I need lines of code to generate and update an xml file via javascript.
Nobody can answer that question without more information;
a) where is the javascript being executed
b) what exactly are you trying to achieve, define the problem statement in a bit more detail. There may be better approaches.
It is possible to do this, although depending upon your Javascript abilities, could be very frustrating. Check out this link: http://www.w3schools.com/dom/default.asp[^]
A server-side language is far easier to use for this sort of thing IMHO. PHP may be your best free option, just look for an XML class. Coldfusion has excellent XML support if you've got money to spend or already have a license for it.
After going through this example tutorial - http://papermashup.com/jquery-iphone-style-ajax-switch/[^], I am trying to create iphone style on/off switch and it seems to be working when i place it in content area of the individual page and load it but when i place it one of the master templates to load it whenever appropriate on the left side bar of the page - it doesn't display the switch button.
I think it's not calling a jquery/javascript that creates button?
<script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="jquery.iphone-switch.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="container">
<div class="left" id="1"></div>
<div id="ajax"></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function() {
function() {
switch_on_container_path: 'iphone_switch_container_off.png'
Any suggestions?
I'm not a habitual user of JavaScript, but I have a particular need for it right now, so maybe my problem is due to some fundamental misunderstanding of how JavaScript is supposed to work and my expectation that it'll work somewhat like the C# I'm familiar with. Anyway, I have a class (or object prototype or whatever the correct term in JavaScript is supposed to be) that looks something like this:
function MyClass() {
this.OnTimerStart = function() {
MyClass.prototype.StartTimer = function() {
if (this.OnTimerStart != null) {
Now when I use it, I create an object like so:
var myObj = new MyClass();
Now here's my problem, in the StartTimer function this.OnTimerStart returns undefined (so the != null comparison is always false and the function doesn't get called), but myObj.OnTimerStart is defined and can be executed (directly running myObj.OnTimerStart() works). So why doesn't the prototype method StartTimer seem to know what "this" is? At least in the case when a variable is a function (it doesn't seem to have a problem when a variable is just a string or an int for example). What am I not understanding here?
(Note: tested in IE8, I have other problems with Firefox at the moment which may or may not be related)
Edit: fixed typo in StartTimer
modified on Thursday, August 25, 2011 1:40 PM
Try replacing
MyClass.prototype.StartTimer() {
MyClass.prototype.StartTimer = function() {
Actually, that was a typo on my part when posting. I think the actual problem I'm having is more complicated that my simple example showed. The way StartTimer get called is from the callback to a jQuery getJSON:
MyClass.prototype.MyFunction = function () {
$.getJSON(this.url + "/MyFunction?callback=?", function (data) {
MyClass.prototype.ErrorChecker(data, function (data) {
ErrorChecker is a function I use to check for a particular returned value that indicates an error occurred with my web service which then calls the passed in function (i.e. StartTimer) if there is no error. I thought the problem might be because I did MyClass.prototype, but changing it for this.StartTimer() (and/or this.ErrorChecker) doesn't work either and causes an error within jQuery. I guess somewhere within the callback infrastructure you lose the identity of "this". I guess I could change so that both methods (ErrorChecker and StartTimer) accept an extra argument which I can pass "this" in to. I'll give it a try.
Try this:
MyClass.prototype.MyFunction = function () {
var instance = this;
$.getJSON(instance.url + "/MyFunction?callback=?", function (data) {
instance.ErrorChecker(data, function (data) {
Martin Fowler wrote: Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.
jQuery still chokes on it. Is there a difference between instance and this?
"this" is a keyword. "instance" is just what I named that variable. You could rename "instance" to "donkey" and it would act the same. What my changes are supposed to do are capture the value returned from "this" and store it in the "instance" variable so you can use it in nested functions where "this" changes. I'm not sure why it still chokes. Try replacing the line that chokes with alert("test") .
Martin Fowler wrote: Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.
I completely missed that part. I thought instance was some JavaScript keyword I didn't know about (it's been a long time since I last did any significant JavaScript). Just tried it and it seems to work now. Copying this to a local variable solves the problem.
Thank you very much. I've been banging my head on my desk all morning.
In addition to what Graham said, you don't need to put prototype functions in the constructor. You can do this instead:
function MyClass() {
this.OnTimerStart = function() {
MyClass.prototype.StartTimer = function() {
if (this.OnTimerStart) {
var instance = new MyClass();
Martin Fowler wrote: Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.
Is there a reason for doing it that way versus what I was doing? I can't help my strong desire to wrap a "class" in curly brackets (i.e. the C# way) which I think was why I naturally did it that way.
Your way, the function would be created each time the class constructor is called. My way, it is created once. Doing it your way would be in C# like creating a delegate rather than a function and reassigning the delegate each time the constructor is called. Basically, it's an unnecessary performance hit.
Martin Fowler wrote: Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.
I have a jquery dialog which loads another aspx page inside iframe.
I want dialog to resize as per the contents inside Iframe.
