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GeneralRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
MikeBeard25-Jan-03 11:07
MikeBeard25-Jan-03 11:07 
GeneralRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
Heath Stewart25-Jan-03 11:12
protectorHeath Stewart25-Jan-03 11:12 
GeneralRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
MikeBeard27-Jan-03 3:44
MikeBeard27-Jan-03 3:44 
AnswerRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
MikeBeard24-Jan-03 11:25
MikeBeard24-Jan-03 11:25 
GeneralAdding File Type actions Pin
Waleed Zedan24-Jan-03 6:07
Waleed Zedan24-Jan-03 6:07 
Generalsilly gui question/request Pin
bertb24-Jan-03 3:50
bertb24-Jan-03 3:50 
QuestionWhat happens with events if computer is slow. Pin
Zinj24-Jan-03 2:24
sussZinj24-Jan-03 2:24 
AnswerRe: What happens with events if computer is slow. Pin
leppie24-Jan-03 6:16
leppie24-Jan-03 6:16 
Zinj wrote:
Lets say a timer ticks with 50Hz and the event handler does heavy computations that on P4 2GHz are done perfectly but if the program is run on a Celeron 266 and the computations are done slowlier that the timer ticks.

Timer runs in its own thread. Thus the timer will fire its event at the same interval whether on a P4 or a P1.

Zinj wrote:
Will it wait for the calculation to stop or it will be ignored and what is worse the program is going to crash.

Why not test it yourself....? I unfortunately dont have 2 PC's to try it on. Perhaps place a lock on some objects, and maybe do each calculation in it own thread, so it can finish on its own time.

One question: why are doing the calculations from a timer event?

Who is this miscrosoft, and what devilish plans have they for us?
GeneralRe: What happens with events if computer is slow. Pin
jinz25-Jan-03 11:40
jinz25-Jan-03 11:40 
GeneralRe: What happens with events if computer is slow. Pin
leppie25-Jan-03 20:30
leppie25-Jan-03 20:30 
GeneralThe mystical power C# Pin
gekoscan24-Jan-03 2:11
gekoscan24-Jan-03 2:11 
GeneralRe: The mystical power C# Pin
Mark Sanders24-Jan-03 3:38
Mark Sanders24-Jan-03 3:38 
GeneralFlicker Free is not the Key Pin
gekoscan24-Jan-03 3:58
gekoscan24-Jan-03 3:58 
GeneralRe: The mystical power C# Pin
Q&A27-Jan-03 23:16
Q&A27-Jan-03 23:16 
Generalreading header informations from avi files Pin
hlandler24-Jan-03 0:24
hlandler24-Jan-03 0:24 
GeneralQuery design UI in C# Pin
hnguyen23-Jan-03 19:24
hnguyen23-Jan-03 19:24 
GeneralRe: Query design UI in C# Pin
leppie24-Jan-03 6:32
leppie24-Jan-03 6:32 
GeneralRe: Query design UI in C# Pin
FruitBatInShades25-Jan-03 13:16
FruitBatInShades25-Jan-03 13:16 
QuestionHow to integrate FLEX with C#? Pin
anjana23-Jan-03 16:39
anjana23-Jan-03 16:39 
GeneralEXE header Pin
Anonymous23-Jan-03 15:23
Anonymous23-Jan-03 15:23 
GeneralRe: EXE header Pin
Heath Stewart23-Jan-03 18:18
protectorHeath Stewart23-Jan-03 18:18 
GeneralRe: EXE header Pin
plextoR24-Jan-03 0:42
plextoR24-Jan-03 0:42 
GeneralRe: EXE header Pin
Heath Stewart24-Jan-03 2:41
protectorHeath Stewart24-Jan-03 2:41 
GeneralC# with database Pin
hkl23-Jan-03 13:36
hkl23-Jan-03 13:36 
GeneralRe: C# with database Pin
Heath Stewart23-Jan-03 18:21
protectorHeath Stewart23-Jan-03 18:21 

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