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General#iclude problems Pin
mehere10-Feb-03 14:51
mehere10-Feb-03 14:51 
GeneralRe: #iclude problems Pin
Christian Graus10-Feb-03 15:17
protectorChristian Graus10-Feb-03 15:17 
GeneralRe: #iclude problems Pin
mehere10-Feb-03 18:08
mehere10-Feb-03 18:08 
GeneralRe: #iclude problems Pin
David Stone10-Feb-03 18:22
sitebuilderDavid Stone10-Feb-03 18:22 
GeneralRe: #iclude problems Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.10-Feb-03 19:01
Stephane Rodriguez.10-Feb-03 19:01 
GeneralRe: #iclude problems Pin
David Stone10-Feb-03 19:04
sitebuilderDavid Stone10-Feb-03 19:04 
GeneralRe: #iclude problems Pin
mehere10-Feb-03 22:43
mehere10-Feb-03 22:43 
GeneralRegex problem across muliple lines Pin
Giles10-Feb-03 12:06
Giles10-Feb-03 12:06 
Okay, I'm trying to parse and HTML page, and grab some text out of a table.

Thing is I can't remember how to grab a block of text across mutiple lines. Note I'm not talking about doing a multiple match.

As an example I would do something like the following to grab all the text inside the font tag :



<FONT size="2">
Some more text<BR>
Another Line<BR>
Bla Bla Bla

I know the . operator matches eveything except a new line character \n. I need the thing that includes the new line character or some combination in a []


I love regexes but I'm damn rusty. Wink | ;)
GeneralRe: Regex problem across muliple lines Pin
Anonymous10-Feb-03 17:14
Anonymous10-Feb-03 17:14 
Generalsubclassed controls Pin
vlusardi10-Feb-03 9:55
vlusardi10-Feb-03 9:55 
GeneralRe: subclassed controls Pin
leppie10-Feb-03 10:10
leppie10-Feb-03 10:10 
GeneralRe: subclassed controls Pin
vlusardi10-Feb-03 11:06
vlusardi10-Feb-03 11:06 
GeneralCOM+ in .NET::C# & DLLs Pin
sss_dr10-Feb-03 8:23
sss_dr10-Feb-03 8:23 
GeneralOwner Draw... Pin
Yuval Kaplan10-Feb-03 1:56
Yuval Kaplan10-Feb-03 1:56 
GeneralRe: Owner Draw... Pin
TigerNinja_10-Feb-03 2:40
TigerNinja_10-Feb-03 2:40 
GeneralRe: Owner Draw... Pin
Yuval Kaplan10-Feb-03 6:08
Yuval Kaplan10-Feb-03 6:08 
GeneralWebBrowser API problem. Pin
GriffonRL10-Feb-03 1:49
GriffonRL10-Feb-03 1:49 
GeneralRe: WebBrowser API problem (repost because first URL translated). Pin
GriffonRL10-Feb-03 1:54
GriffonRL10-Feb-03 1:54 
GeneralControl DLL and resx files problems Pin
Braulio Dez9-Feb-03 23:51
Braulio Dez9-Feb-03 23:51 
GeneralFileSystemWatcher with 98 and ME Pin
BigAndy9-Feb-03 23:04
BigAndy9-Feb-03 23:04 
GeneralRe: FileSystemWatcher with 98 and ME Pin
Thomas Caudal10-Feb-03 11:02
Thomas Caudal10-Feb-03 11:02 
GeneralRegex pattern Pin
Roger Alsing9-Feb-03 21:38
Roger Alsing9-Feb-03 21:38 
GeneralRe: Regex pattern Pin
Giles10-Feb-03 12:27
Giles10-Feb-03 12:27 
GeneralHooking into IE Pin
NishantD9-Feb-03 16:39
NishantD9-Feb-03 16:39 
Generaldeploying .net application on pc without a common run time Pin
king_of_the_world9-Feb-03 15:26
king_of_the_world9-Feb-03 15:26 

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