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GeneralMessage Removed Pin
2-Feb-12 9:24
professionalN_tro_P2-Feb-12 9:24 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
Mycroft Holmes2-Feb-12 13:57
professionalMycroft Holmes2-Feb-12 13:57 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
jschell3-Feb-12 10:34
jschell3-Feb-12 10:34 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
jschell3-Feb-12 10:32
jschell3-Feb-12 10:32 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
SledgeHammer013-Feb-12 11:25
SledgeHammer013-Feb-12 11:25 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
jschell4-Feb-12 9:24
jschell4-Feb-12 9:24 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
SledgeHammer014-Feb-12 9:47
SledgeHammer014-Feb-12 9:47 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
jschell6-Feb-12 8:01
jschell6-Feb-12 8:01 
SledgeHammer01 wrote:
it was one that I got...It is to judge how you THINK. Why do you have such difficulty understanding that?

Perhaps because I have experienced it more than you?

The fact that either you presume that the interviewer is only interested in your thought processes or even if the interviewer actually told you that doesn't in fact mean that the interviewer is actually going to be comfortable accepting answers that meet that goal.

I have been an interviewer in group interview situations where developers specifically told the interviewee that they were asking open ended questions and yet it became almost immediately obvious that the interviewer was fishing for very specific responses. I have also been on the receiving end of that as well.

SledgeHammer01 wrote:
If you do not know the difference between a coder and a software engineer /

Hopefully I know that since I have been both and worked with both.

SledgeHammer01 wrote:
...what WOULD you consider a good interview question?

Thought that it was implicitly obvious that my problem with the initial question was the explicit requirements. If the question was open then letting the interviewee suggest a database and/or bring up limitations of the questions itself (about realistic volumes) would certainly suggest some level of expertise.

Conversely as an open ended question if the interviewee attempted to suggest an in memory memory model (again since I would leave it open ended) it would suggest that the developer doesn't have significant real world experience (presuming that their resume didn't already reveal that they were a junior level.)
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
SledgeHammer016-Feb-12 8:18
SledgeHammer016-Feb-12 8:18 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
jschell6-Feb-12 9:49
jschell6-Feb-12 9:49 
AnswerRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
harold aptroot2-Feb-12 9:18
harold aptroot2-Feb-12 9:18 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
SledgeHammer012-Feb-12 9:23
SledgeHammer012-Feb-12 9:23 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
harold aptroot2-Feb-12 9:42
harold aptroot2-Feb-12 9:42 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
SledgeHammer012-Feb-12 9:50
SledgeHammer012-Feb-12 9:50 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
harold aptroot2-Feb-12 9:55
harold aptroot2-Feb-12 9:55 
AnswerRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
PIEBALDconsult2-Feb-12 15:29
mvePIEBALDconsult2-Feb-12 15:29 
AnswerRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
V.2-Feb-12 21:54
professionalV.2-Feb-12 21:54 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
SledgeHammer013-Feb-12 3:57
SledgeHammer013-Feb-12 3:57 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
PIEBALDconsult3-Feb-12 4:16
mvePIEBALDconsult3-Feb-12 4:16 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
SledgeHammer013-Feb-12 5:12
SledgeHammer013-Feb-12 5:12 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
BobJanova3-Feb-12 5:31
BobJanova3-Feb-12 5:31 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
SledgeHammer013-Feb-12 5:45
SledgeHammer013-Feb-12 5:45 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
BobJanova3-Feb-12 6:09
BobJanova3-Feb-12 6:09 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
PIEBALDconsult3-Feb-12 12:52
mvePIEBALDconsult3-Feb-12 12:52 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
SledgeHammer013-Feb-12 13:22
SledgeHammer013-Feb-12 13:22 

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