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GeneralRe: CamoPicker Is Available Pin
#realJSOP4-Oct-11 23:24
professional#realJSOP4-Oct-11 23:24 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker Is Available Pin
Slacker0074-Oct-11 23:32
professionalSlacker0074-Oct-11 23:32 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker Is Available Pin
#realJSOP5-Oct-11 2:18
professional#realJSOP5-Oct-11 2:18 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker Is Available Pin
#realJSOP5-Oct-11 11:57
professional#realJSOP5-Oct-11 11:57 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker Is Available Pin
Slacker0076-Oct-11 0:09
professionalSlacker0076-Oct-11 0:09 
AnswerRe: CamoPicker Is Available Pin
Paul Conrad6-Oct-11 9:44
professionalPaul Conrad6-Oct-11 9:44 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker Is Available Pin
#realJSOP6-Oct-11 14:05
professional#realJSOP6-Oct-11 14:05 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker Is Available Pin
#realJSOP8-Oct-11 11:44
professional#realJSOP8-Oct-11 11:44 
I was going to respond to your reply to the "It's Hard" thread in the lounge), but you deleted it. Smile | :)

Creating new weapons is goes something like this:

0) Weapon templates require two files - a mask file, and an overlay file.

1) Each of those files must 1500x720 pixels and 96 DPI.

2) Each of the images must be a PNG file with alpha channel transparency (you can create these with Photoshop, Paintshop Pro, paint.Net, Gimp, etc).

3) The filenames must be like this:


("MyWeapon is the base filename, and BOTH files must be the same in this regard.)

4) The _mask file uses magenta as the mask color to indicate all areas on the combined image that are NOT the weapon. This is important. If you don't use magenta, CamoPicker won't make the correct areas transparent.

5) After you've created your files, you have to manually edit the CamoPickerData.xml file, and add a new item to the CamoObjects section. It should be fairly obvious how that goes if you use the existing entries as n example.

I don't use feathered edges on the overlay file because CamoPicker isn't doing alpha blending when combining the various files into a single image. Look at any of the existing overlay files to see what I mean.
".45 ACP - because shooting twice is just silly" - JSOP, 2010
You can never have too much ammo - unless you're swimming, or on fire. - JSOP, 2010
"Why don't you tie a kerosene-soaked rag around your ankles so the ants won't climb up and eat your candy ass." - Dale Earnhardt, 1997

GeneralRe: CamoPicker Is Available Pin
Eddy Vluggen8-Oct-11 13:46
professionalEddy Vluggen8-Oct-11 13:46 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker Is Available Pin
#realJSOP8-Oct-11 14:52
professional#realJSOP8-Oct-11 14:52 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker Is Available Pin
Paul Conrad8-Oct-11 14:28
professionalPaul Conrad8-Oct-11 14:28 
QuestionCamoPicker - RC1 Pin
#realJSOP2-Oct-11 7:00
professional#realJSOP2-Oct-11 7:00 
AnswerRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
Eddy Vluggen2-Oct-11 7:50
professionalEddy Vluggen2-Oct-11 7:50 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
#realJSOP2-Oct-11 8:05
professional#realJSOP2-Oct-11 8:05 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
Eddy Vluggen2-Oct-11 8:48
professionalEddy Vluggen2-Oct-11 8:48 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
#realJSOP2-Oct-11 9:50
professional#realJSOP2-Oct-11 9:50 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
#realJSOP3-Oct-11 23:37
professional#realJSOP3-Oct-11 23:37 
AnswerRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
Marc Clifton2-Oct-11 8:43
mvaMarc Clifton2-Oct-11 8:43 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
#realJSOP2-Oct-11 8:46
professional#realJSOP2-Oct-11 8:46 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
CDP18022-Oct-11 11:15
CDP18022-Oct-11 11:15 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
#realJSOP2-Oct-11 15:07
professional#realJSOP2-Oct-11 15:07 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
#realJSOP3-Oct-11 23:38
professional#realJSOP3-Oct-11 23:38 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
CDP18023-Oct-11 23:41
CDP18023-Oct-11 23:41 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
#realJSOP3-Oct-11 23:37
professional#realJSOP3-Oct-11 23:37 
AnswerRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
Member 44305612-Oct-11 10:58
Member 44305612-Oct-11 10:58 

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