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AnswerRe: What to write? Pin
Vagif Abilov25-Jan-03 6:16
professionalVagif Abilov25-Jan-03 6:16 
GeneralDateTimePicker Control Pin
Mr BallyDaHob25-Jan-03 3:33
Mr BallyDaHob25-Jan-03 3:33 
GeneralRe: DateTimePicker Control Pin
leppie25-Jan-03 4:43
leppie25-Jan-03 4:43 
GeneralRe: DateTimePicker Control Pin
Mr BallyDaHob25-Jan-03 5:39
Mr BallyDaHob25-Jan-03 5:39 
QuestionC# RegEx text parsing??? Pin
Kevin S.24-Jan-03 10:03
Kevin S.24-Jan-03 10:03 
QuestionTcpListener Hangs at 4096 bytes? Pin
Daniel Bright24-Jan-03 9:01
Daniel Bright24-Jan-03 9:01 
AnswerRe: TcpListener Hangs at 4096 bytes? Pin
Heath Stewart24-Jan-03 10:14
protectorHeath Stewart24-Jan-03 10:14 
AnswerRe: TcpListener Hangs at 4096 bytes? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.24-Jan-03 10:18
Stephane Rodriguez.24-Jan-03 10:18 
First of all, there no such limitation in the .NET Socket implementation : the actual code beinh Receive() is in fact a direct Winsock2 recv() function call, and it passes your buffer directly, not an intermediate buffer.

I can see an error in your code : in your loop, you are Accepting a new socket instance at each iteration. Confused | :confused: Usually, you accept a socket once, and then loop with Receive.
QuestionHow do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
MikeBeard24-Jan-03 8:48
MikeBeard24-Jan-03 8:48 
AnswerRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
Heath Stewart24-Jan-03 8:55
protectorHeath Stewart24-Jan-03 8:55 
GeneralRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
MikeBeard24-Jan-03 9:01
MikeBeard24-Jan-03 9:01 
GeneralRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
Heath Stewart24-Jan-03 10:11
protectorHeath Stewart24-Jan-03 10:11 
GeneralRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
MikeBeard24-Jan-03 10:46
MikeBeard24-Jan-03 10:46 
GeneralRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
Heath Stewart24-Jan-03 11:37
protectorHeath Stewart24-Jan-03 11:37 
GeneralRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
MikeBeard25-Jan-03 11:07
MikeBeard25-Jan-03 11:07 
GeneralRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
Heath Stewart25-Jan-03 11:12
protectorHeath Stewart25-Jan-03 11:12 
GeneralRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
MikeBeard27-Jan-03 3:44
MikeBeard27-Jan-03 3:44 
AnswerRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
MikeBeard24-Jan-03 11:25
MikeBeard24-Jan-03 11:25 
GeneralAdding File Type actions Pin
Waleed Zedan24-Jan-03 6:07
Waleed Zedan24-Jan-03 6:07 
Generalsilly gui question/request Pin
bertb24-Jan-03 3:50
bertb24-Jan-03 3:50 
QuestionWhat happens with events if computer is slow. Pin
Zinj24-Jan-03 2:24
sussZinj24-Jan-03 2:24 
AnswerRe: What happens with events if computer is slow. Pin
leppie24-Jan-03 6:16
leppie24-Jan-03 6:16 
GeneralRe: What happens with events if computer is slow. Pin
jinz25-Jan-03 11:40
jinz25-Jan-03 11:40 
GeneralRe: What happens with events if computer is slow. Pin
leppie25-Jan-03 20:30
leppie25-Jan-03 20:30 
GeneralThe mystical power C# Pin
gekoscan24-Jan-03 2:11
gekoscan24-Jan-03 2:11 

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