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Work Issues

GeneralRe: Where to invest time? Pin
Brian C Hart7-Oct-11 14:48
professionalBrian C Hart7-Oct-11 14:48 
GeneralRe: Where to invest time? Pin
harsimranb15-Oct-11 10:05
harsimranb15-Oct-11 10:05 
GeneralRe: Where to invest time? Pin
harsimranb15-Oct-11 10:09
harsimranb15-Oct-11 10:09 
AnswerRe: Where to invest time? Pin
mikemar9-Oct-11 13:32
mikemar9-Oct-11 13:32 
GeneralActively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour [modified] PinPopular
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 3:21
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 3:21 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
S Houghtelin8-Sep-11 3:26
professionalS Houghtelin8-Sep-11 3:26 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 3:36
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 3:36 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
S Houghtelin8-Sep-11 3:37
professionalS Houghtelin8-Sep-11 3:37 
The wonders of modern medicine. Big Grin | :-D
It was broke, so I fixed it.

GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
Edw8-Sep-11 3:27
Edw8-Sep-11 3:27 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 3:30
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 3:30 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
Edw8-Sep-11 3:42
Edw8-Sep-11 3:42 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 3:54
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 3:54 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
Edw8-Sep-11 3:58
Edw8-Sep-11 3:58 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
Rage8-Sep-11 4:21
professionalRage8-Sep-11 4:21 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 4:30
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 4:30 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
fjdiewornncalwe8-Sep-11 3:34
professionalfjdiewornncalwe8-Sep-11 3:34 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 3:35
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 3:35 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
Rage8-Sep-11 3:55
professionalRage8-Sep-11 3:55 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 3:57
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 3:57 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
Rage8-Sep-11 4:02
professionalRage8-Sep-11 4:02 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
Rage8-Sep-11 4:07
professionalRage8-Sep-11 4:07 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 4:18
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 4:18 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
Rage8-Sep-11 4:20
professionalRage8-Sep-11 4:20 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
Bassam Abdul-Baki8-Sep-11 4:00
professionalBassam Abdul-Baki8-Sep-11 4:00 
GeneralRe: Actively looking for a job in North America, will accept $1,000,000/hour Pin
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 4:09
Mustafa Ismail Mustafa8-Sep-11 4:09 

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