nice info, thankyou very much.
how to make slide puzzle game with VB 6.0??
may i can view the source code..
I would suggest that Google is your first port of call! Google : vb6 how to make a game[^]
You might think the response is harsh but VB6 even though runs on operating systems upto Windows 7 and through rumours "will work as" from Microsoft work on Windows 8. It is not a supported language anymore. Have a look at the Express editions on the microsoft website as they are free
Lobster Thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce, served in a Provençale manner with shallots and aubergines, garnished with truffle pate, brandy and a fried egg on top and Spam - Monty Python Spam Sketch
Unless you dig up some old grave you're not going to get VB6 source code for this.
Recently I had to go back though some old VB6 code and make some fixes. It was odd, we changed our Database server to something newer but kept with SQL 2000 (yeah we're current in some things ) When we did that for some reason our one application query that uses temp tables went from running in under 1 second to 30+. For what ever reason using the same connection for temps and the "regular" tables no longer worked after 12 years (go figure).
Not knowing what the problem could be I started to throw together a test program and what a pain in the butt that was. I wanted to check the one table and then remembered that I couldn't do a ExecuteScalar and I can't count the times I did something like conn.close() and then found out that oh yeah you don't use the (). Heck even For Each loops work a bit different, oh and then there is the starting at 1 and not 0 for arrays.
I started my programming career using VB around half way through the life of VB5, then moved to 6 and then jumped to 2005 and haven't looked back. The best way I can describe VB6 now is it's like running 15 miles. It basically sucks while your doing it, but you look back and think "hmm, that wasn't too bad and somewhat enjoyable... I think I'll do that again". Don't get me wrong I still enjoy VB and it's usually my goto language, but I think I'll stick with .Net
yes you should stick with .Net,
better in design and got a lot of languages..
I said I would research this, so I am. I know little about VB or VBSCRIPT. There is an admin where I work that is facing the daunting challenge of 100s of new users coming into our facility. 99% of the users will receive a canned Windows 7 machine with limited privs - meaning no local admin meaning no ability to install printer drivers.
He uses the following script now (snippet):
Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
PrinterPath = "\\dulpqs51\dulprn126"
WshNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection PrinterPath
WshNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter PrinterPath
When users execute this script, they receive a "please supply the admin info" prompt. He asked me if there was some way to add a username/password to the script without giving away the information. I don't think there is. I know there are username and password parameters that can be passed, but I don't know about a secure way to include this in the script.
Thoughts and Ideas?
Charlie Gilley
<italic>You're going to tell me what I want to know, or I'm going to beat you to death in your own house.
"Where liberty dwells, there is my country." B. Franklin, 1783
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” BF, 1759
There is no scure way to do this in VBScript. But there MAY be alternaitves.
When is this script being executed?? Under what account??
The script is only executed when a standard user - from their standard account - desires to add a printer to the computer.
Charlie Gilley
<italic>You're going to tell me what I want to know, or I'm going to beat you to death in your own house.
"Where liberty dwells, there is my country." B. Franklin, 1783
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” BF, 1759
In that case, the script is running AS the user and has the users permissions. There is nothing you can do about it as VBScript doesn't have any facility to impersonate another user, like an admin.
Usually, normal users can add printers themselves. Soooo, I take it this was turned off in your Win7 load or by policy?
Hard to say why things are done around here . It may be that if a user were to launch the install file for the printer, it would work, and it's the script implementation that has issues. I'm just not sure.
I'll toss it over as a suggestion.
Appreciate the feedback.
Charlie Gilley
<italic>You're going to tell me what I want to know, or I'm going to beat you to death in your own house.
"Where liberty dwells, there is my country." B. Franklin, 1783
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” BF, 1759
If the domain is an Active Directory, admin can use GPOs to assign printers to users.
No memory stick has been harmed during establishment of this signature.
I am getting a syntax error in this SQL statement. But i can't figure out what it is.
Dim sql As String = "INSERT INTO Users (UserID, Password, CompleteName, Admin) VALUES (@User, @Pass, @Complete, @admin)"
Whole code segment is below
Dim sql As String = "INSERT INTO Users (UserID, Password, CompleteName, Admin) VALUES (@User, @Pass, @Complete, @admin)"
Dim com As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
com.Parameters.Add("@User", OleDb.OleDbType.Char).Value = txtUser.Text
com.Parameters.Add("@Pass", OleDb.OleDbType.Char).Value = txtpass.Text
com.Parameters.Add("@Complete", OleDb.OleDbType.Char).Value = txtcomplete.Text
com.Parameters.Add("@admin", OleDb.OleDbType.Char).Value = isadm
what is the error of SQL statement.
When the syntax error isn't obvious, most often it is due to a field name matching a keyword; the remedy is to put them all inside square brackets. As in [password] .
It's working. thanks a lot.
Are you missing this statement ?
com.commandText = SQL
Hi guys, I am new to VB.net, I would like to know how to create a result classification program in such a way that:
1. a user will input a number
2. The output will be displayed, showing the grade based on the following table
0-40 Fail
41-50 Pass
51-60 Merit
61 and over Distinction
Please help.
Just state the requirements out aloud to yourself, and the workflow will come directly from that like this
get number from user.
if number is less than 40 then
output "Fail"
else if number is greater than or equal to 40 and number is less than 50
output "Pass"
else if number is greater than or equal to 50 and number is greater than 60
output "Merit"
output "Distinction"
From that I am sure you can work out the exact VB.Net code.
Edited - thanks to Luc
When I was a coder, we worked on algorithms. Today, we memorize APIs for countless libraries — those libraries have the algorithms - Eric Allman
modified 16-Feb-12 8:14am.
merit: none, distinction: none
Maybe so, but at least he didn't the guys homework for him!
yep, however pass is the best he can hope for.
You lost me
When I was a coder, we worked on algorithms. Today, we memorize APIs for countless libraries — those libraries have the algorithms - Eric Allman
then check your pseudo-code.