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GeneralRe: ShowNotifyBaloon problem Pin
_Flaviu5-Sep-11 0:03
_Flaviu5-Sep-11 0:03 
GeneralRe: ShowNotifyBaloon problem Pin
MicroVirus5-Sep-11 11:06
MicroVirus5-Sep-11 11:06 
GeneralRe: ShowNotifyBaloon problem Pin
Chuck O'Toole5-Sep-11 15:07
Chuck O'Toole5-Sep-11 15:07 
GeneralRe: ShowNotifyBaloon problem Pin
_Flaviu5-Sep-11 19:25
_Flaviu5-Sep-11 19:25 
GeneralRe: ShowNotifyBaloon problem Pin
MicroVirus6-Sep-11 2:39
MicroVirus6-Sep-11 2:39 
GeneralRe: ShowNotifyBaloon problem Pin
MicroVirus6-Sep-11 2:36
MicroVirus6-Sep-11 2:36 
GeneralRe: ShowNotifyBaloon problem Pin
Chuck O'Toole6-Sep-11 4:03
Chuck O'Toole6-Sep-11 4:03 
GeneralRe: ShowNotifyBaloon problem Pin
_Flaviu6-Sep-11 8:46
_Flaviu6-Sep-11 8:46 
Finnaly I get the notify baloon with follow code :
BOOL CMainFrame::ShowNotifyBaloon(LPCTSTR lpszBalloonTitle, LPCTSTR lpszBalloonMsg, DWORD dwIcon, UINT nTimeOut)
	ASSERT (dwIcon == NIIF_WARNING || dwIcon == NIIF_ERROR || dwIcon == NIIF_INFO || dwIcon == NIIF_NONE);

	nid.uID			= 0;
	nid.dwInfoFlags	= dwIcon;
	nid.hWnd		= GetSafeHwnd();
	nid.cbSize		= sizeof(NOTIFYICONDATA);
	nid.uFlags	    = NIF_MESSAGE | NIF_ICON | NIF_INFO;
	nid.uTimeout	= nTimeOut;
	nid.uCallbackMessage = WMU_TRAYNOTIFYICON;

	return ::Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY,&nid);

but still has a problem : when baloon show up, the systemtray icon dissapear !? Why ? I compile code with VC6 + SDK, and I try it on Win7.
GeneralRe: ShowNotifyBaloon problem Pin
Chuck O'Toole6-Sep-11 10:16
Chuck O'Toole6-Sep-11 10:16 
GeneralRe: ShowNotifyBaloon problem Pin
Chuck O'Toole6-Sep-11 10:25
Chuck O'Toole6-Sep-11 10:25 
GeneralRe: ShowNotifyBaloon problem Pin
MicroVirus6-Sep-11 15:45
MicroVirus6-Sep-11 15:45 
GeneralRe: ShowNotifyBaloon problem Pin
_Flaviu7-Sep-11 7:15
_Flaviu7-Sep-11 7:15 
GeneralRe: ShowNotifyBaloon problem Pin
Chuck O'Toole7-Sep-11 13:05
Chuck O'Toole7-Sep-11 13:05 
Question"The system cannot find the file specified" Pin
AndrewG12312-Sep-11 12:07
AndrewG12312-Sep-11 12:07 
AnswerRe: "The system cannot find the file specified" Pin
Cheongwadae2-Sep-11 17:34
Cheongwadae2-Sep-11 17:34 
QuestionIntroducing tests into a legacy application? Pin
Stefan_Lang1-Sep-11 22:18
Stefan_Lang1-Sep-11 22:18 
AnswerRe: Introducing tests into a legacy application? Pin
Orjan Westin1-Sep-11 23:10
professionalOrjan Westin1-Sep-11 23:10 
GeneralRe: Introducing tests into a legacy application? Pin
Stefan_Lang1-Sep-11 23:59
Stefan_Lang1-Sep-11 23:59 
GeneralRe: Introducing tests into a legacy application? Pin
Orjan Westin2-Sep-11 3:30
professionalOrjan Westin2-Sep-11 3:30 
GeneralRe: Introducing tests into a legacy application? Pin
Stefan_Lang2-Sep-11 4:01
Stefan_Lang2-Sep-11 4:01 
GeneralRe: Introducing tests into a legacy application? Pin
Orjan Westin2-Sep-11 3:45
professionalOrjan Westin2-Sep-11 3:45 
QuestionText drawing is not getting properly Pin
Amrit Agr31-Aug-11 3:15
Amrit Agr31-Aug-11 3:15 
AnswerRe: Text drawing is not getting properly Pin
Alan Balkany31-Aug-11 4:10
Alan Balkany31-Aug-11 4:10 
AnswerRe: Text drawing is not getting properly Pin
xrg_soft@163.com31-Aug-11 6:16
xrg_soft@163.com31-Aug-11 6:16 
GeneralRe: Text drawing is not getting properly Pin
Amrit Agr1-Sep-11 22:50
Amrit Agr1-Sep-11 22:50 

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