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AnswerRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
CCodeNewbie3-Feb-12 6:05
CCodeNewbie3-Feb-12 6:05 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
Luc Pattyn3-Feb-12 6:06
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn3-Feb-12 6:06 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
CCodeNewbie3-Feb-12 9:37
CCodeNewbie3-Feb-12 9:37 
AnswerRe: How would you store this data (interview question) PinPopular
Eddy Vluggen2-Feb-12 8:43
professionalEddy Vluggen2-Feb-12 8:43 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
SledgeHammer012-Feb-12 9:01
SledgeHammer012-Feb-12 9:01 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
jschell2-Feb-12 9:10
jschell2-Feb-12 9:10 
NewsRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
Eddy Vluggen2-Feb-12 10:08
professionalEddy Vluggen2-Feb-12 10:08 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
SledgeHammer012-Feb-12 10:31
SledgeHammer012-Feb-12 10:31 
You know, I couldn't name a single one of these rules, but I went and looked up the poster. OMG!!! Instead of having duplicate data break it out into a separate table and create a FK index into it!! OMG... you are so high brow!! (not directed at you lol, but the people who care about knowing the 'book term' I mean) Smile | :) . Ok, I've been designing my tables like this for 16 yrs, but seriously had ZERO clue that this is what it was called. Ok... guess I suck at SQL now too Smile | :) .

Many years ago, I went to an interview at AutoByTel when I was first starting out in C# and the guy asked me if I knew what boxing & unboxing was. I had no clue. I went home and looked it up and was like OMG!!!! its passing around something as an object!!! OMG!!! I don't know C# at all. I have never done anything so complex!!! That guy must have 7 phd's in C#!!! He is brilliant!!
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
Mycroft Holmes2-Feb-12 13:53
professionalMycroft Holmes2-Feb-12 13:53 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
Eddy Vluggen2-Feb-12 10:04
professionalEddy Vluggen2-Feb-12 10:04 
AnswerRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
jschell2-Feb-12 9:07
jschell2-Feb-12 9:07 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
SledgeHammer012-Feb-12 9:10
SledgeHammer012-Feb-12 9:10 
GeneralMessage Removed Pin
2-Feb-12 9:24
professionalN_tro_P2-Feb-12 9:24 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
Mycroft Holmes2-Feb-12 13:57
professionalMycroft Holmes2-Feb-12 13:57 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
jschell3-Feb-12 10:34
jschell3-Feb-12 10:34 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
jschell3-Feb-12 10:32
jschell3-Feb-12 10:32 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
SledgeHammer013-Feb-12 11:25
SledgeHammer013-Feb-12 11:25 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
jschell4-Feb-12 9:24
jschell4-Feb-12 9:24 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
SledgeHammer014-Feb-12 9:47
SledgeHammer014-Feb-12 9:47 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
jschell6-Feb-12 8:01
jschell6-Feb-12 8:01 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
SledgeHammer016-Feb-12 8:18
SledgeHammer016-Feb-12 8:18 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
jschell6-Feb-12 9:49
jschell6-Feb-12 9:49 
AnswerRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
harold aptroot2-Feb-12 9:18
harold aptroot2-Feb-12 9:18 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
SledgeHammer012-Feb-12 9:23
SledgeHammer012-Feb-12 9:23 
GeneralRe: How would you store this data (interview question) Pin
harold aptroot2-Feb-12 9:42
harold aptroot2-Feb-12 9:42 

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