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GeneralRe: C#_Error "Namespace cannot directly contain..." Pin
Deborah Palmer McCain11-Jan-12 5:43
Deborah Palmer McCain11-Jan-12 5:43 
AnswerRe: C#_Error "Namespace cannot directly contain..." Pin
rajeevcapgeminiindia10-Jan-12 19:53
rajeevcapgeminiindia10-Jan-12 19:53 
GeneralRe: C#_Error "Namespace cannot directly contain..." Pin
Deborah Palmer McCain11-Jan-12 5:44
Deborah Palmer McCain11-Jan-12 5:44 
GeneralRe: C#_Error "Namespace cannot directly contain..." Pin
Deborah Palmer McCain11-Jan-12 6:39
Deborah Palmer McCain11-Jan-12 6:39 
AnswerRe: C#_Error "Namespace cannot directly contain..." Pin
RobCroll10-Jan-12 19:53
RobCroll10-Jan-12 19:53 
GeneralRe: C#_Error "Namespace cannot directly contain..." Pin
Deborah Palmer McCain11-Jan-12 5:50
Deborah Palmer McCain11-Jan-12 5:50 
GeneralRe: C#_Error "Namespace cannot directly contain..." Pin
Roger Wright11-Jan-12 18:18
professionalRoger Wright11-Jan-12 18:18 
GeneralRe: C#_Error "Namespace cannot directly contain..." Pin
Deborah Palmer McCain12-Jan-12 5:57
Deborah Palmer McCain12-Jan-12 5:57 

Thank you for the update, I thought that 7 was wreaking havoc with my one lonely desktop. I used Vista (no gagging) with relish for so many years, that the Apple-esque features of 7 cause me to blame it for everything. I do like Stick Notes though.

Just as an update, my application runs smoothly after I fixed further code errors

Thank you again for your help.

AnswerRe: C#_Error "Namespace cannot directly contain..." Pin
OriginalGriff10-Jan-12 22:19
mveOriginalGriff10-Jan-12 22:19 
GeneralRe: C#_Error "Namespace cannot directly contain..." Pin
Deborah Palmer McCain11-Jan-12 5:55
Deborah Palmer McCain11-Jan-12 5:55 
GeneralRe: C#_Error "Namespace cannot directly contain..." Pin
killabyte11-Jan-12 16:49
killabyte11-Jan-12 16:49 
GeneralRe: C#_Error "Namespace cannot directly contain..." Pin
OriginalGriff11-Jan-12 21:40
mveOriginalGriff11-Jan-12 21:40 
GeneralRe: C#_Error "Namespace cannot directly contain..." Pin
BillWoodruff12-Jan-12 16:12
professionalBillWoodruff12-Jan-12 16:12 
GeneralRe: C#_Error "Namespace cannot directly contain..." Pin
OriginalGriff12-Jan-12 21:08
mveOriginalGriff12-Jan-12 21:08 
GeneralRe: C#_Error "Namespace cannot directly contain..." Pin
BobJanova12-Jan-12 23:33
BobJanova12-Jan-12 23:33 
QuestionGamebot / find images on grid / scrabulizer etc Pin
LordNeverwinter10-Jan-12 7:38
LordNeverwinter10-Jan-12 7:38 
AnswerRe: Gamebot / find images on grid / scrabulizer etc Pin
Alan Balkany10-Jan-12 8:21
Alan Balkany10-Jan-12 8:21 
GeneralRe: Gamebot / find images on grid / scrabulizer etc Pin
LordNeverwinter12-Jan-12 1:38
LordNeverwinter12-Jan-12 1:38 
GeneralRe: Gamebot / find images on grid / scrabulizer etc Pin
Alan Balkany13-Jan-12 4:09
Alan Balkany13-Jan-12 4:09 
GeneralRe: Gamebot / find images on grid / scrabulizer etc Pin
LordNeverwinter12-Jan-12 19:54
LordNeverwinter12-Jan-12 19:54 
AnswerRe: Gamebot / find images on grid / scrabulizer etc Pin
BillWoodruff12-Jan-12 16:18
professionalBillWoodruff12-Jan-12 16:18 
GeneralRe: Gamebot / find images on grid / scrabulizer etc Pin
LordNeverwinter12-Jan-12 19:41
LordNeverwinter12-Jan-12 19:41 
QuestionHow to check that a character can be encoded with codepage 1252? Pin
Bernhard Hiller10-Jan-12 3:48
Bernhard Hiller10-Jan-12 3:48 
AnswerRe: How to check that a character can be encoded with codepage 1252? Pin
Luc Pattyn10-Jan-12 4:24
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn10-Jan-12 4:24 
GeneralRe: How to check that a character can be encoded with codepage 1252? Pin
Bernhard Hiller10-Jan-12 21:13
Bernhard Hiller10-Jan-12 21:13 

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