Thanks for the information and direction. I got it working now.
My application was a MFC C++ Dialog based program using VS2008.
The most difficult part was getting the first parameter in the PostMessage() call.
This was the HWND hWnd of the main window. I used a global variable g_hMainHWND so that it was available in both the interrupt and main program.
Code as follows:-
#define Digital_Event 1
afx_msg LRESULT OnDigitalInterrupt(UINT wParam, LONG lParam);
g_hMainHWND = this->GetSafeHwnd();
LRESULT CDigitalPnPDlg::OnDigitalInterrupt(UINT wParam, LONG lParam)
if(wParam == Digital_Event)
return 0;
PostMessage(g_hMainHWND, WM_INTERRUPT_DIGITAL, Digital_Event, NULL);
Note I was using the interrupt to provide a timer facility as the card was providing this every 20 msec.
It's a pleasure.
Brilliant! So glad it's worked for you. Thank-you also for the confirmation that this can be achieved just from user-mode. I've got the ddk somewhere, though felt disinclined to experiment too much.
Your post has given me some fresh ideas too.
You cant pick up an interrupt from user mode. What Andy has is a card that comes with a driver and communicates with a dll over the IO manager, and that dll is imported into his app.
So the driver completes an outstanding IOCTL sent down by the dll and on completion any registered 'interrupt' handlers are called.
I dont know why an app would need notification every 20ms, the windows timer goes to about 10ms at the quickest, and if Andy is only using it as a timer then why not use the built in windows one?
If it is for transfering data the driver should asemble it into meaningfull packets andx send big chunks to user mode.
Andy is also going to get a massive performance hit switching contexts form kernel to user mode every 20ms.
Nothing to say.
Yes indeed, reading some of the other posts filled in the details. I should have been less accepting - my suspicion-meter never did quite allow the idea to sit easily with me. I'd come at it from the angle that no such DLL was provided - it was certainly never mentioned until later in the discussion.
Thanks for the quick primer!
Yeah, Andy didnt describe it that well, but if you know the kernel its obvious how it is structured, it hasnt changed since NT3.5 that much.
Nothing to say.
This looks good, but you have not shown how you get to register your app so the interrupt routine will call it.
Unrequited desire is character building. OriginalGriff
I'm sitting here giving you a standing ovation - Len Goodman
I assume he is using a driver kit for his device that provides a callback mechanism from the interrupt service.
Yes, the card comes with a good API and I just need to install the interrupt handler at the start with a call-back routine and uninstall as the program ends.
You do get a 'blue screen of death' from time to time; buts thats down to developing code and debugging - to be expected until the code is mature.
Why do you need notificaiton every 20ms and why not use the windows timer?
If in fact you are geting data every 20ms why isnt it packaged up and sentf less frequently?
You are going to get a massive performance hit if you really are getting kernel to user transitions every 20ms.
Nothing to say.
A timing message needs to go out every 20 msec, thats why I wanted to use this interrupt facility on the PCI card.
Most other data goes out at 100 msec or 300 msec, which wold be OK for Windows timers.
I may be wrong but is not Windows limited to 55 msec accuracy?
So do you think that this solution is poor?
Windows timer resuloution is about 10 ms, so if you want a timer at 20 you can do ith with the windows timer.
Less than this you have to go to specific HW, or, on later windows OSs, apparently you can change the timer, but it is apparently illadvised.
So yes, your solution will incur a performance hit because of the kernel to user transition.
I took over a sw and driver design once that wrote data byte by byte to a RAM pack. It took 30 seconds to fill the thing with data.
I changed it to writing 2 k packets at a time. It too 250 ms to fill it with data.
Thats the cost of switching form user to kernel to user every byte, as oposed to evert 2k bytes. Heavy eh?
Nothing to say.
Fine that you got it to work using the message mechanism and posting the solution.
enhzflep wrote: In fact, one of the very reasons I avoided coding windows programs for quite a while was the fact that it was considerably more difficult to write code that would interact with hardware directly.
Chieken! Working in the Kernel is SoOoOoO much fun! (Been doing it for 15 years or so)
Nothing to say.
Yeah, it is isn't it?