Tried setting
width:'auto' and autoResize: true
in the dialog constructor but no luck.
modified on Wednesday, August 24, 2011 9:25 AM
You will have to create some javascript yourself to build this. First you will have to attach an event to the onload of the iframe. In that onload function you will have to try to calculate the height of the contents and resize the jQuery dialog window. I built something similar a couple of months back, but it didn't work equally well in all scenario's.
var popup_div = document.createElement('div');
var popup_content = document.createElement('iframe');
var dialog = null;
jQuery(popup_content).css({ 'width': '100%', 'height': '100%', 'border': 'none', 'visibility': 'hidden' });
popup_content.src = url;
popup_content.name = name;
popup_div.id = 'bb-dialog';
jQuery(popup_content).bind('load', function () {
height = height == 'auto' ? jQuery(top.window.frames[name]).height() : height,
width = width == 'auto' ? jQuery(top.window.frames[name]).width() : width;
show: 'fade',
hide: 'fade',
title: title,
modal: true,
position: 'center',
width: width,
height: height,
closeOnEscape: false,
close: function () { this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); },
open: function () { jQuery(popup_content).css('visibility', 'visible'); },
buttons: button_set
Try it out and see if it works for you. Though you might have to tweak it a little bit.
I found and adapted an HTML script as shown below. It fits my needs perfectly. However, I don't know how to store the field-values of repeated lines in a javascript array that subsequently passes its contents on to a PHP-array that enables me to store the date in a MYSQL-database. I tried to fix something myself in de 3rd codeblock of de AddRow()function.
A second problem is: when de line is repeated I need to reset de field values to default. Does anybody have the knowledge that I so obviously do not have?
function AddRow ()
var o_id = document.getElementById ("id").cloneNode(true);
var label_id = document.getElementById ("label_id").cloneNode(true);
var o_item = document.getElementById ("item").cloneNode(true);
var o_subitem = document.getElementById ("subitem").cloneNode(true);
var label_opm = document.getElementById ("label_opm").cloneNode(true);
var o_opm = document.getElementById ('opm').cloneNode(true);
// reset field opm
o_item.name = 'item[]';
o_subitem.name = 'subitem[]';
o_opm.name = 'opm[]';
var o_button = document.createElement ("input");
o_button.type = "button";
o_button.value = "Remove";
o_button.onclick = RemoveRow;
var o_td_id = document.createElement ("td");
var o_td_item = document.createElement ("td");
var o_td_subitem = document.createElement ("td");
var o_td_opm = document.createElement ("td");
var o_td_button = document.createElement ("td");
var o_tr = document.createElement ("tr");
var o_body = document.getElementById ("dynamic_table_body");
o_td_id.appendChild (label_id);
o_td_id.appendChild (o_id);
o_td_item.appendChild (o_item);
o_td_subitem.appendChild (o_subitem);
o_td_opm.appendChild (label_opm);
o_td_opm.appendChild (o_opm);
o_td_button.appendChild (o_button);
o_tr.appendChild (o_td_id);
o_tr.appendChild (o_td_item);
o_tr.appendChild (o_td_subitem);
o_tr.appendChild (o_td_opm);
o_tr.appendChild (o_td_button);
o_body.appendChild (o_tr);
function RemoveRow ()
var dinosaur = this.parentNode.parentNode;
dinosaur.parentNode.removeChild (dinosaur); //
-- Choose Category --
Cat 1
Cat 2
Cat 3
-- Choose Sub Category --
Sub Cat 1
Sub Cat 2
Sub Cat 3
| Remarks
| Add OvD Item
I'd love to help, but I'm really not clear as to what you're asking here. Can you explain further?
Also, just a tip, put any code you must share inside of these tags: <pre></pre>
Do so by clicking the 'code' button above the message box. It makes your code a lot easier to read.
function AddRow ()
var o_id = document.getElementById ("id").cloneNode(true);
var label_id = document.getElementById ("label_id").cloneNode(true);
var o_item = document.getElementById ("item").cloneNode(true);
var o_subitem = document.getElementById ("subitem").cloneNode(true);
var label_opm = document.getElementById ("label_opm").cloneNode(true);
var o_opm = document.getElementById ('opm').cloneNode(true);
// reset field opm
o_item.name = 'item[]';
o_subitem.name = 'subitem[]';
o_opm.name = 'opm[]';
var o_button = document.createElement ("input");
o_button.type = "button";
o_button.value = "Remove";
o_button.onclick = RemoveRow;
var o_td_id = document.createElement ("td");
var o_td_item = document.createElement ("td");
var o_td_subitem = document.createElement ("td");
var o_td_opm = document.createElement ("td");
var o_td_button = document.createElement ("td");
var o_tr = document.createElement ("tr");
var o_body = document.getElementById ("dynamic_table_body");
o_td_id.appendChild (label_id);
o_td_id.appendChild (o_id);
o_td_item.appendChild (o_item);
o_td_subitem.appendChild (o_subitem);
o_td_opm.appendChild (label_opm);
o_td_opm.appendChild (o_opm);
o_td_button.appendChild (o_button);
o_tr.appendChild (o_td_id);
o_tr.appendChild (o_td_item);
o_tr.appendChild (o_td_subitem);
o_tr.appendChild (o_td_opm);
o_tr.appendChild (o_td_button);
o_body.appendChild (o_tr);
function RemoveRow ()
var dinosaur = this.parentNode.parentNode;
dinosaur.parentNode.removeChild (dinosaur); //
-- Choose Category --
Cat 1
Cat 2
Cat 3
-- Choose Sub Category --
Sub Cat 1
Sub Cat 2
Sub Cat 3
| Remarks
| Add OvD Item
i want to create dynamic progress bar with respect to time. it means the progress bar increase with high value and decrease with low value automatically...
How can I emulate validation groups on jQuery UI Modal dialogs on asp.net webforms? I am using multiple modals on my webform but can't get this to work.
Don't cross post. You have already asked this, and received responses, in the ASP.NET forum Read the forum guidelines please.
I know the language. I've read a book. - _Madmatt