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AnswerMessage Closed Pin
5-Jan-12 21:21
leddoes5-Jan-12 21:21 
GeneralRe: What is the memory limitation of C# Application Pin
RobCroll6-Jan-12 0:19
RobCroll6-Jan-12 0:19 
AnswerRe: What is the memory limitation of C# Application Pin
OriginalGriff5-Jan-12 21:44
mveOriginalGriff5-Jan-12 21:44 
GeneralRe: What is the memory limitation of C# Application Pin
RedDk29-Sep-23 6:52
RedDk29-Sep-23 6:52 
GeneralRe: What is the memory limitation of C# Application Pin
OriginalGriff29-Sep-23 8:09
mveOriginalGriff29-Sep-23 8:09 
GeneralRe: What is the memory limitation of C# Application Pin
RedDk29-Sep-23 9:01
RedDk29-Sep-23 9:01 
AnswerRe: What is the memory limitation of C# Application Pin
Luc Pattyn6-Jan-12 2:10
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn6-Jan-12 2:10 
QuestionWhat Type of Application to Choose Pin
NavpreetSingh5-Jan-12 18:18
NavpreetSingh5-Jan-12 18:18 

Presently I we have a VBA application.

1. We have scheduled tasks using Scheduled Tasks under System Tools.

2. The Schedule task opens a xlsm file and inside the Workbook_Open() method I call some procedures.

For Example:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub

3. The user does not need to interact with the application.

Now the company wants to convert the VBA application to .NET Application. I do not know what kind of application to choose from the following:

1. ASP.WEB Application
2. Windows Application
3. Windows Service Application
4. Console Applications.

Kindly Advice.

AnswerRe: What Type of Application to Choose Pin
Sentenryu5-Jan-12 22:23
Sentenryu5-Jan-12 22:23 
AnswerRe: What Type of Application to Choose Pin
BillWoodruff5-Jan-12 23:20
professionalBillWoodruff5-Jan-12 23:20 
AnswerRe: What Type of Application to Choose Pin
RobCroll6-Jan-12 0:39
RobCroll6-Jan-12 0:39 
AnswerRe: What Type of Application to Choose Pin
PIEBALDconsult6-Jan-12 2:22
mvePIEBALDconsult6-Jan-12 2:22 
Questionhow to register the USB HID KEYBOARD for notification using c# in windows OS(xp,vista,SEVEN-- [for all--- 32 and 64 bit]) Pin
Member 85373615-Jan-12 17:05
Member 85373615-Jan-12 17:05 
QuestionHow can I restart an at runtime compiled project? Pin
absturz75-Jan-12 7:58
absturz75-Jan-12 7:58 
AnswerRe: How can I restart an at runtime compiled project? Pin
Luc Pattyn5-Jan-12 8:17
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn5-Jan-12 8:17 
GeneralRe: How can I restart an at runtime compiled project? Pin
absturz75-Jan-12 12:04
absturz75-Jan-12 12:04 
AnswerRe: How can I restart an at runtime compiled project? Pin
Luc Pattyn5-Jan-12 12:15
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn5-Jan-12 12:15 
GeneralRe: How can I restart an at runtime compiled project? Pin
absturz75-Jan-12 12:20
absturz75-Jan-12 12:20 
Questionhow to delete a string[] from list<string[]> ??? Pin
AnswerRe: how to delete a string[] from list ??? Pin
manognya kota5-Jan-12 7:23
manognya kota5-Jan-12 7:23 
GeneralRe: how to delete a string[] from list ???<solved> Pin
GeneralRe: how to delete a string[] from list ??? Pin
manognya kota5-Jan-12 7:51
manognya kota5-Jan-12 7:51 
GeneralRe: how to delete a string[] from list ??? Pin
BillWoodruff5-Jan-12 16:24
professionalBillWoodruff5-Jan-12 16:24 
GeneralRe: how to delete a string[] from list ??? Pin
manognya kota5-Jan-12 17:47
manognya kota5-Jan-12 17:47 
AnswerRe: how to delete a string[] from list ??? Pin
Luc Pattyn5-Jan-12 7:59
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn5-Jan-12 7:59 

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