTemplate x:Key="DesignerItemTemplate" TargetType="ContentControl">
<ContentPresenter Content="{TemplateBinding ContentControl.Content}"/>
It looks like its biding the ContentPresenter to the controls content. Isn't that the default behavior anyway?
Everything makes sense in someone's mind
Kevin Marois wrote:
It looks like its biding the ContentPresenter to the controls content. Isn't that the default behavior anyway
Yes it is. How was this code generated?
If Expression Blend was used, this may have been generated automatically.