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AnswerRe: assertion failure Pin
Stefan_Lang8-Jul-11 0:19
Stefan_Lang8-Jul-11 0:19 
GeneralRe: assertion failure and "user break point called from code at 0x7c90120e" Pin
mrby1238-Jul-11 7:17
mrby1238-Jul-11 7:17 
GeneralRe: assertion failure and "user break point called from code at 0x7c90120e" Pin
Stefan_Lang10-Jul-11 22:33
Stefan_Lang10-Jul-11 22:33 
QuestionCan I create another CMutex object when a named CMutex object being locked? Pin
Jun Du7-Jul-11 9:29
Jun Du7-Jul-11 9:29 
AnswerRe: Can I create another CMutex object when a named CMutex object being locked? Pin
CPallini7-Jul-11 10:36
mveCPallini7-Jul-11 10:36 
GeneralRe: Can I create another CMutex object when a named CMutex object being locked? Pin
Jun Du7-Jul-11 13:09
Jun Du7-Jul-11 13:09 
AnswerRe: Can I create another CMutex object when a named CMutex object being locked? Pin
Albert Holguin7-Jul-11 13:48
professionalAlbert Holguin7-Jul-11 13:48 
GeneralRe: Can I create another CMutex object when a named CMutex object being locked? Pin
CPallini7-Jul-11 21:26
mveCPallini7-Jul-11 21:26 
Yes you may contruct the MFC object anyway, but you HAVE to call GetLastError (as Albert Holguin already noted) to see what really happened.

Jun Du wrote:
I don't know how CMutex behaves exactly, as we don't have its source.
Is by chance your Visual Studio installation broken? Do you know MFC comes with source code, don't you?

As you are using MFC synchronization objects the following Newcomer's article is a worthy reading: "Avoid CMutex, CEvent, CSemaphore and CCrticalSection"[^].
If the Lord God Almighty had consulted me before embarking upon the Creation, I would have recommended something simpler.
-- Alfonso the Wise, 13th Century King of Castile.

This is going on my arrogant assumptions. You may have a superb reason why I'm completely wrong.
-- Iain Clarke

[My articles]

GeneralRe: Can I create another CMutex object when a named CMutex object being locked? Pin
ThatsAlok7-Jul-11 21:33
ThatsAlok7-Jul-11 21:33 
QuestionCComboBox in a Modeless Dialog Pin
softwaremonkey7-Jul-11 8:08
softwaremonkey7-Jul-11 8:08 
QuestionRe: CComboBox in a Modeless Dialog Pin
Maximilien7-Jul-11 8:20
Maximilien7-Jul-11 8:20 
AnswerRe: CComboBox in a Modeless Dialog Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Jul-11 9:22
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Jul-11 9:22 
GeneralRe: CComboBox in a Modeless Dialog Pin
softwaremonkey7-Jul-11 10:59
softwaremonkey7-Jul-11 10:59 
AnswerRe: CComboBox in a Modeless Dialog Pin
Albert Holguin7-Jul-11 11:00
professionalAlbert Holguin7-Jul-11 11:00 
QuestionPure virtual base class question Pin
Erudite_Eric6-Jul-11 22:56
Erudite_Eric6-Jul-11 22:56 
AnswerRe: Pure virtual base class question Pin
వేంకటనారాయణ(venkatmakam)6-Jul-11 23:23
వేంకటనారాయణ(venkatmakam)6-Jul-11 23:23 
GeneralRe: Pure virtual base class question Pin
Erudite_Eric7-Jul-11 0:31
Erudite_Eric7-Jul-11 0:31 
GeneralRe: Pure virtual base class question Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Jul-11 1:36
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Jul-11 1:36 
GeneralRe: Pure virtual base class question Pin
Erudite_Eric7-Jul-11 22:28
Erudite_Eric7-Jul-11 22:28 
GeneralRe: Pure virtual base class question Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Jul-11 23:02
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Jul-11 23:02 
GeneralRe: Pure virtual base class question Pin
Niklas L7-Jul-11 8:54
Niklas L7-Jul-11 8:54 
AnswerRe: Pure virtual base class question Pin
CPallini7-Jul-11 2:52
mveCPallini7-Jul-11 2:52 
GeneralRe: Pure virtual base class question Pin
Erudite_Eric7-Jul-11 22:31
Erudite_Eric7-Jul-11 22:31 
QuestionRe: Pure virtual base class question Pin
Maximilien7-Jul-11 3:10
Maximilien7-Jul-11 3:10 
AnswerRe: Pure virtual base class question Pin
CPallini7-Jul-11 3:14
mveCPallini7-Jul-11 3:14 

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