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AnswerRe: Get start date Pin
Hum Dum8-Dec-11 0:11
Hum Dum8-Dec-11 0:11 
GeneralRe: Get start date Pin
Elizabeth Rani8-Dec-11 0:25
Elizabeth Rani8-Dec-11 0:25 
AnswerRe: Get start date Pin
SilimSayo8-Dec-11 10:49
SilimSayo8-Dec-11 10:49 
QuestionHow to Call A web service inside SQL server Pin
yousefshokati7-Dec-11 17:30
yousefshokati7-Dec-11 17:30 
AnswerRe: How to Call A web service inside SQL server Pin
David Skelly7-Dec-11 22:26
David Skelly7-Dec-11 22:26 
GeneralRe: How to Call A web service inside SQL server Pin
yousefshokati8-Dec-11 0:28
yousefshokati8-Dec-11 0:28 
AnswerRe: How to Call A web service inside SQL server Pin
SilimSayo8-Dec-11 8:27
SilimSayo8-Dec-11 8:27 
QuestionExporting and Importing data from and into SQL Server 2008 Pin
SQL Ed7-Dec-11 2:58
SQL Ed7-Dec-11 2:58 
I exported my results data into Excel 2007 (784,000 records on one column) so that I can Import it back into SQL Server 2008 as a table. When the data comes back from Excel it comes in as a float which I convert to a nvarchar(255) or varchar(50), but any record that has a letter in it shows up as NULL in SQL Server 2008. I have tried all combinations. Can anyone suggest anything?

AnswerRe: Exporting and Importing data from and into SQL Server 2008 Pin
Blue_Boy7-Dec-11 3:11
Blue_Boy7-Dec-11 3:11 
QuestionSum the counts from two different tables Pin
Elizabeth Rani7-Dec-11 1:04
Elizabeth Rani7-Dec-11 1:04 
AnswerRe: Sum the counts from two different tables Pin
Corporal Agarn7-Dec-11 8:46
professionalCorporal Agarn7-Dec-11 8:46 
AnswerRe: Sum the counts from two different tables Pin
SilimSayo7-Dec-11 12:50
SilimSayo7-Dec-11 12:50 
GeneralRe: Sum the counts from two different tables Pin
Elizabeth Rani7-Dec-11 19:46
Elizabeth Rani7-Dec-11 19:46 
GeneralRe: Sum the counts from two different tables Pin
SilimSayo8-Dec-11 3:25
SilimSayo8-Dec-11 3:25 
Questioncreate user account Pin
Danzy835-Dec-11 15:40
Danzy835-Dec-11 15:40 
AnswerRe: create user account Pin
Mycroft Holmes5-Dec-11 16:52
professionalMycroft Holmes5-Dec-11 16:52 
GeneralRe: create user account Pin
Danzy835-Dec-11 21:57
Danzy835-Dec-11 21:57 
QuestionIntegration Services or C# code Pin
RichardInToronto5-Dec-11 15:00
RichardInToronto5-Dec-11 15:00 
AnswerRe: Integration Services or C# code Pin
Mycroft Holmes5-Dec-11 16:49
professionalMycroft Holmes5-Dec-11 16:49 
GeneralRe: Integration Services or C# code Pin
Jörgen Andersson5-Dec-11 20:30
professionalJörgen Andersson5-Dec-11 20:30 
GeneralRe: Integration Services or C# code Pin
RichardInToronto7-Dec-11 15:35
RichardInToronto7-Dec-11 15:35 
AnswerRe: C# code Pin
David Mujica6-Dec-11 5:55
David Mujica6-Dec-11 5:55 
GeneralRe: C# code Pin
RichardInToronto7-Dec-11 4:09
RichardInToronto7-Dec-11 4:09 
GeneralRe: C# code Pin
David Mujica7-Dec-11 8:08
David Mujica7-Dec-11 8:08 
GeneralRe: C# code Pin
RichardInToronto7-Dec-11 15:31
RichardInToronto7-Dec-11 15:31 

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