I've had a play with the DDK. Written a couple of trivial drivers and had a toy with the concepts behind root-kits.
I was scared before, but not anymore!
In a callback, you can pass a static member function, and use a class pointer as the first parameter.
When you register the callback, pass it the address of the static function and for the void * data member, pass the address of the object.
class CTest1
static void _DigitalInt(void * pData);
void DigitalInt(void);
void CTest1::_DigitalInt(void * pData)
((CTest1 *) pData)->DigitalInt();
void CTest1::DigitalInt(void)
I am creating a view in the dialog.
when i am instantiating the dialog like this
CMyDialog dlg(NULL, L"filename.txt");
CMyDialog constructor I overloaded so that it takes a file name.
Now in the OnInitDialog() function I an intializing the view pointer m_pView and creating the view, toolbar , everything.
Can I use this m_pView in the constructor of the CMyDialog so that I want to call one function from the CMyView class which takes the filename (filename.txt) as the argument.
check the code of the CMyDialog constructor and OnInitDialog
CMyDialog::CMyDialog(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/, CString filename)
: CDialog(CDlgsViewDlg::IDD, pParent)
m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME);
if(!filename.IsEmpty()) {
BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()
m_pView = new CMyView();
CRect clientRect;
clientRect.DeflateRect(10, 30);
if(! m_pView->Create(NULL, NULL, WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, clientRect,
this, WM_USER))
MessageBox(L"Failed to create view");
Is this code correct, m_pView will initialized before the constructor called right ? Can access m_pView in the constructor and call the function loadprofile() function which takes the file name.
I am calling this dialog in an extern C fucntion for dll
extern "C" BOOL __declspec(dllexport)runAppli(CString fileName)
CDlgsViewDlg dlg(NULL, fileName);
return true;
I am getting error please help me whats going wrong in this ...Thanks a lot for any help.
sujandasmahapatra wrote: Is this code correct, m_pView will initialized before the constructor called right ?
Nope. Dialog contructor is called before OnInitDialog method.
Veni, vidi, vici.
ok thanks for your help i am trying to correct it. in case i need help again i'll post it on the same thread. thanks a lot.
You are welcome.
Veni, vidi, vici.
Is there a built-in string function to insert a # to all the lines which starts with string READ and ends with .(period)
READ abc asdj ads
asdkl asdj
djshf .
followed by substituion of a string..
Thanks in advance
try to use CStdioFile::ReadString to read one line once.
Need to code it in C
So what do you have so far? You'll find far more people willing to critique existing code than those willing to do your work outright for you.
"One man's wage rise is another man's price increase." - Harold Wilson
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
"Show me a community that obeys the Ten Commandments and I'll show you a less crowded prison system." - Anonymous
I shall henceforth post the code instantly while asking a new question next time
BTW here is my code and I think am lost...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define bufsize 1024
int main()
char fileOrig[32] = "test.txt";
char fileRepl[32] = "myReplacedFile.txt";
const char text2find[80] = " READ ";
const char text2repl[80] = "# READ ";
int c, line=0;
char buffer[MAX_LEN_SINGLE_LINE+2];
char *buff_ptr, *find_ptr, *tok;
FILE *fp1, *fp2;
size_t find_len = strlen(text2find);
fp1 = fopen(fileOrig,"r+");
fp2 = fopen(fileRepl,"w+");
int i;
buff_ptr = buffer;
while ((find_ptr = strstr(buff_ptr,text2find)))
while ((c = fgetc(fp1)) == '.')
if (c == '\n')
else ;
while(buff_ptr < find_ptr)
buff_ptr += find_len;
return 0;
Thanks in advance,
modified 1-Mar-12 6:56am.
How about something a tad smaller, like:
BOOL bPrefix = FALSE;
while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp1))
if (strncmp(buffer, "READ", 4) == 0)
bPrefix = TRUE;
else if (buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] == '.')
bPrefix = FALSE;
if (bPrefix)
fputc('#', fp2);
fputs(buffer, fp2);
} I've not tested it, but hopefully you get the idea.
"One man's wage rise is another man's price increase." - Harold Wilson
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
"Show me a community that obeys the Ten Commandments and I'll show you a less crowded prison system." - Anonymous