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GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick18-Oct-11 9:19
BupeChombaDerrick18-Oct-11 9:19 
AnswerRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
mikemar18-Oct-11 13:35
mikemar18-Oct-11 13:35 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick18-Oct-11 15:15
BupeChombaDerrick18-Oct-11 15:15 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
mikemar18-Oct-11 16:43
mikemar18-Oct-11 16:43 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick19-Oct-11 6:59
BupeChombaDerrick19-Oct-11 6:59 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
mikemar19-Oct-11 18:49
mikemar19-Oct-11 18:49 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick20-Oct-11 9:41
BupeChombaDerrick20-Oct-11 9:41 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
mikemar20-Oct-11 16:58
mikemar20-Oct-11 16:58 
BCDXBOX360 wrote:
But they can recognize objects effectively,right? my main interest is recognition, the question is how much does depth perception affect recognition of objects? well i do know of 3d face recognition being more accurate than the 2d counterparts but this requires 3d sensing putting a strain on cpu's. and what about all the 2d images and videos available, how will your 3d system make use of them?

I would assume yes because I've never seen anything written on that subject. So you are probably right that it is possible, but I still suspected it will learn faster with 3D.

BCDXBOX360 wrote:
mikemarquard wrote:
The reason you and I can see in 3D if we cover an eye is because as children we

learned other ques for judging depth


Thank you, because thats my solution, my system learns those ques during the learning phase by presenting multi-view training sets like i wrote earlier.

Yeah but that's the point I was making earlier. Without some preexisting method for judging distances you have nothing to use as a measuring stick when your system would learn those cues. That's why people born blind in one eye don't learn those cues, because they cannot use stereopsis as a measuring stick. They have no way to see how things like for instance the size of an object corresponds with it's distance from the viewer because they never actually know how far the object is from them.

BCDXBOX360 wrote:
Don't worry i'm not like that, i also enjoy discussing with people of similar interest, besides there are'nt many daredevil's to go down this path, it's gud to always hear from people like you. i wish you luck in your endeavor.

GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick21-Oct-11 4:54
BupeChombaDerrick21-Oct-11 4:54 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 20:01
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 20:01 
AnswerRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
YvesDaoust19-Oct-11 3:37
YvesDaoust19-Oct-11 3:37 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick19-Oct-11 7:19
BupeChombaDerrick19-Oct-11 7:19 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
mikemar19-Oct-11 19:03
mikemar19-Oct-11 19:03 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick20-Oct-11 9:49
BupeChombaDerrick20-Oct-11 9:49 
AnswerRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BillWoodruff22-Oct-11 14:33
professionalBillWoodruff22-Oct-11 14:33 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick23-Oct-11 16:00
BupeChombaDerrick23-Oct-11 16:00 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BillWoodruff23-Oct-11 16:20
professionalBillWoodruff23-Oct-11 16:20 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
Richard MacCutchan23-Oct-11 22:37
mveRichard MacCutchan23-Oct-11 22:37 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 19:58
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 19:58 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 19:57
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 19:57 
AnswerRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
sgorozco25-Nov-11 8:56
sgorozco25-Nov-11 8:56 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick1-Dec-11 6:15
BupeChombaDerrick1-Dec-11 6:15 
QuestionAnyway to optimize Genetic Algorithm? Pin
Firo Atrum Ventus9-Oct-11 22:51
Firo Atrum Ventus9-Oct-11 22:51 
AnswerRe: Anyway to optimize Genetic Algorithm? Pin
Alan Balkany10-Oct-11 4:02
Alan Balkany10-Oct-11 4:02 
AnswerRe: Anyway to optimize Genetic Algorithm? Pin
BobJanova11-Oct-11 0:24
BobJanova11-Oct-11 0:24 

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