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GeneralRe: file conversion into udf Pin
anikbutt227-Feb-12 0:59
anikbutt227-Feb-12 0:59 
GeneralRe: file conversion into udf Pin
harold aptroot7-Feb-12 1:04
harold aptroot7-Feb-12 1:04 
GeneralRe: file conversion into udf Pin
anikbutt227-Feb-12 1:08
anikbutt227-Feb-12 1:08 
GeneralRe: file conversion into udf Pin
harold aptroot7-Feb-12 1:11
harold aptroot7-Feb-12 1:11 
GeneralRe: file conversion into udf Pin
anikbutt227-Feb-12 1:13
anikbutt227-Feb-12 1:13 
QuestionUse of Application.DoEvents() or multithreading Pin
Gwannoes6-Feb-12 23:04
Gwannoes6-Feb-12 23:04 
AnswerRe: Use of Application.DoEvents() or multithreading Pin
BobJanova6-Feb-12 23:45
BobJanova6-Feb-12 23:45 
GeneralRe: Use of Application.DoEvents() or multithreading Pin
Gwannoes7-Feb-12 0:22
Gwannoes7-Feb-12 0:22 
Thank you for your reply. I'm still struggling with the instrument setup (setting vertical range, timebase, etc).
These settings should (to maintain a decent framerate) only be written to the instrument when the user changes a setting on the form. And on a fixed position: before StartMeasurement() (well, most importan is not between StartMeasurement() and ReadData(); that would cause problems).

I could ofcourse do:
NumericUpDown_VerticalRange_ValueChanges(Object sender, EventArgs e)
  this.InstrumentSetupChanged = true;

and then in the InstrumentThread's Run method use
private void Run(){
   // check the InstrumentSetupChanged flag here, and update instrument hardware if flag is set. Clear flag afterwards (I don't know yet the best way to do this.)
   DataReceived(new InstrumentDataEventArgs(data));

But I doubt working with this flag is a proper approach?
GeneralRe: Use of Application.DoEvents() or multithreading Pin
BobJanova7-Feb-12 1:41
BobJanova7-Feb-12 1:41 
AnswerRe: Use of Application.DoEvents() or multithreading Pin
Luc Pattyn7-Feb-12 0:15
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn7-Feb-12 0:15 
GeneralRe: Use of Application.DoEvents() or multithreading Pin
Gwannoes7-Feb-12 0:25
Gwannoes7-Feb-12 0:25 
GeneralRe: Use of Application.DoEvents() or multithreading Pin
Dave Kreskowiak7-Feb-12 2:02
mveDave Kreskowiak7-Feb-12 2:02 
GeneralRe: Use of Application.DoEvents() or multithreading Pin
OriginalGriff7-Feb-12 6:17
mveOriginalGriff7-Feb-12 6:17 
AnswerRe: Use of Application.DoEvents() or multithreading Pin
Gwannoes8-Feb-12 20:30
Gwannoes8-Feb-12 20:30 
Questioniserting,deleting,updating mysql database FROM form in C# Pin
Xonel6-Feb-12 20:18
Xonel6-Feb-12 20:18 
AnswerRe: iserting,deleting,updating mysql database FROM form in C# Pin
V.6-Feb-12 21:37
professionalV.6-Feb-12 21:37 
AnswerRe: iserting,deleting,updating mysql database FROM form in C# Pin
Mycroft Holmes7-Feb-12 0:00
professionalMycroft Holmes7-Feb-12 0:00 
Questionhow to calculate other forms textbox values from one form in c#? Pin
v surya dev6-Feb-12 19:46
v surya dev6-Feb-12 19:46 
AnswerRe: how to calculate other forms textbox values from one form in c#? Pin
Abhinav S6-Feb-12 20:09
Abhinav S6-Feb-12 20:09 
AnswerRe: how to calculate other forms textbox values from one form in c#? Pin
AmbiguousName6-Feb-12 20:17
AmbiguousName6-Feb-12 20:17 
GeneralRe: how to calculate other forms textbox values from one form in c#? Pin
v surya dev7-Feb-12 5:31
v surya dev7-Feb-12 5:31 
AnswerRe: how to calculate other forms textbox values from one form in c#? Pin
BillWoodruff7-Feb-12 15:17
professionalBillWoodruff7-Feb-12 15:17 
QuestionBasic ComboBox Problem :( Pin
AmbiguousName6-Feb-12 18:58
AmbiguousName6-Feb-12 18:58 
AnswerRe: Basic ComboBox Problem :( Pin
Abhinav S6-Feb-12 19:07
Abhinav S6-Feb-12 19:07 
GeneralRe: Basic ComboBox Problem :( Pin
AmbiguousName6-Feb-12 19:21
AmbiguousName6-Feb-12 19:21 

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