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GeneralRe: Disappearing MFC controls Pin
j_schultz30-Aug-11 9:56
j_schultz30-Aug-11 9:56 
AnswerRe: Disappearing MFC controls Pin
QuiJohn30-Aug-11 10:42
QuiJohn30-Aug-11 10:42 
GeneralRe: Disappearing MFC controls Pin
j_schultz30-Aug-11 10:49
j_schultz30-Aug-11 10:49 
GeneralRe: Disappearing MFC controls Pin
QuiJohn31-Aug-11 6:02
QuiJohn31-Aug-11 6:02 
GeneralRe: Disappearing MFC controls Pin
j_schultz31-Aug-11 6:10
j_schultz31-Aug-11 6:10 
GeneralRe: Disappearing MFC controls Pin
j_schultz31-Aug-11 7:42
j_schultz31-Aug-11 7:42 
GeneralRe: Disappearing MFC controls Pin
David Crow30-Aug-11 10:54
David Crow30-Aug-11 10:54 
GeneralRe: Disappearing MFC controls Pin
QuiJohn31-Aug-11 6:01
QuiJohn31-Aug-11 6:01 
DavidCrow wrote:
Yes, z-order can make or break tooltips.

Yes, but I thought if a right click was pressed on a control, that control would be checked for a tooltip. If that didn't have one, it would look at the next one in the tab order, and so on, until it found a tooltip. So if I had a groupbox as the first in the tab order, then a static control, then an edit control that has a tooltip associated with it, I can right click on any of the three to get the tooltip.

To bring it back to the original question, wouldn't re-ordering them in this way at least be a way to see if it fixes his disappearing controls. If he doesn't want the groupbox to ever have a tooltip associated with it, it needs to be the last in the tab order (which is why I guess he's doing that), but that messes with the z-order.

That's why I had the SetWindowPos solution as well. This is one of those things that I spent years dealing with, and I thought I had a pretty good system for it, but it's been a long time since I've worried about it. I just realized I've been talking about context sensitive help and this has been about tooltips. Blush | :O

There are similar issues involved, though, involving tab ordering.
GeneralRe: Disappearing MFC controls Pin
David Crow31-Aug-11 6:13
David Crow31-Aug-11 6:13 
AnswerRe: Disappearing MFC controls Pin
Rolf Kristensen30-Aug-11 9:53
Rolf Kristensen30-Aug-11 9:53 
GeneralRe: Disappearing MFC controls Pin
j_schultz30-Aug-11 9:55
j_schultz30-Aug-11 9:55 
SuggestionRe: Disappearing MFC controls Pin
David Crow30-Aug-11 10:44
David Crow30-Aug-11 10:44 
GeneralRe: Disappearing MFC controls Pin
j_schultz30-Aug-11 10:50
j_schultz30-Aug-11 10:50 
GeneralRe: Disappearing MFC controls Pin
David Crow30-Aug-11 10:53
David Crow30-Aug-11 10:53 
AnswerRe: Disappearing MFC controls Pin
xrg_soft@163.com30-Aug-11 16:30
xrg_soft@163.com30-Aug-11 16:30 
AnswerRe: Disappearing MFC controls Pin
Roger Allen2-Sep-11 6:58
Roger Allen2-Sep-11 6:58 
GeneralRe: Disappearing MFC controls Pin
j_schultz12-Sep-11 9:43
j_schultz12-Sep-11 9:43 
QuestionWhich VS2008 files are important? Pin
softwaremonkey30-Aug-11 4:03
softwaremonkey30-Aug-11 4:03 
AnswerRe: Which VS2008 files are important? Pin
«_Superman_»30-Aug-11 4:33
professional«_Superman_»30-Aug-11 4:33 
GeneralRe: Which VS2008 files are important? Pin
Albert Holguin30-Aug-11 5:45
professionalAlbert Holguin30-Aug-11 5:45 
QuestionRe: Which VS2008 files are important? Pin
«_Superman_»30-Aug-11 6:02
professional«_Superman_»30-Aug-11 6:02 
AnswerRe: Which VS2008 files are important? Pin
Albert Holguin30-Aug-11 7:04
professionalAlbert Holguin30-Aug-11 7:04 
AnswerRe: Which VS2008 files are important? Pin
Albert Holguin30-Aug-11 5:42
professionalAlbert Holguin30-Aug-11 5:42 
AnswerRe: Which VS2008 files are important? Pin
Joe Woodbury30-Aug-11 8:10
professionalJoe Woodbury30-Aug-11 8:10 
GeneralRe: Which VS2008 files are important? Pin
softwaremonkey30-Aug-11 8:21
softwaremonkey30-Aug-11 8:21 

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