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GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
#realJSOP3-Oct-11 3:52
professional#realJSOP3-Oct-11 3:52 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
#realJSOP3-Oct-11 23:38
professional#realJSOP3-Oct-11 23:38 
AnswerRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
Indivara2-Oct-11 11:58
professionalIndivara2-Oct-11 11:58 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
#realJSOP2-Oct-11 15:06
professional#realJSOP2-Oct-11 15:06 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
Indivara3-Oct-11 2:11
professionalIndivara3-Oct-11 2:11 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
#realJSOP3-Oct-11 3:54
professional#realJSOP3-Oct-11 3:54 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
Indivara3-Oct-11 2:19
professionalIndivara3-Oct-11 2:19 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
#realJSOP3-Oct-11 2:49
professional#realJSOP3-Oct-11 2:49 
The selected colors on the main form are only for the simple visualization. The advanced visualization attempts to fill all the available layers for the selected pattern. That's why the simple render differs from the initial render in the advanced form.

It looks like I may have to re-organize the main form a bit.
".45 ACP - because shooting twice is just silly" - JSOP, 2010
You can never have too much ammo - unless you're swimming, or on fire. - JSOP, 2010
"Why don't you tie a kerosene-soaked rag around your ankles so the ants won't climb up and eat your candy ass." - Dale Earnhardt, 1997

GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
#realJSOP3-Oct-11 3:53
professional#realJSOP3-Oct-11 3:53 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
#realJSOP3-Oct-11 23:38
professional#realJSOP3-Oct-11 23:38 
AnswerRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
Slacker0073-Oct-11 0:06
professionalSlacker0073-Oct-11 0:06 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
#realJSOP3-Oct-11 3:37
professional#realJSOP3-Oct-11 3:37 
GeneralRe: CamoPicker - RC1 Pin
#realJSOP3-Oct-11 23:38
professional#realJSOP3-Oct-11 23:38 
QuestionMono Pin
#realJSOP30-Sep-11 9:01
professional#realJSOP30-Sep-11 9:01 
AnswerRe: Mono Pin
Eddy Vluggen30-Sep-11 11:22
professionalEddy Vluggen30-Sep-11 11:22 
GeneralRe: Mono Pin
#realJSOP30-Sep-11 11:23
professional#realJSOP30-Sep-11 11:23 
GeneralRe: Mono Pin
Eddy Vluggen30-Sep-11 11:41
professionalEddy Vluggen30-Sep-11 11:41 
GeneralRe: Mono Pin
#realJSOP30-Sep-11 11:42
professional#realJSOP30-Sep-11 11:42 
GeneralRe: Mono Pin
Eddy Vluggen30-Sep-11 12:02
professionalEddy Vluggen30-Sep-11 12:02 
GeneralRe: Mono Pin
#realJSOP30-Sep-11 12:18
professional#realJSOP30-Sep-11 12:18 
GeneralRe: Mono Pin
Eddy Vluggen30-Sep-11 12:42
professionalEddy Vluggen30-Sep-11 12:42 
GeneralRe: Mono Pin
#realJSOP30-Sep-11 12:53
professional#realJSOP30-Sep-11 12:53 
GeneralRe: Mono Pin
Eddy Vluggen30-Sep-11 13:16
professionalEddy Vluggen30-Sep-11 13:16 
GeneralRe: Mono Pin
Luc Pattyn30-Sep-11 16:13
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn30-Sep-11 16:13 
SuggestionIs a good developer tool? Would you use it? Beta testing needed Pin
mwhardin16-Aug-11 10:11
mwhardin16-Aug-11 10:11 

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