Interesting, thanks for a note.
I still feel like VB.NET goes behind, overall.
May be I'm wrong, but I feel you are overreacting about "history lesson", saying as if it's something bad. What's wrong with lessons? As you probably know this history better then I do (mainly because I never allowed myself to play with the idea of accepting the opportunity to work with VB), you can always tell us something more interesting and useful than I could. And correct me if I'm wrong. I've noticed a long time ago that reading your posts can be really useful; as that can give a chance to learn something, and I'm trying not to miss a lesson, even if I think I know things the best way — but I always can be mistaken, like probably all of us. Perhaps it's good to remember that if I reply to your post, it does not mean that I always address personally to you. Everyone can read our conversation.
Thank you for interesting discussion. Will talk to you later.
—SASergey A Kryukov
SAKryukov wrote: I've noticed a long time ago that reading your posts can be really useful; as
that can give a chance to learn something, and I'm trying not to miss a lesson
Well thank you! I didn't know I had a follower!
SAKryukov wrote: May be I'm wrong, but I feel you are overreacting about "history lesson", saying
as if it's something bad.
You're right, I probably did. I have been a bit touchy lately and there's no real excuse for that.
I hope we are good. And we are doing basically the same thing on this site for this community. As to the criticism and possible negative estimates or votes, they are normal, absolutely unavoidable in any truly creative environment, as well as our mistakes, and they can be and should be handled in productive and constructive ways.
Best wishes,
Sergey A Kryukov
No, we're good. If I was pissed at you, I'd just ignore you.
SAKryukov wrote: As to the criticism and possible negative estimates or votes, they are normal,
absolutely unavoidable in any truly creative environment, as well as our
mistakes, and they can be and should be handled in productive and constructive
Sadly, very true and Agreed.
Sergey A Kryukov
Sorry if I'm jumping in here but I thought the conversation was interesting, I have worked with diehards of both language conventions. Both had valid reasons for their preferred environment.
But if I may, as a programmer that started writing software using Clipper (way back when, but late in life mid 40's and now nearing retirement) then progressed to VB4-6 and now VB.Net may I suggest that VB was for me an easier language to learn, and more importantly correct me if I'm wrong. One can create a working application very quickly using Visual Basic.
It's been a long time since I have to anything to do in C mainly because the company I work for uses Visual Basic as it's preferred programming environment.
I have this code in CellValidating in order to try and position the cursor in the cell and select the contents, but the contents are not being selected (highlighted). Can anyone tell me why?
dg.Rows(e.RowIndex).Selected = True
dg(dg.Columns("Odds").Index, e.RowIndex).Selected = True
dg.CurrentCell = dg(dg.Columns("Odds").Index, e.RowIndex)
I think it's because you're doing all this from the Validating event handler. If you wait till after validation is done, you might get away with this.
how to detect installed oledb provider in my PC. Jet 4.0 or ACE 12
Try to connect to a database with one. If it fails, try the other.
My idea exactly, but then I didn't want to reply that, as it sounds a bit like "I really don't know"...
Really, it's the only reliable way to do it. Actually, I'd try using ACE.12 first, then downgrade to 4.0.
You could start check the version of Office that's installed, but then some application could have installed one of the Access Runtimes and making the detection code inaccurate.
I fully agree; even if I knew a way to determine something like that, I'd probably go for the functional test anyway. With external dependencies involved, I prefer to eat the pudding, rather than to look for the boxes.
Luc Pattyn wrote: I prefer to eat the pudding, rather than to look for the boxes.
I haven't heard that one before. That's a good one.
what You mean? This
Public Sub ConnectToAccess()
Dim conn As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection()
conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & databasePath.dbPath & ";Persist Security Info=False;"
Catch ex As Exception
conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & databasePath.dbPath & ";User ID=Admin;Password="
End Try
End Sub
Kind of. I really wouldn't do it this way, but whatever works for you.
give me some example how to do this
I am trying to figure out how to create a textbox, or another component where the user can click up and down to change the time (hours and minutes).
Like the one we use in windows when we need to change the hour/minute of our OS.
Thanks again
I've never made one, but you could easily do this with a custom UserControl. A few textboxes and a couple of buttons should do it.
HourTextBox : MinuteTextBox : SecondsTextBox AmPmTextBox UpButton
Shouldn't be hard to figure out what to put in the Up/Down Button click handlers. You'll probably also handle the MouseDown/MouseUp events on those if the user wants to change the numbers without clicking for each increment.
Then the UserControl just exposes the time as a property. The gettor just puts a datetime object together based on the values in the textboxes. The settor does the opposite.
The DatePicker control allows you to do that, you just have to play around with its properties.
Thanks this is exactly what I was looking for
Can I use same DB connection string to connect to MS Access 2003 and MS Access 2007? I use this "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & databasePath.dbPath & ";Persist Security Info=False;"
Yes, it is possible to use the OLE DB provider for the Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine for both 2003 and 2007 versions of Access, although it is not possible to use the Jet 4.0 OLE DB engine for Access 2007 databases.
Hope this helps
When I was a coder, we worked on algorithms. Today, we memorize APIs for countless libraries — those libraries have the algorithms - Eric Allman
I want to connect without install Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine in the client mashine, because my program is 2MB, but Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine is 26MB.
modified 3-Mar-12 14:29pm.
I am sick and tired of the relentless bagging of the VB language by other languages. I hear it in your comments vber’s, well I know I’m writing in vb but?
You’re given up demanding VB code examples be given and submitting to the blogs hate messages, VB is dead. Stop being brainwash by other languages that we are inferior. The other languages have come to VB land not us to theirs, those who deny us the vb code samples are other language leaders.
The .net engine is designed to incorporate several languages into VB land not the other way round. The VB team has done a great job and we are better.
Squiggly brackets is like the days when man ate with his hands, come on we have spoons and forks, catch up already.
Some history
Our VB King was the trailblazer that made the brand the best in the world and while you other languages gasp and you feel your blood pressure spiral, that’s how I feel every time I see negative comments about my language.
But lets have a look at the success of the VB Hive since the integration, over ten years ago our VB King shook a tablet at us and told us that this was the future, but what happen since our king let other languages leaders to rule our code world! We have been scrabbling to keep up with everyone else.
Under the C# watch we have miss major events, oh I don’t know like, mobile phones, the tablet just to name a major few.
VB land under the King has change from leaders to followers under the C# leaders.
VB land has grown to accommodate other languages and they have shaken their code bible at us for too long, telling us that they will dominate us to their language and beliefs.
I see that C# is become the mess that JavaScript is with 100 ways to do the same thing, lesson here for the VB team don’t simulate.
Be proud vber’s we are the indigenous coders and are the westernized world and not let third world languages make us feel bad to admit we are Vber’s