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AnswerRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
mikemar18-Oct-11 13:35
mikemar18-Oct-11 13:35 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick18-Oct-11 15:15
BupeChombaDerrick18-Oct-11 15:15 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
mikemar18-Oct-11 16:43
mikemar18-Oct-11 16:43 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick19-Oct-11 6:59
BupeChombaDerrick19-Oct-11 6:59 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
mikemar19-Oct-11 18:49
mikemar19-Oct-11 18:49 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick20-Oct-11 9:41
BupeChombaDerrick20-Oct-11 9:41 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
mikemar20-Oct-11 16:58
mikemar20-Oct-11 16:58 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick21-Oct-11 4:54
BupeChombaDerrick21-Oct-11 4:54 
mikemarquard wrote:
So you are probably right that it is possible, but I still suspected it will
learn faster with 3D.

According to wikipedia "Stereopsis appears to be processed in the visual cortex in binocular cells having receptive fields in different horizontal positions in the two eyes. Such a cell is active only when its preferred stimulus is in the correct position in the left eye and in the correct position in the right eye, making it a disparity detector." you are right 3d vision is useful, i will consider using two cameras,but i will start with a single camera then move to 3d implementation this will enable my system to take advantage of both worlds, thanks for the advice. I thought through this and realised that i left stereopsis out but now i have considered using it, i have found that there is room for it in my vision system, i do'nt have to modify the whole library but just add additional functions to support stereopsis, thanks again for stereopsis.
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 20:01
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 20:01 
AnswerRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
YvesDaoust19-Oct-11 3:37
YvesDaoust19-Oct-11 3:37 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick19-Oct-11 7:19
BupeChombaDerrick19-Oct-11 7:19 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
mikemar19-Oct-11 19:03
mikemar19-Oct-11 19:03 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick20-Oct-11 9:49
BupeChombaDerrick20-Oct-11 9:49 
AnswerRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BillWoodruff22-Oct-11 14:33
professionalBillWoodruff22-Oct-11 14:33 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick23-Oct-11 16:00
BupeChombaDerrick23-Oct-11 16:00 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BillWoodruff23-Oct-11 16:20
professionalBillWoodruff23-Oct-11 16:20 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
Richard MacCutchan23-Oct-11 22:37
mveRichard MacCutchan23-Oct-11 22:37 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 19:58
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 19:58 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 19:57
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 19:57 
AnswerRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
sgorozco25-Nov-11 8:56
sgorozco25-Nov-11 8:56 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick1-Dec-11 6:15
BupeChombaDerrick1-Dec-11 6:15 
QuestionAnyway to optimize Genetic Algorithm? Pin
Firo Atrum Ventus9-Oct-11 22:51
Firo Atrum Ventus9-Oct-11 22:51 
AnswerRe: Anyway to optimize Genetic Algorithm? Pin
Alan Balkany10-Oct-11 4:02
Alan Balkany10-Oct-11 4:02 
AnswerRe: Anyway to optimize Genetic Algorithm? Pin
BobJanova11-Oct-11 0:24
BobJanova11-Oct-11 0:24 
AnswerAre you Canadian living in Canada? We have free laptops for you for 4 months Pin
apudiu113-Oct-11 2:12
apudiu113-Oct-11 2:12 

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