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GeneralC# with database Pin
hkl23-Jan-03 13:36
hkl23-Jan-03 13:36 
GeneralRe: C# with database Pin
Heath Stewart23-Jan-03 18:21
protectorHeath Stewart23-Jan-03 18:21 
Generalhiding console in exe program Pin
jtmtv1823-Jan-03 12:16
jtmtv1823-Jan-03 12:16 
GeneralRe: hiding console in exe program Pin
Eric Anderton23-Jan-03 15:33
Eric Anderton23-Jan-03 15:33 
GeneralRe: hiding console in exe program Pin
jtmtv1823-Jan-03 15:53
jtmtv1823-Jan-03 15:53 
QuestionCasting from a collection Enumerator?? How ?? Pin
Dato23-Jan-03 12:01
Dato23-Jan-03 12:01 
AnswerRe: Casting from a collection Enumerator?? How ?? Pin
Heath Stewart24-Jan-03 8:57
protectorHeath Stewart24-Jan-03 8:57 
GeneralLicensing Pin
Patrick Lassalle23-Jan-03 6:22
Patrick Lassalle23-Jan-03 6:22 
I am facing some difficulties with the licensing scheme in .NET.
I have created a solution with 2 projects:
- a licensed windows form .NET control (written in C#)
- a small application hosting the control (written in VB)

Currently, I just try a basic licensing using the .NET LicFileLicenseProvider.

I am quite sure to have written the code as indicated in the .NET doc.

However it does not work. The license exception is raised except is the license file is placed in the application exe directory. It seems that no license key has been embed in the .exe.

Does anybody has faced such a problem? How to solve it? (I use .NET v1)

GeneralRe: Licensing Pin
Roger Alsing23-Jan-03 20:51
Roger Alsing23-Jan-03 20:51 
GeneralRe: Licensing Pin
Patrick Lassalle24-Jan-03 7:55
Patrick Lassalle24-Jan-03 7:55 
GeneralRe: Licensing -- Decompilers - Another Problem Pin
T Jenniges28-Jan-03 13:17
T Jenniges28-Jan-03 13:17 
GeneralRe: Licensing -- Decompilers - Another Problem Pin
Patrick Lassalle28-Jan-03 13:23
Patrick Lassalle28-Jan-03 13:23 
GeneralRe: Licensing -- Decompilers - Another Problem Pin
T Jenniges28-Jan-03 13:28
T Jenniges28-Jan-03 13:28 
GeneralProblems with assemblies Pin
the_grip23-Jan-03 5:02
the_grip23-Jan-03 5:02 
GeneralRe: Problems with assemblies Pin
leppie23-Jan-03 6:04
leppie23-Jan-03 6:04 
GeneralRe: Problems with assemblies Pin
the_grip23-Jan-03 6:10
the_grip23-Jan-03 6:10 
GeneralRe: Problems with assemblies Pin
leppie23-Jan-03 6:23
leppie23-Jan-03 6:23 
GeneralRe: Problems with assemblies Pin
the_grip23-Jan-03 8:56
the_grip23-Jan-03 8:56 
GeneralRe: Problems with assemblies Pin
leppie23-Jan-03 9:32
leppie23-Jan-03 9:32 
GeneralRelease mode Vs Debug mode Pin
BigAndy23-Jan-03 2:21
BigAndy23-Jan-03 2:21 
GeneralRe: Release mode Vs Debug mode Pin
TigerNinja_23-Jan-03 3:23
TigerNinja_23-Jan-03 3:23 
GeneralRe: Release mode Vs Debug mode Pin
Heath Stewart23-Jan-03 18:24
protectorHeath Stewart23-Jan-03 18:24 
GeneralStruct and pointers Pin
PeterJensen23-Jan-03 1:14
PeterJensen23-Jan-03 1:14 
GeneralRe: Struct and pointers Pin
Philip Fitzsimons23-Jan-03 2:49
Philip Fitzsimons23-Jan-03 2:49 
GeneralRe: Struct and pointers Pin
PeterJensen23-Jan-03 3:00
PeterJensen23-Jan-03 3:00 

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