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GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick19-Oct-11 6:59
BupeChombaDerrick19-Oct-11 6:59 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
mikemar19-Oct-11 18:49
mikemar19-Oct-11 18:49 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick20-Oct-11 9:41
BupeChombaDerrick20-Oct-11 9:41 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
mikemar20-Oct-11 16:58
mikemar20-Oct-11 16:58 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick21-Oct-11 4:54
BupeChombaDerrick21-Oct-11 4:54 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 20:01
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 20:01 
AnswerRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
YvesDaoust19-Oct-11 3:37
YvesDaoust19-Oct-11 3:37 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick19-Oct-11 7:19
BupeChombaDerrick19-Oct-11 7:19 
YvesDaoust wrote:

My answer will be simple: artificial intelligence
is still nowhere.

i can't fully agree with you, look at chess, can you beat a computer at it's highest skill level, i don't think so! the problem with machines of today is that they just lack perceptual skills or what is called sensory perception, they are given buttons for people to push rather than a complex sensing device. And the belief among humans that there is no such a thing as artificial intelligence discourages researchers. Remember people in the old days thought that people will never fly but we have very heavy man-made machines called planes that can fly. all we need is a break through especially in machine perception to have everybodies jaw dropped.
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
mikemar19-Oct-11 19:03
mikemar19-Oct-11 19:03 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick20-Oct-11 9:49
BupeChombaDerrick20-Oct-11 9:49 
AnswerRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BillWoodruff22-Oct-11 14:33
professionalBillWoodruff22-Oct-11 14:33 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick23-Oct-11 16:00
BupeChombaDerrick23-Oct-11 16:00 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BillWoodruff23-Oct-11 16:20
professionalBillWoodruff23-Oct-11 16:20 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
Richard MacCutchan23-Oct-11 22:37
mveRichard MacCutchan23-Oct-11 22:37 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 19:58
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 19:58 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 19:57
BupeChombaDerrick21-Feb-13 19:57 
AnswerRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
sgorozco25-Nov-11 8:56
sgorozco25-Nov-11 8:56 
GeneralRe: state-of-the art computer/machine vision system Pin
BupeChombaDerrick1-Dec-11 6:15
BupeChombaDerrick1-Dec-11 6:15 
QuestionAnyway to optimize Genetic Algorithm? Pin
Firo Atrum Ventus9-Oct-11 22:51
Firo Atrum Ventus9-Oct-11 22:51 
AnswerRe: Anyway to optimize Genetic Algorithm? Pin
Alan Balkany10-Oct-11 4:02
Alan Balkany10-Oct-11 4:02 
AnswerRe: Anyway to optimize Genetic Algorithm? Pin
BobJanova11-Oct-11 0:24
BobJanova11-Oct-11 0:24 
AnswerAre you Canadian living in Canada? We have free laptops for you for 4 months Pin
apudiu113-Oct-11 2:12
apudiu113-Oct-11 2:12 
AnswerRe: Anyway to optimize Genetic Algorithm? Pin
BillWoodruff13-Nov-11 23:00
professionalBillWoodruff13-Nov-11 23:00 
QuestionHow to Form Minimum number of Groups which should not exceed a max value Pin
Roshan P Mohammed8-Oct-11 22:11
Roshan P Mohammed8-Oct-11 22:11 
AnswerRe: How to Form Minimum number of Groups which should not exceed a max value Pin
André Kraak8-Oct-11 22:47
André Kraak8-Oct-11 22:47 

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